Chapter 19

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Dustflight looked around the clearing where warriors were in constant motion to create fortified thistle walls to prevent cats from running into the camp in a coordinated attack.

The fortifications were good enough to keep cats from entering camp through the sides, but they should've made an escape route in case the entrance is blocked.

"How are you Dustflight?" Limethroat, a former Thunderclan prisoner, asked in a rasping voice that sounded dry like sandpaper.

"I'm fine. Just watching how everyone is getting really prepared. Shadowclan and Riverclan would've never been this prepared!"

Limethroat looked out at the warriors, deputies, and even medicine cats helping out with preparations.

Dustflight looked at the golden tom sadly, "This is what we are a part of. We've helped with fortifications. And we aren't even staying here. We are leaving the lake..."

"I know we are. But that doesn't mean we will stray from Starclan and the warrior code. We are just looking for a new home." Limethroat reminded Dustflight.

"I know Limethroat. Let's just hope we get to new home safely..." Dustflight sighed.


Storm was looking around the forest for prey. She was still ticked off that Lionstripe and Somflow were making fun of her.

"You feeling okay?"

Storm turned around sharply only to see Echostorm, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just looking for prey." Storm lied.

Echostorm wasn't easily swayed, "You sure, cause your eyes tell me you're a little angry."

Storm just sighed, "Yes, I am mad, but I need to focus on hunting cause it keeps my mind off the anger."

"That sounds like a good idea. I do that whenever Somflow frustrates me." Echostorm twitched her whiskers in amusement. Echostorm is rather similar to me. I think we would be great friends.

"Well do you want to join me?" Storm asked. Echostorm seemed to ponder the request, "I guess I will." Echostorm agreed.

Storm smiled and began to smell that something was off. It almost smelled like, fear.


Redstar was not pleased with the situation. He had learned that Adderstripe had betrayed him. Shadowclan was beginning to doubt his judgement. The morale was very low for Shadowclan and Riverclan especially since Dovewing managed to escape with the medicine cats he and Froststar both suffered from sickness. Froststar was close to death. He could tell. All it took was him killing her and the deputy and both clans would be his. The only issue was that he too was nearing his last life, and Froststar was a leader and warrior longer than he was. She was much more experienced compared to him.

Then an idea came to his head. Kill her while she is asleep! Of course that's what he needs to do! And once the deputy sets out to become the new leader of Riverclan, he'll just have his closest followers kill the ginger tom! Oh that plan was perfect to become sole ruler of the two clans. And soon all the clans!

Redstar also felt proud with his choice of a successor. Flowerfur was a formidable enemy in battle and Redstar now considered her his closest follower after Adderstripe's betrayal.

Redstar left his den as it was morning out. Today was the day that the only apprentices that survived the hardcore training he had the apprentices to go through, remained.

Warriors Book One: Chronicles of the Prophecies: A Prophecy of FourWhere stories live. Discover now