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"Mommy, I want chocolate, please." Gracie pulls on Hannah's hand as they stand in line, waiting to place an order. Happy and Chibs are sitting at the tables behind them, but Hannah still looks around, taking in the faces of everyone around her. She knows the guys would kill for them in a heartbeat, but finding out Chris wanted Chibs and her dead and the plot that was still in place to kidnap Gracie, she still feels uneasy. After eating their ice cream, Chibs chases Gracie around on the playground as Hannah sits on the bench watching. Happy finishes his phone call, and sits down next to her and demands, "Start talking." She sighs, knowing he didn't forget that they were supposed to talk the other night but it was interrupted by club business. She comes up with a plan. "Can you tell me what happened with the guys and Chris, please? I've been feeling so uneasy lately, and maybe if I knew how it was handled, I can feel a little better." Happy chews on his toothpick, glaring at her, but she glanced over at him and gave him a small smile. Sometimes he falls for it, sometimes he doesn't. "None of them are breathing anymore. Their bodies won't be found. It's done."

She seems content with that answer, knowing he won't tell her anymore details. Sighing again, she figures she needs to open up or he won't stop bugging her. "I left the other night because I need to see my daughter. After hearing the details and knowing Chris was so close to us all that time, I needed to see that she was safe." She pauses as he is about to reply, "I know she was fine, but I needed to reassure myself. And yes, maybe I do like to test my boundaries, but hearing Chibs calling me his old lady kinda pissed me off." Happy is quiet a moment, watching Hannah was she watches Gracie slide down the slide repeatedly, with Chibs standing at the bottom of it. " We are a family, and I will protect you and your kids. We tell you to stay for a reason, it's not always to be difficult. And yes, I don't blame you for wanting to check on her. You are a good mom, Hannah." She turns to look at him smiling, "Thanks Hap. You are like the big brother I've always wanted." "So why does it piss you off being called his old lady ?" Happy asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Don't I get say in seeing if I even want to be an old lady ? I mean, Chibs and I haven't even talked about the last weekend we were together, why he ignored me all that time, why he snapped at me, etc. No, it's like boom she's pregnant so she's mine now." "Can I give you my honest opinion?" He asks. "Like I have a choice in not hearing it, Hap." She blurted out, realizing she's pushing it. "Watch it, little girl." He growls. " I'll ask Gemma to watch Gracie tonight, and the 2 of you go somewhere and talk it out. We men are hardheaded, but most of the time, we will open up. I think Chibs is too focused on other things, but you need to tell him how you feel, before you start to resent him more. And start listening to what we want as well please. We do it to keep you safe." She doesn't say anything, just nods. "And by the way, let me find out you are not eating when you are supposed to be, Chib's temper is no match for mine." He scolded her. "In all fairness, not my fault the baby didn't like the smell of burnt human flesh." She shrugged.

" Le's look a' minivans." Chibs said, pulling the black van into a car lot. He forbids her to be on any bikes until after the baby is born, so he borrowed the black van to drive around in. "Are you kidding me? No, I don't want a minivan. I want a suv like Gemma and Tara have." She protested, as they climbed out after he parked. "Minivans are safe." He hissed. "So are suvs, and that's what I want. It's my money." She snapped back. "An' those are mah kids." His voice getting louder and his accent heavier. Standing toe to toe, neither of them backing down. "I already asked Jax his opinion about Tara's, and he said I should get a suv." She replied. "Oh, ok, like Jackie is da only mechanic ya know. Why didn' ya take him den?" He's furious. "Can I help you fine something, folks ?" A nervous voice comes up from behind Hannah. Without turning around and still challenging Chibs, Hannah says " Oh yes, I want to look at suvs, please." Chibs just glares at her as the man walks closer, "No, we're gonna loo' at minivans." He barks. The man looks at both of them, "Ok, please come with me, my name is Vince." Hannah walks one way, as Chibs walks in the opposite direction.

Pulling the van into the TM lot, Chibs gets out and walks into the clubhouse. A few minutes later, a red suv pulls in and parks, and Hannah jumps out of the drivers side, a big grin on her face. Tig comes out of the clubhouse, laughing and walking up to see her new ride. "Nice cage, baby. I take it that Chibs doesn't like it." Hannah smirks, "Nope, I won that battle also. Hannah 2, Chibs 0. I love this, and the best part is that it's all mine." Chibs comes back out of the clubhouse, beer in hand and smoking. Tig notices Chibs watching, so he decides to mess with him. "Why dont you show it to me?" She leans over and starts opening doors, showing him her new toy as he moves his arm around her shoulders. And before she was finished, Chibs was back at her side, staring at Tig. "We nee' to go tah dinner, Hannah." Chibs says. Tig can't let up though. "Maybe you can take me for a ride in it sometime, baby." Leaning in and hugging her. "Sure. I gotta go feed grumpy pants now, Tig." She smiles sweetly at him. Chibs is pissed off more. "It rides like any o'her cage, brotha." He snaps at Tig.

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