Chapter 24

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Frostpelt waited at the end of the path leading to the river, waiting for her father and the medicine cats to be done speaking with ShadowClan's leader and medicine cats.

It seemed like hours till Flamestar appeared from the undergrowth, Ravenstar and his deputy and medicine cats behind him.

"Why are you still here? I thought I said to go and keep your brothers in place." Flamestar asked.

"They weren't in camp. They are on a hunting patrol at the moment." Frostpelt responded.

"That makes me telling the clan much easier..." Flamestar sighed.

Frostpelt assisted her father, deputy, medicine cats, and ShadowClan's leader, deputy, and medicine cats too the clan camp, where Flamestar made his announcement, "I have made the decision alongside my deputy and medicine cats that ShadowClan shall be allowed refuge until further notice! We are dealing with a powerful enemy, and so are they!"

Flamestar had become such a good leader, that no cat objected. He had his mistakes, of course, but he owned up to them. It's what made him a good leader. He was willing to except when he was in the wrong.

Frostpelt knew that her brothers would object though. They weren't fans of ShadowClan and had even gotten in a skirmish with a two-cat border patrol due to ShadowClan's small population.

"I'll go tell Creekstream and Cloudfall, father." Frostpelt mewed before walking off to the camp exit.

Frostpelt looked at the river where her brothers usually hunted, and there they were, "Cloudfall, Creekstream, you need to head to the camp. ShadowClan's been accepted refuge after a third of their warriors loyal to Ravenstar were chased off their territory."

The two brothers abruptly moved their heads up, "They were WHAT?!"

"Two thirds of their warriors betrayed Ravenstar and we have no idea who they allied with to gain so much power!" Frostpelt tried to explain as her two brothers rushed off to the RiverClan camp, ignoring thorns that prickled their pelts.

Once the three reached the camp, Creekstream and Cloudfall immediately challenged their father's decision, "We shouldn't let ShadowClan take refuge! Never should we share the same camp again with those pieces of cro-"

"Just shut up already you mousebrains! Flamestar made his decision! A leader's command is law! It's a little thing called the warrior code!" Frostpelt hissed to knock some sense into the mousebrains.

The stubborn idiots refuged to change their stance, "ShadowClan has caused enough problems for RiverClan!"

Frostpelt growled with frustration, "Do you two NOT understand the bigger picture here?! ShadowClan LOST their territory! ShadowClan has really strained relationships with ThunderClan, SkyClan, AND WindClan! Their best bet for survival is to come too US!"

"Has everyone already forgotten the past?! What ShadowClan did?!" Creekstream yelled.

Flamestar looked at his sons, "RiverClan did equally as horrible things as ShadowClan did. Both clans participated in the killing of cats for not agreeing with Redstar and Froststar..."

"Just calm down. A leader's word is law, Creekstream and Cloudfall." Frostpelt attempted to calm them down.

"Then I guess Flamestar SHOULDN'T be leader!" Cloudfall hissed.

Frostpelt hissed back, "Well too bad! He's leader right now! HE makes the final decision! Not you! If it were up to you, ShadowClan wouldn't be here right now getting the help they NEED!"

Warriors Book One: Chronicles of the Prophecies: A Prophecy of FourWhere stories live. Discover now