Daniel Ryan

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David Hale pulls into the TM parking lot, looking for Hannah. He knows Unser went to see her at the hospital, but he's never met her. Walking into the office, he sees Gemma doing paper work. " I need to speak with Hannah Ryan, where is she?" Gemma smirks." Well, good morning to you, too. She's in the clubhouse cleaning the kitchen. I'll walk with you. What's going on?" Hale steps aside to let Gemma walk out the door. "Just want to bring her down to the station, have a few questions." Gemma looks at," Why can't you just talk to her here ?" Hale shakes his head," I don't need to tell you that. I just need her to come with me. Now." Gemma is pissed, but walks into the clubhouse yelling for Hannah. She's behind the bar, serving Bobby coffee. " Yea Gem?" " You need to go down to the station. Hale is here and he says they located your stepdad." Hannah's eyes widen." Why can't he just talk to me here?" Gemma shrugs and says " I don't know baby, but we are here if you need us." Hannah turns to Bobby and says " Can you keep an eye on Gracie please?" He nods, poking Gracie in the side making her giggle. Hannah grabs her bag and walks out with Gemma.

Hale walks up to Hannah to introduce himself. "Hannah, I'm David Hale, I need you to come with me. We located your step father and we just have a few questions we need you to answer." " Am I under arrest or something?" " No, so please, let's get this done." He opens the door for her to slide into the back seat. The guys come out of the garage, as Clay walks up to Gemma. " Where is he taking her?" Gemma says " Down to the station, claims they located her stepdad. He wouldn't say much more, but something is off." Clay turns to Half Sac, " Go down and wait for her. Anything happens, you call us." Half nods and leaves in Gemma's Escalade. The guys go back to working into the garage, when Unser pulls in, Clay And Jax come out to meet him as he gets out of the squad car. " Where is the little girl, Gracie ?" " In the clubhouse with Bobby, and Hale took Hannah. I want to know what's going on." Unser scratches his head." We found Daniel Ryan. Deceased, knife wound to his chest in his basement. While we are not arresting Hannah, she is a suspect in his possible murder. We are doing an autopsy now." Clay shakes his head," Shit, haven't you seen her injuries ? If she did do it, probably justifiable." Unser says," Look, I saw her medical report while she was in the hospital. I'm not jumping to conclusions, but I still have a job to do. I need Gracie to come with me. I have a social worker from CPS who needs to speak with her. " Jax interrupts" She is barely 5 years old. Why would they want to talk to her ?" Unser holds his hand up, " Just doing my job. I'll keep you informed, but I need her now, please. "

Hannah follows Hale into the station, as he guides her into an office. She notices a tall, thin blonde woman with her back to Hannah, looking at a file. Hale closes the door, as Hannah stands there. The blonde turns around, " ATF Agent June Stahl. I take it you are Hannah Ryan? Please, have a seat." Hannah slowly sits down as Stahl throws a file in front of her. " We found Daniel Ryan. Care to tell me what happened ?" Hannah shakes her head, " No I don't because I don't know what ATF would want to know about anything. Isn't this a little below your paid grade?" Stahl smirks. " Smart cookie. Don't you want to see what's in the file?" Hannah just glares at her, not moving. Stahl sits and opens the file, pulling photos out. " Now, we found Daniel in the basement a few days ago, a knife in his chest. Since you are the last one to see him alive, and fought with him as both his and your injuries show, we can only assume you did this. As of right now, yes you are only a suspect, not under arrest, yet, as we are still processing the scene, but I did find another file you may be interested."

Stahl opens the desk drawer and throws another folder in front of Hannah. Hannah holds it a moment, before opening it. She thumbs through the photos and papers before shoving it back towards Stahl. " Why do you have this? This is ancient history and I'd like to keep it that way." Stahl smiles," Oh but it's not. See, we know the little biker family that adopted you and Gracie is working with the IRA, selling illegal guns. So, you are going to be our little informant. I want information on that, in return all of this plus step daddy's murder goes away." Hannah's jaw drops." Are you kidding me? I didn't do anything. We buried this history, and if you paint me as a rat, you'll get both Gracie and I killed. What is wrong with you?" Stahl pushes the photos of Daniel towards Hannah. " That is my deal. We already have someone facing child trafficking charges setting up to be a second informant. They will be in town soon, and with their information as well as your own, we should be able to go after the Sons." Hannah sits quietly, after a short pause," And if I refuse?" " I will not only charge you with murder, this file will go public, and Gracie will be taken by CPS. You will never see her again." Hannah is speechless, her jaw clenched as anger builds up inside of her.

The door swings open, as Unser walks in, looking at Stahl. " Why are you in my office ?" Stahl stands, collects the files and says " Think about it Hannah. I'll be in touch." With that, she smirks at Unser and walks out. Unser walks over to Hannah, putting his hand on her shoulder. Hannah jerks away from him," Is that why Hale brought me down here? To set me up? " Unser looks stunned. " I didn't know what happened. Hale and Stahl are trying to keep me out of the loop. We have Gracie in the back room, eating ice cream with a social worker. She can leave with you. Kip is outside in Gemma's suv. " Hannah doesn't say anything, just gets up and walks out the door. She sees Hale and Stahl in the corner, whispering and glancing at her, Stahl putting one file in a bag. Gracie runs down past the desks, straight to her big sister. " Sissy, I ate ice cream. " Picking her up, even though her shoulder is still store, Hannah adjusts Gracie on her hip, kissing her cheek. " Ok baby, we will talk in a little bit. " She walks out the door, scanning the parking lot for Gemma's Escalade.

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