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After dinner, Gemma takes a Gracie home with her so Hannah can help at Cara Cara setting up the office. She has told everyone she doesn't want Gracie around the porn studio if possible, but if they ever need to bring her over to let Hannah know before hand so Gracie doesn't see anything. Hanging up curtains to cover the windows that look out to the studio, Happy comes in with Opie to help set up the book shelves she bought. "Why did you hang up curtains? I could watch this view all day." Opie joked. Happy chuckles as Hannah makes a face, " Ew, no thanks. Besides, I'm already insecure enough. Don't need to see someone like Ima walking around naked to reassure me that  I'm just meh." "That's enough of that, little girl. I don't want to hear you talk about yourself like that anymore." Happy scolded, staring down at her. Hannah just squeaks out "Ok." If anyone acts like her big brother the most, it's definitely Happy. After a few hours of organizing her office, setting up a coffee bar for everyone, and Juice helping her with the computer, Hannah realizes how tired she is again. Guess the nap didn't help much. She remembered she left her backpack in Tig's dorm room, so she heads over to the clubhouse. Tig is out at the pool table with some of the Sons, so Hannah just goes to get her stuff, realizing she has Chib's charging cord in her bag.Walking down to his door, she takes a deep breath and knocks.

Getting nervous and ready to walk away, he opens the door before she can."Yea?" He's shirtless, his hair is wet and he's wearing pajama pants. She murmured "Here's your charger. I thought you would need it." Handing it to him he just nods. There's a small awkward pause between them, before she figures now or never. " I love you." His eyes grow wide as she holds her hand up, " No, let me finish. I don't know what your problem is anymore. You've been acting funny since the whole Mike incident, and you know Kozik is a great guy, and he doesn't have any kids or ex wives with crazy husbands who probably want me to dead, and he's cute and he likes me," Chibs rolls his eyes but she rambles on, "But i didn't pursue him because I love you, and I've tried so hard not to say it, to just ignore it but I can't anymore. I can't think of anyone but you,  but you ignoring me breaks my heart," her voice cracking,"Especially when Gracie asks for you, and you are not there to tuck her in at bedtime like you used to. Sometimes I can't breathe because I'm hurting so badly. So if you don't feel the same, atleast have the decency to say it to my face. Because I can't handle this heartbreak anymore. And because I'd rather be told the truth instead of being ignored." He just stares at her, and before she can say another word, Brandy comes out from behind him, clapping her hands. "That was a very touching speech, Doll." Hannah's mouth drops, walking backwards, she gulps "I just made a complete fool of myself." She runs through the clubhouse and out the door. The Morrow's home is a few miles away, but maybe the fresh air will do her good. Even though Juice is calling her phone repeatedly, she shuts it off. She needs alone time.

Finally reaching the Morrow's doorstep, she walks into the back door with Clay and Gemma sitting at the table, Clay visibly pissed. " Look, I don't know why you are walking in the dark alone, but we have too many enemies for you to be doing that. What happened?" Hannah looks down at the floor," I needed some air. Sorry, I won't do it again. " Before Gemma can get up out of her chair, Hannah walks out of the kitchen and down the hall. She pulls out her laptop and checks her emails. Packing a bag for her and one for Gracie, she wakes up Gracie and gets her dressed. Gracie is grumpy from being woken up, but falls back to sleep in a Hannah's arms. Coming back out to the kitchen, both Gemma and Clay look at her, puzzled. Bobby comes in through the back door, looking at Hannah with the same puzzled look. "Can you give me a ride to the airport Gemma, please?" Hannah asks, shifting Gracie in her arms. "Where are you going ? " Gemma demands. "I'll explain on the way, please, can we just leave ? I can't..."She places a hand over her mouth as tears stream down her cheeks. Gemma grabs her purse and keys as Bobby takes Hannah's bag and follows them out to Gemma's suv.

"I'm so sorry baby. I don't know what he's thinking." Gemma says, sympathetically. "I did what people told me to do. I told him how I felt, well rambled like I normally do, and Brandy comes out. I'm not competing with her, but I can't be ignored anymore." Squeezing her eyes shut and pinching her nose to stop the tears, she continues, " I just need some space. Need to think. I'll call you when I land." Gemma nods. They make it to the security gate, and while hugging her and Gracie, Gemma says " You need anything, just call. Take your time." Hannah gives a small smile " Thanks, Gem. Come on Gracie, we are going on a trip." Gracie squeals " YAY!" Gathering her bags, she waves to Gemma and walks up to the counter to give her ID and plane ticket. Maybe some distance is what she needs. Or maybe she will find out if Charming should be a thing of the past.

Gemma is barely into her kitchen before the door opens and Chibs bursts in,"Wher' is she, ma?" Gemma sets her stuff on the counter, "She's gone. Took Gracie with her. I dropped them off at the airport.", "No, she can't jus' leave. Pleas' go get dem." Chibs pleaded. Bobby stands to comfort him, " I'm sorry brother. We couldn't stop her." Chibs plops down in the chair, putting his face in his hands, "Chan urrainn dhi a bhith air falbh. Tha feum agam oirre." Gemma is pissed, " Not sure what you did, but you are an idiot. I'm going to bed, lock up when you're done." She walks out of the kitchen as Bobby turns back to Chibs, " Maybe we can have Juice check on her phone. At least see where she is going so we can have the closest charter check on her." Chibs doesn't look at him, just puts his head down on the table, "Aye."

chan urrainn dhi a bhith air falbh- she cant be gone
tha feum agam oirre- I need her.

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