Moving On

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"Hey Hannah, come with me. We want to talk to you." Bobby says, standing in the office door. It's early morning, before the guys have to be in the garage and she's sitting behind the desk staring at piles of backed up paper work. "Right now?" not even looking up, she lets out a sigh. "Yes, now please. We want to tell you about this idea we have." Grabbing her coffee, and following Bobby out to the clubhouse, she lightly punches his shoulder." You realize you men gossip as much as the women do." He looks at her confused. "Tell me who told Chibs about Florida. Only person who I talked to about it was you." Bobby stops walking and turns to her," Well, I felt like your old man has a right to know." She rolls her eyes,"He is not my old man, and he hasn't talked, well more like yelled at me since the birthday party. Maybe I should just move on." He grabs her hand and speaking softly" None of us know what the hell is going through his mind. He hasn't been acting the same since that weekend at the cabin. You are in love with him, aren't you ?" She nods slowly." So tell him. At least he will know, then make a decision on whether you want to leave or not. Even if you are not with him, we all love you and your daughter and want you to stay. But it's up to you."

Entering the clubhouse, she makes a beeline for the kitchen to raid the fridge. There's always snacks around so she makes herself a bowl of different munchies and heads into the main area where the Sons are socializing around the tables. Sitting down next to Kozik, he tries to grab a snack but she smacks his hand, and he playfully nudges her with his shoulder. Chibs is just glaring at him, but Hannah ignores it. Clay clears his throat," The reason we called you in here, is we want you to work at Cara Cara." She stops chewing as all eyes are on her," You want me to be a porn star? What kind of girl do you think I am ?" Jax chuckled " No, we want you to work on the books so we can have Bobby freed up. I mean, unless you want to star in a movie or two." Chibs glared at Jax which Hannah finds amusing so she pipes up," Only if you''ll be my costar, because you are a snack." Jax grins as the guys laugh but Chibs gets so pissed, he gets up and walks down the hall into his dorm room with Juice following him. Hannah continues to eat her snacks and an idea pops into her head," Do you need a business partner?" Jax chokes on his coffee,"What? Who?" "I have money from my mom that Lowen set up for me. There's a lump sum, and I get monthly payments. Apparently, my mom set it up in a way Dan couldn't touch it. But if I can invest it somehow... ..just wow, am I really asking to be part of porn?" she shuddered.

2 Days Later

"Ok, Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club will own 50% and Hannah Ryan the other half. Profits are split evenly, Hannah gets paid from the MC for keeping their part of the books. If either party has any questions, or concerns, feel free to contact me." Lowen states, while handing a pen to Hannah and Clay. Each Son as well as Hannah sign the agreements. After Lowen leaves, Hannah is still reeling from the deal she just made. But the guys have been good to her and Gracie, so she wanted to help them in some way. And now, she has more time to be a mom and go to college. With Gracie in school today, Hannah is in need of a nap, which Tig offers his dorm to her. "No Swiss cheese on the bed this time, brat. " Hannah laughs, "Nah, maybe just a little blue cheese." Tig scoffs, "No, nasty ass." She laughs harder as she goes and lays down, setting her alarm to wake up in time to pick up Gracie. She starts looking at the photos on her phone, especially the ones from the cabin trip. Gracie loves to take selfies, and photos of whatever she sees. There's even a few of the three of them, and ones that Hannah took of Gracie and Chibs. Not sure what came over her, as tears formed in her eyes, she chided herself for being a crybaby lately, while wiping them away before rolling over and falling asleep.

It was dark when Tig woke her up. She startled and remembered that Gracie was still at school." Relax baby, she's out in the kitchen helping Bobby and Chris make dinner." Hannah is trying to wake up fully," What ? Who picked her up?" "Chibs did, he heard your alarm, and when he came in to check on you, he didn't want to wake you up. So he went and picked her up. Gemma and him took her out to the mall for school clothes. She's strutting around the clubhouse, showing off ." Tig assured her. Hannah sits on the side of the bed," You guys can say no to her every once in a while, she has all of you wrapped around her finger." Tig shrugged, " I used to spoil my girls so I don't mind. Come on, let's eat." As he stood up, Gracie runs into the dorm room, holding her foot up for Hannah to see her new shoes, "Mommy, look at my new clothes and shoes." Hannah smiles " So pretty baby. Come sit with me for a minute, I need some cuddles." Gracie climbs onto her lap, Hannah kisses her head then grabs Gracie's arm to look at her new silver bracelet. Before she can ask, Gracie says ," Look at what daddy bought for me." Hannah is speechless.

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