A Familiar Face

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After finishing lunch and grabbing some donuts, Chibs is heading back to Charming with a happy Gracie, who's chatting away in the back seat. After parking his car and letting her out, he noticed his phone is vibrating with a call from Tara. "You need to get to the hospital, I'm on my way back there now." She doesn't give him time to answer before she hangs up. Picking Gracie and swinging her around, she squeals as he tells her, "Plans have change' baby. We godda go." Gracie is chatting away again in the back seat, but Chibs cannot shake the sick feeling in his stomach. He starts to over think, his mind racing. What if Hannah didn't make it? Who would take care of Gracie? Would he loses both of them? "Daddy, where we going?" Gracie's voice brings him back to reality. "To check on ya mum." he says, quietly.

Knowing Gracie's little legs wouldn't be able to keep up with his long strides, Chibs just carries her into St. Thomas. Heading straight to Hannah's room, he barrels in, almost knocking over Bobby and he freezes. Hannah is wide awake, sitting up and bed, a small smile on her face as she reaches out her arms towards them. "My babies." She croaks, her smiles getting bigger as Chibs puts Gracie down but he stands in place. "MOMMY." Gracie jumps into Hannah's arms, as Hannah hugs her tightly. Noticing Chibs standing still and hesitating to move, Hannah smiles and reaches her hand out to him. Bobby turns to the rest of the crowd and says "Let's give them a minute." Hannah kisses Gracie's forehead, and tells her to go out with Happy so she can talk to Chibs. Gracie jumps off the bed and into Happy's arms as everyone heads down to the waiting room. Chibs finally moves towards the side of the bed and sits down. Hannah reaches her hand out, touching his cheek, giving him a small nod. Seeing her awake and still feeling guilty, it's more than he can bear, so he buries his face in her lap and starts to cry. She runs her fingers through his hair, rubbing his back but not saying anything. Feeling his shoulders shake from sobbing, she pulls at his arm, "Come here." He slides off the seat and sits next to her on the bed.

He looks at her arms then up to her face, which the bruises were still noticeable but fading, some hidden by the bandages over her forehead from the head wound she got when she hit her head on the coffee table. She cups his face, running her thumbs over his cheek scars then takes off his sunglasses. His eyes are swollen, and she wipes away a new tear. "I'm sorry," is all he can mumble, before looking down. She doesn't say anything, just continues to look at his face, still rubbing his cheeks with her thumbs. She doesn't want to talk, they can later. Pulling his face closer to hers, he pulls back gently, and starts to say something, but she stops him by putting her thumb on his lips. "Not now," she whispers and pulls him in for a kiss. He's still hesitating, but relaxes a little and kisses her back, careful not to put any weight on her. When she pulls away slightly, she holds him close still, their foreheads touching. "I love you, Hannah," he says quietly. She smiles, "I love you too, Filip."

"Do you remember anything?" Jax asks Hannah, as she waits for the nurse to flush her IV. Hannah is staring down at the blanket on her lap, trying to jog her memory. "I need to see him." She replied. "NO." Happy barks from the other side of the bed. The nurse jumps at the sound of his voice, she turns to Hannah, "All done. I'll be back soon. Do you need anything?" Hannah thinks for a minute, then asks for some soup and crackers. The nurse nods and quickly leaves the room. Hannah frowns at Happy, "You scared her, be nice. And I didn't mean in person. Is he dead?" Happy growls, "Not yet. But Juice has the video of the attack." Juice hands the tablet to Hannah, which Happy snatches from her hand, "She doesn't need to see it." He snaps at Juice, gritting his teeth. Juice holds his hands up and takes a step back. Hannah sighs, getting irritated with Happy, and holds her hand out. "Stop being over protective, Hap. I need to know what happened." She explains, glaring at him. After a staring match for nearly a minute, Jax gets impatient, "Hap, give her the damn thing." Hannah just glared at him, and takes it out of his hand.

Pushing play, her face unreadable, Hannah watches the video as the room is quiet. Pausing the video to see the man's face, she sets the tablet on the table and closes her eyes. "The night Chibs picked me up from class, and we went to the gas station, the guy near me. That's who it is." Jax and Chibs looked confused, "The guy you were talking to before I paid for your stuff ?" Jax asks. Hannah shakes her head, "No, the one in front of me who started shit with the cashier. He ran down the aisle and stopped when you two and the cashier cornered him." Chibs looks more confused, "But hows he know wher' ya live, love?" Hannah pauses to collect her thoughts, "It must've been a distraction. The guy behind me, Nate, and this guy must know each other. They probably set the scene, so Nate could ask my name and see my face.....but I only told him Hannah. I'm sorry, I was just being friendly." Clay speaks up, " Well, it's a start. Alright, Hap, go wake up this asshole and get him talking, we need to find this Nate. Bobby and Tig, go with him. Chibs, Jax, Juice, lets go back to the clubhouse. Half sac, I want you to stay here, only medical staff in and out and I want names, no visitors except us. If Gracie can't stay, she can come home with Gemma."

There's a knock on the door, and Tara walks in with Dr.Nichols. Gemma and all the Sons leave except Chibs. "Hannah, the good news is your vitals are stable and your head CT scan is clear, I do want you to stay another night for observation. I need to go, but i am on call, so if you need anything just let the nurse know and they will get ahold of me. Dr. Knowles needs to talk to you now." After he leaves, Tara looks at Chibs who gives her a slight nod. Hannah is confused as to why Tara needs to talk to her because she is a pediatric surgeon. Chibs turns to Hannah and says "I got this, love. No one hurts mah babies. I love all three of ya." Hannah's eye brows raise, " What? Kerrianne is here ? We get to meet her?" "No she's not. Why-" Chibs stops himself, realizing that Hannah doesn't know why Tara wants to talk to her. Tara opens up Hannah's medical chart, and hands her an ultrasound photo.Hannah holds it, then reality hits her as she sees her name in the top left corner. "I'm here because you are about 7 weeks pregnant. Did you know?" Hannah is in shock, just staring at the photo, not saying a word. Tara continues " We started you on prenatal vitamins in your IV while you were sedated, and I can write you a script for oral ones, plus I brought you in a week's worth until you can get them filled at the pharmacy. I also want to give you another ultrasound before you are discharged tomorrow." Hannah is still in shock, even as Chibs smiles and kisses her forehead. Hannah looks up at Tara, then at Chibs, and does something that shocks both of them. She burst into tears.

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