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"Oh wow, you look like me." Gemma gushes as she comes into the office and hugs Hannah. "I want to know all about your trip. I brought lunch." Hannah smiles as she takes the bags of take out from Gemma's hands. " It was interesting, to say the least." After telling Gemma about her trip, and feeding Abel his bottle before Gemma has to leave, Hannah packs up her bag to close up the office. " I want to have a welcome back party, plus with it being your 20th birthday on Wednesday, we should celebrate." Gemma suggested. "Maybe next Friday night, I have a lot to catch up on this week," Hannah chuckles., "Oh, and I have an appointment to see an apartment this evening." Gemma nods, "I want you to take a patch with you, I'll ask Happy." Walking with her and Abel out to the parking lot, Hannah climbs into Gemma's suv. They pick up Gracie, and head back to the Morrow's. After dinner, Gemma drops them off at one of Matt's rentals with Happy already there, sitting outside on his bike. He doesn't say anything, but doesn't need to. His face says it all.

"Yea, I think this would work well. When can I move in?" Hannah asks Matt, while looking through the kitchen cabinets. "Tomorrow if you want. It's ready to go. Already have the lease in my car and we can work on the financial part later." Hannah walks out of the kitchen, looking at Happy who is glaring at an uneasy Matt. "Ok, great. I can write you a check, and I'll sign tonight." Happy is still glaring at Matt as he goes outside to his car. Gracie runs out of her new bedroom and up to Happy, who picks her up and swings her over his shoulder. She squeals and hugs his neck as he tickles her. Adjusting her on his hip, he turns to Hannah with a stern look, " Are you sure you don't want to stay at the Morrow's longer, little girl? Think this is a lot, new job, new look, new place,"Happy looks her up and down, "New tattoo." He growled. Hannah puts her hands on her hips, challenging him," You are being too over protective. I need to be more independent, and I told you that was a last minute thing. Besides, I want you to add more details to my tattoo, please." Happy just glares back at her, " I want a spare key."

After signing the paperwork, writing Matt a check, and taking the keys, Hannah makes a list of what she needs. Most of the stuff is in storage and ready to go, but she needs furniture. Gemma is always up for a shopping trip, so the next day she takes Hannah to different places, and she picks out simple pieces. Her bedroom is big enough to place a desk in the corner in case she needs to work from home, and some of the Sons help her move into her new place. Half sac picks up pizza and beer, and they help her put her furniture together as she sets up Gracie's bedroom. Chibs and Opie are out on a run, but Chibs did send a box of stuff over for Gracie. A book shelf for her books and toys, a Princess bed set, pictures for the walls, curtains, and her name in pink and purple letters for the wall. Hannah texted Chibs Thanks for Gracie's stuff , you didn't have to buy all that he texts back you are welcome but I want to help my daughter, btw we should talk. Hannah hesitates at his words, then replies She misses her daddy, and we are free Friday night if you want to come over, I'll make stuffed peppers, say 7pm, Chibs texted back ok and that was the last she heard from him for the rest of the night.

Between working and finishing up the new place, she doesn't notice the week flew by. Happy has been over every night, sometimes sleeping on the sofa. He even had Juice install security cameras in each room as well as one at both the front and back doors. Hannah thinks he's being too protective, but deep down she likes having someone there. Gracie loves her new bedroom, and loved helping putting up her decorations. Donna gave her a small table and chairs with some toys Ellie and Kenny no longer played with. While eating dinner the one night, Hannah tells Happy " I want to get a car. Think we could go next week ?" Happy is stuffing his face as if he never eaten before, grumbled "What is wrong with prospect giving you rides, little girl?" Setting her fork down, she sighs, " What if I don't want him to drive me around anymore? What if I want to come and go as I please ?" Happy snapped back, " Come and go to Florida ? Or will it be Jersey this time?" Hannah is shocked, then gets frustrated, " No, I'm not leaving again any time soon, but I need to grow up sometime, you can't be so overprotective, Hap." Since he is finished eating, he stands to put his dishes in the sink, muttering " I wouldn't have to be if he would step up." "What?" Hannah is caught off guard but Happy ignored her and goes into the living room to play with Gracie.

It's Friday and Hannah is at the store, food shopping with Tig, who is flirting with her relentlessly. She knows how he is so it doesn't bother her. After getting back home from picking up Gracie and unloading the groceries, she browns the meat and makes the stuffed peppers to cook in the crock pot. She feeds Gracie, gives her a bath, and sits on the couch with her to watch a movie. Gracie falls asleep as Hannah checks her phone, it's going on 8:30pm, and not a word from Chibs. Hannah texts him Did you forget about tonight? Less than a minute later, he texts back No, it's only 8:30. Hannah grits her teeth Are you kidding me? I said 7pm. She's getting irritated. Sorry, I didn't read it right. Be right over Chibs replied. Hannah was about to tell him don't bother when Gracie woke up. "Do you think daddy can come tuck me in?" Hannah gets upset but smiles, " Yea baby, I'll wake you when he gets here." Gracie falls back to sleep.

About 15 minutes later, Chibs is walking through the door, pissed. "You nee' ta lock the door." Hannah gets defensive, " Well hello to you too, jerkoff. Gracie has been waiting for you." Chibs glared at her, but his face softens when as he leans down to scoop up Gracie off the sofa. She is knocked out, and he gently takes her down to her bedroom to tuck her in. Hannah shuts off the tv and heads into the kitchen to check on the peppers. Chibs walks back out, not even bothering to sit down. Hannah starts the conversation, " Well, what do you want to talk about?" Chibs crosses his arms and leans against the counter, demanding " Why di' ya leave?" She starts setting the table, " Because I made a fool of myself, and you just stood there, oh and Brandy came out of you dorm room, so how do you think I felt?" Chibs snapped " I dinnae do anythin' with dat gash. Why did ya come back ?" Slamming the cup down on the table she looks at him, " I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have. You didn't seem to bother with me before I told you how I felt. Why bother now ? You think I'm going to wait around forever? Don't be an Asshole."

Chibs is furious, his accent getting thicker as he stands straight up, puffing up his chest, " Arsehole huh?" His tone gets her attention and she looks at him. He roared "I CAN SHO' YA ARSEHOLE!" Her eyes widen and her mouth open slightly, taking a step back away from him. Something in his voice shocked her and he realized she was afraid of him, which isn't what he wanted. Reaching his hand out, he pleads " Lassie, I'm sorry." Her eyes still wide, she swallows and shakes her head slightly as she backs up another a few more steps, her voice shaky, " I...I think you should leave."

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