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"Ok, I'm going to turn you around so you can see what you look like." The hairdresser spins Hannah's chair around and she slowly opens her eyes. A huge smiles spreads across her face, she needed this. "Mommy pretty." Gracie points to Hannah so Mandie can see. "Wow, you look great honey. Are you ready for some lunch?" Gracie jumps up, "Yes, egg rolls please." After they leave the hair dressers, they walk down to the buffet for lunch. "Ok, this is kinda crazy, but there's 2 more places I want to go. One is the book store, and I need you to stay there with Gracie because I don't want her to be with me for the other shop." Hannah says. Mandie looks surprised, " Yea, I can do that. I love the new clothes you got for yourself. It's nice to do something for you. You deserve it." Hannah smiles, "Thanks, I have an idea in mind and it may be a few hours. Hopefully not though." After lunch, they head to the book store, which Mandie takes Gracie to the Kiddie Korner, just in time for arts and crafts hour. Hannah pays for her books, a romance novel, and a book that may help her understand the process of keeping the Cara Cara paperwork in order.

Walking down to the 2nd place, Hannah is nervous, but the staff is friendly and it goes smoothly. Her phone rings, it's a text from Donna Hey, let me know when your flight lands, you can stay here for the night if you want, Opie is on a run and you can tell me about Florida. Hannah texts her back We should be landing around 8pm. Just doing a few more things before we head back. These 3 weeks went by fast. After getting her paperwork, she heads back to the bookstore to meet Gracie and Mandie. Gracie runs to her "Mommy look, we made a heart." "I love it baby. Let's go get you some books for the plane ride ok?" Mandie looks a little sad, "I wish you didn't have to go but I'm hoping you can visit again, and soon." Hannah gives her a hug, " I will, I promise. But we have to get going if we are going to catch our flight. I'll text you when I get back to Charming." After paying for the Gracie's books, Mandie takes them to the airport and drops them off. Hannah is sad she has to go since she had a good time, but she has obligations in Charming. Plus, Florida can always be a back up plan.

Our plane landed. See you soon. Hannah gives Donna the heads up. After getting to the house, they settle down in the family room. "Do you think you could drop Gracie off at school, and take me to TM in the morning ?" Hannah asks. "Yea, I can. I love the new haircut. Does anyone else know you are back home, because I didn't say anything since you told me not to ?" Donna asked while putting dishes away. "No, but they will when I get to TM. You know how it is, tell one person something and the whole town knows." Hannah grabs a snack and sits back down at the island. Donna finishes her task, and stands behind the island, looking at Hannah, "You know, there's just something different about you. Not sure exactly what it is, and I don't mean the new hair and tan." Hannah looks confused "I have no idea what you mean," she yawns, "But I need some sleep, I have a lot of paper work to catch up with tomorrow and I'm scared of the mess Bobby has made in my office, so instead of TM can you drop me off at Cara Cara please?"

After dropping Gracie off at school, Donna pulls into Cara Cara. Noticing the line of bikes outside, Donna grins and looks at her, "You are going to have them notice more than you just being home with that new look, you know that right ?" Hannah smirks, " I just got my hair done and bought some new clothes. What's the big deal ?" Donna laughs and drives off. Hannah takes a deep breath and walks towards the door. She got her hair cut to her shoulders and had blonde highlights added in, a small diamond stud in her nose, both ears pierced, the Florida sun gave her a nice tan, wearing a black tank top with a studded design on it that shows just a little cleavage, blue jeans cut off shorts that showed off the orca mom and baby tattoo she got on her thigh, black cowboy boots she bought in Florida, and wearing a little make up that Mandie gave her after showing her how to apply it. She felt different, more confident. Opening the door, she walks right in.

"Hey baby, can I help you ?" Tig was the closest Son to the door, walked up to Hannah. "I think I know where my office is, Tiggy, but thank you." Hannah smiles as she takes off her sunglasses and puts them on top of her head. His jaw dropped, "Damn Hannah. You look good." Hugging her, the rest of Sons stand up and start hugging her, welcoming her back. All but one. Chibs nodded to her, but sat back and watched as his brothers ogled her. Especially Tig. He knew Tig was ogling her on purpose, probably to make him jealous, and it was working. Sitting on a stool by the bar, Half sack pours her some soda as some of the actresses are coming up and complementing her new look. Jax jokes with her  "I'm ready to do that movie whenever you are, darlin." Hannah laughs and shakes her head, "Sorry babes, guess you'll have to imagine what my tan lines look like." Jax just smirks. "Can we finis' o'er here, now? I got things ta do!" Chibs yelled from across the studio. The actresses head back on set, waiting for the director's instructions as Bobby walked with Hannah to her office, purposely putting his arm around her waist, with his hand just above her butt. And he knows Chibs is watching.

"I've tried to keep on top of it, but with going on runs and club business, well, you see the mess." Bobby admitted as he waved his hand. "It's ok. I have a new system I want to try, and bought myself some books in Florida to help me understand how to manage the paperwork." Making herself a cup of coffee and grabbing a snack, Bobby closes the door and sits down, waiting for her to sit behind the desk. " We all missed you, but I think it hit Chibs really hard. Have you spoken to him at all?" Hannah shakes her head, biting her lip, "No. Don't think he will talk to me. I can't do this anymore. If he wants Brandy, he can have her. By the way, I want to change the payroll day to Thursday instead of Friday." Bobby sighs "Don't see where that is an issue, but don't change the subject. Things may not be what they seem, so just talk to him. Then go from there." With that, Bobby stands and walks out.

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