Road Rash

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"He threw me on the bed.....and he raped me. I was a virgin, not even 15 yet. When he was done, he stood up and told Dan, who was in the hallway the whole time, that part of his debt was paid. Dan told me to shower as he stripped my sheets and threw them away. I knew asking him about it was useless, so I kept it inside. Few months later, I threw up and thought it was the stomach bug. But when I realized other pregnancy symptoms I learned in health class, I took a test and it came out positive. I kept it from him, until I was about 5 months along. He hit the roof, and threatened to give her up for adoption. Also took me out of school and claimed he would let me finish at home, but never did. "

Jax says " Ok, so what happened after that ? We had Juice do a background check on you, and Dan, nothing came up past the last few years." Turning towards Juice, Hannah says " Can you look at a file named Jersey please." Turning back to the crowd, she continues," I had Gracie and Dan threatened to take her from me. I told him I'll get child protective services involved, leave, and he will lose the income from my mom's life insurance because it was in my name though he was collecting it, claiming it's to take care of me. He let me keep her, and he decided to detox. Things were ok for a while, until she was about 2. He relapsed again and ran a debt up with his dealer, Gracie's father, Jeremiah. One night, I was home with her and the police came to the house. Dan was arrested for armed robbery along with Jeremiah , which someone was killed during it. Long story short, Dan rolled over on Jeremiah in exchange for witpro, which meant Gracie and I as well, and we ended up here in Charming. My name is Hannah, but my real last name is Wells. When we got here, I had Gracie called me Sissy to make it look like I was her big sister. And today when Mike grabbed her, she called me Mommy."

Piney stands up, " She needs a break. She's been through enough." He hugs Hannah, who whispers in his ear "Thanks," before walking down the hall to the bedroom where Gracie is napping in bed. She climbs in and lays behind Gracie, holding her. No one says a word, a few guys get up to go out onto the porch to smoke. Opie shows up, explaining Ellie got hurt and he was in the ER all morning but she is fine. He stares at Mike's body," Hannah shot him, but we will fill you in brother." Bobby informs him. Opie jokes, " Remind me not to piss her off." Jax calls the guys back in as Juice comes out from the kitchen. " What she said is true. I skimmed her jersey file, here's a hospital photo of her holding Gracie," shows the screen to everyone," And he was going to sell her. He just needed to do it within a certain time frame and some how found out she was here." Happy is pissed," How did he know where they were?" Piney chimes in," He must've overheard Chibs and I talking. How was I supposed to know?"

Juice continues " That's not all. Mike is the informant for Stahl. There's files here of him recording church meetings. Who knows how much Stahl has, but makes sense since it seems ATF was getting closer." Clay shakes his head, " We dropped our prepaids in the basket at the bar. How could he get recordings?" Hannah comes out the kitchen, where Chibs is getting another ice pack so she can get a drink of water, while Opie and Tig check Mike's body for a wire. " No wire on him." Jax turns to Juice," When was the last recording for Stahl?" Juice taps a few keys," A week ago. Same day they raided the clubhouse. He wasn't there though. He said he was in the hospital, getting a new cast on his arm and his road rash checked." That got Hannah's attention, " I'm sorry, I don't mean to be nosy, but Mike doesn't have any road rash that I could see." Chibs finally speaks up, angry," How'd ya know? Did you bang him after ya did Hap, Koz, and me, ya gash!" Hannah is shocked, and without thinking, punches his jaw as hard as she could. Opie grabs her as Tig holds Chibs back.

Hannah tries to pull out of Opie's grip to go after Chibs, but Opie's grip is too strong. " You Scottish prick. You are the only Son I've slept with. I haven't been with anyone since I was raped. " Opie carries her out to the porch and sits her down in the chair. Jax comes out after them, " Tell me how you know about Mike, please." Hannah looks up at him, " When I helped him to bed a few nights ago, I had him take off some of his clothes so he would at least be comfortable. His body looked fine to me. " Jax walks over to Mike's body and cuts off his pants and shirt. No road rash. Tara comes out in the porch to see the commotion. " Hey Jax, cut that cast off his arm. It looks funny to me." Jax does and a small recording device falls out of the cast. " Holy Shit." He picks up it up," It doesn't look like it's on, but I'll have Juice check it out. Everyone back inside, and you,"he points at Hannah," stay away from Chibs for now. " Hannah scoffs," Dont have to worry bout that, he's an asshole."

Once they were back in the living room, Hannah heads back down to the bedroom, not even looking at Chibs. Juice checks out the recording device, " No it's not on. But I'll download what else is on here and then I'll destroy it." Bobby turns to Clay" This is bad, brother. What do we do with Mike?" Clay says," We will discuss this later. For now, strip his body and bury him in the backyard," turning to Gemma," Take the girls and Abel back to the clubhouse. The guys and I need to talk." Gemma nods, and heads down to the bedroom. After they get their stuff together, Opie carries a sleeping Gracie in his arms, and they follow Gemma back out to the living room. Clay stops Hannah," Where did you get the gun?" " I told her where it was.." Piney claims. "But who taught you to shoot like that ? Two shots, one to his forehead and one into his chest. You dropped him instantly." Hannah looks around the room, until her eyes meet with a certain Son, who smirks and puffs up his chest with pride. She nods towards him,"He did."

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