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2 Months Later
While Hannah and Gracie are settling down in Charming, things are starting to look up for the MC club. Stahl has backed off for now since her informant has been feeding her enough intel to stay busy, though Hannah is still on her radar due to the death of Daniel, and Jax is finding ways for the club to have their profits come from legal sources. Still living at the Morrows, Hannah is taking night courses working on her high school diploma besides working at TM in the office so Gemma has more free time helping Jax and Tara care for Abel. Chibs and Hannah have been flirting , talking a lot, he comes over to watch movies with Gracie and her, though neither has taken the next step. Some nights, he stays to read to Gracie before bed so Hannah can study. Between Her full schedule, Gracie starting kindergarten soon, and Chibs working or going out on runs, it's difficult for Hannah to see where the 2 of them stand. Tonight is a patch in party, welcoming 3 new members, Chris, Mike, and Kozik.

" Hey doll, are you coming tonight?" Tig asks." Umm yea sure. Donna offered to watch Gracie, so I guess I could come. " Hannah shrugs, sitting at the bar looking down at her homework. Brandy smirked and spoke up " Think he was talking to me, since he was looking at me." Hannah looks at her, then at Tig who was staring at Brandy, probably due to her outfit, or lack thereof. Turning bright red, Hannah grabs her books and decides to head up to the roof of the clubhouse for some quiet. She's lost in her notes until she hears bickering coming from the parking lot and garage, between Tig and Kozik. Opie makes his way up to the roof, sees Hannah watching the guys bicker before offering her a cigarette. " No thanks. I came up here because the clubhouse was noisy and it's still not quiet." Opie laughs and sits down, " Yea, one big happy family. What are you studying?" He picks up her textbook, " Algebra. Shit, I don't miss school."

Hannah chuckles," I hate math, but I need to finish so I can go to college. Chibs and Juice have been on my case about it, but I've been too worried about Gracie and finding a place and possibly being charged for killing Daniel, and working, and shit I'm rambling and saying I too much, sorry." Opie shrugs, " It's fine, let it all out. Think they want what's best for the 2 of you, that's what family's do. It's like having a bunch of older brothers and uncles around." Hannah looks confused," What? He sees me as a sister or niece?" Opie looks at her " Who are you talking about? " Realizing that no one probably knows what's going on between Chibs and her, she shakes her head "Nothing, I umm, I need to get ready for my class. I'll see you tonight. Are you sure Donna is ok with watching Gracie?" Opie gives her a funny look, " Yea, she hates these parties anyways. Who are you talking about?" She turns,walking away quickly, " Ok cool, I'll swing by after class to drop off snacks for the kids. Bye Op." Climbing down the steps so she can get away before embarrassing herself more.

Realizing she forgot her backpack in the kitchen, Hannah walks past a few crow eaters stocking up alcohol behind the bar. Since she already finished Gemma's to do list, she needs to get going. Brandy's annoying voice comes over loud and clear, talking about what she would want Tig to do with her later tonight. Hannah is grossed out at first, but gets an idea while looking around the fridge for a snack. Grabbing some fruit to munch on, walking out to leave, she can't find her backpack anywhere. Turning towards the girls, asking " Have you seen a camouflage bag here with school stuff in it?" The girls shrug and Brandy smiles sweetly " Oh, yea it's in the trash can over here. Looked dirty so I don't want it on the bar." Hannah is furious, storms across the room or retrieve her bag. Brandy stands up and walks over to her." Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't know it was yours. It's as ugly as your clothes, no wonder the guys won't touch you." Hannah stands face to face with her," I'd slap you, but I don't want to get slut on my hand." Brandy shoves Hannah into the pool table, and before Hannah could react, Happy jumps between them." Alright, that's enough. Brandy go back to the bar, and Hannah go to class, now little girl." Brandy winks and smiles at Hannah before walking away.

The party is loud and crazy. Bodies fill the clubhouse, music blaring, drinks flowing and the air thick with cigarette smoke. The crow eaters are all over the guys, especially Brandy being glued to Tig's side. Hannah shows up and looks for Chibs, but sees him sitting in the corner talking and flirting to a girl on his lap while Juice is doing the same next to him. Hannah gets upset, but let's it go. She goes into the kitchen to get what she needs, and goes into Tig's dorm room for a few minutes. Making her way back out to the party and up to the bar, Half Sac offers her a soda as Kozik makes his way over and leans towards her, " Hi, Hannah is it?" She nods," Yea, did you just get here, Koz?" He leans in closer as he pulls out a stool, "Yea, I just got back from a short run. You are cute." Giving him a sweet smile, she starts flirting with him, cracking jokes and making him laugh. She glanced over his shoulder and sees Chibs glaring at the two of them even though the crow eater on his lap is trying to get his attention. Hannah starts playing with Kozik's hair when she sees Brandy trying to pull Tig away from the pool table and down the hall.

Hannah positions herself so she can watch the hall entrance. 20 minutes or so go by, and Brandy storms out of the hallway with Tig running up behind her. He grabs her hand, she turns and slaps him. He lets her go, she walks up to the girl sitting on Chib's lap, says something to her, and they both leave. Hannah turns back to Kozik as Tig sits down next to an even more pissed off Chibs. Hannah is even more amused because her plan worked. Her phone starts ringing, seeing that it's Donna, she tells Kozik she has to go outside to take the call. He gets up, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing and nipping the back of her neck making her smile as she reaches back to pull him closer by his belt. She glanced at Chibs who is staring at her so hard, he's ignoring Tig. Answering her cell, Donna explains " Sorry, I know you are at the party but Gracie is crying and wants you. I've tried to calm her down but it's not working. I don't know what else to do." Hannah says " It's ok. I'll be right there." Kozik turns to her, " Do you need a ride? I've only had the one beer and I could use some fresh air. " Hannah smiles, " Yes please, can you drop me off at Opie's?" She grabs his hand as they walk towards his bike. Hannah pulls herself close to Kozik, wrapping her arms around his waist and placing her head on his shoulder as Chibs and Bobby walk outside. Bobby asks "Where are they going?" "Tha mi a 'dol a mharbhadh!" Chibs snapped.

Tha mi a 'dol a mharbhadh - I'm going to kill him

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