Full Circle

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Hannah's eyes grew even bigger as she looked at Tig's angry face. The scent of burning flesh was overwhelming the office, hitting her nose and causing her to projectile vomit. All over Tig's pants and shoes. "Ah,shit. CHIBS." Tig roared into the garage. Hannah was still shaken from what she saw, and turned to run out of the office but ran right into Opie. He held onto her arms as she struggled and yelled "LET ME GO." He wraps her in a bear hug ,clasps a hand over her mouth, and holds her as she struggles as hard as she can. Chibs runs out of the office and towards them. "Love, I nee' ya to come wit' me, please." Opie loosens his grip, but keeping his hand over her mouth, he leans near her ear, "Do not scream. We are not going to hurt you. Can you come into the clubhouse, quietly, please?" Hannah looks up to see Piney nod softly and held out his hand to her. She nods, and Opie releases her. Taking Piney's hand, he pulls her in for a hug. "It's ok. You are safe. We just need you to know what is going on, ok?" Hannah swallows, still breathing heavily, "Ok."

Sitting in the clubhouse at the bar, Hannah sips a coke to settle her stomach. She stares down at the bar, trying to forget the smell and site she saw earlier, the horror and pain on the man's face. Tig sits down next to her, freshly showered and in clean clothes. "Are you ok baby? I didn't think about the smell when I opened the door. I just didn't want you to see that." Hannah continues to stare down at her hands, "Yea, I'm sorry. I'll wash your clothes for a month if you want." He kisses her temple as he gets up, chuckling then whispering " We will keep you safe." His words surprise her but before she could ask, Clay kicks out the crows eaters and yells "CHURCH." Hannah sits and watches the Sons go through the double doors, Juice giving her a sympathetic look before closing them behind him. Half Sac comes into the clubhouse, visibly upset, followed by a very pissed off Chibs. Chibs storms through the clubhouse and heads into the chapel. Half Sac stands behind the bar, not looking at Hannah but grumbles, "I'm really, really sorry. Are you hungry ?" Hannah is confused, "Sorry for what ? And no, I'm ok." Half Sac is still mumbling, wiping the same spot on the bar top repeatedly, "I should've taken you home, shouldn't have brought you here, Chibs is really angry at me, and shit, I'm really sorry." Hannah stops him, putting her hand on his, "Kip, it's ok. I'm not angry. It was an accident. I'll talk to Chibs."

A half hour later, the chapel door opens, and Chibs is standing in the doorway, glaring at Half Sac. "Hannah, come 'ere." Hannah can tell by his tone and how thick his accent is, she better just do what he says instead of arguing. Half sac ducks into the kitchen. Hannah walks into the chapel and Clay points at the empty chair next to Piney. "If we keep bringing you in here, you may end up a member." Bobby jokes and the other Sons chuckle. Except Chibs, who's still pissed. Clay lights a cigar, and looks down the table at Hannah, "Want to tell me what you were doing in the office ?" All the Sons shift their eyes towards her, making her even more nervous. "I was discharged from the hospital, and Half sac took me to Cara Cara for my books. I didn't find them there and I needed them, so I asked him to bring me here. I didn't know who was in the garage, thought it was prospects or the mechanics goofing off. I'm really sorry." Clay takes a few puffs without breaking his stare. There's a moment of uncomfortable silence. " Yes, that was Chris you saw tied up and getting burned." Tig says.

Hannah just sits, not knowing what to say. Jax speaks up, "The car Piney towed last night belonged to the guy who attacked you in your apartment. His name is Nate." Hannah shook her head, "No, the guy who pulled me away from him is Nate. I don't know the attacker's name." Jax holds his hand up, "No, darlin. The attacker is Nate. The guy you talked to is named Jamie." Hannah just sits quietly, not knowing what to say. Jax looks at her, with a soft but serious look, "What we are about to tell you stays in this room. We just want you to know, we will take care of it. But you need to know what is going on, but to also keep your mouth shut, understood?" Hannah takes a deep breathe, and says "Yes, I do. I'm just confused." Jax responds " Jamie is Mike's brother. He came looking for you because he found out you killed Mike, and apparently he was mad you foiled their plans to kidnap your daughter, so he wanted revenge. He had Nate try to kill you, and he was going to take Gracie. Which, by the way, where did you get that taser ? That was some quick thinking." " A flea market in Florida. I don't have a gun, and figured I could at least have that on me for protection." She replied. "But how did he find out where I lived ? I mean, Mike's dead and I just moved into my place a few weeks ago or so, so I don't know how he found out."

Opie speaks up, "That's where Chris comes in. Happy was able to get info from Nate about Jamie, and after we tracked down Jamie, we got him to talk and came to a full circle with Chris. Chris and Mike were close, and part of the kidnapping plan. When Mike was killed, Chris wanted you dead, but didn't want to get his hands dirty. So he got ahold of Jamie, told him where you went to school. The night you met them at the gas station, they saw you were with Sons and came up with the distraction so Jamie could see your face and get your name. Chris waited until you came back, had Nate wait until Chibs left so you would be unprotected. What you saw in the garage, was payback for betrayal." Hannah's stomach sank. Holy shit.

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