Chapter 7

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Lionstripe loved the Thunderclan camp...maybe except for Jayfeather, but he's always grumpy about something from what he heard. He glanced over to where Quakepelt was. She was already flirting with a she-cat whom he believed was Sorrelstripe; Which he also found out was that she was his niece. He also noticed that Dawnstar always looked at him curiously. He might talk to her when he finds the time.

"Lionstripe, wanna go on patrol with us." Bumblestripe asked. Lionblaze, Alderheart, Bumblestripe, Sorrelstripe, Dawnstar, and Mousewhisker were the only cats that accepted him as a Thunderclan cat. Others were taking time.

Just then, a flash of black entered the camp. "No...It can't be..." Lionblaze gasped. Lionstripe didn't need an introduction to know who this cat was. "I thought you died Hollyleaf." Lionstripe was the first to talk. "How do you know who Hollyleaf is?" Jayfeather asked accusingly. "Our brother told me about her." "Don't you dare say brother. You are no brother to mine." "Quiet!" Dawnstar yelled. "I have too agree with Lionstripe. Your supposed too be dead." Hollyleaf responded immediately. "I am supposed too be dead. Firestar decided to revive me to keep an eye on the loners." Jayfeather had a sudden hint of suspicion in his eyes, "I also have to keep an eye on the Great Three as you call them." Hollyleaf added. Jayfeather's suspicion quickly turned to surprise. "And why is that?" Dawnstar asked. "Because Yellowfang thought she could get away with telling a few loners that are here a prophecy without Starclan's knowing." Hollyleaf answered. "Why don't you grab some fresh-kill and we'll talk later." Hollyleaf just dipped her head and stalked off too the fresh-kill pile.
A moon had past since Hollyleaf showed up in Thunderclan's camp. Lionstripe was slowly losing his patience with Jayfeather. The ginger tom looked like he would snap at any moments notice if Jayfeather talked too him. Quakepelt and Cloudfoot were happy in Thunderclan. Lionblaze felt happy with how things were. Except Jayfeather's uncalled for hostility toward Lionstripe.

A meow shook Lionblaze out of his thoughts. "How are you Lionblaze?" A light grey tom padded up too him. Bumblestripe's amber eyes shining bright. In the very short period Lionstripe was here, he alongside Bumblestripe quickly got along with the gingerish-golden tom. "Good. How about you?" Lionblaze replied. Bumblestripe responded, "Doing just great. I guess your doing fine as well since Hollyleaf returned."

"Yeah I guess." Lionblaze was deeply tired. He was on every patrol. "For Green-leaf, there's been an oddly lack amount of prey. It makes it worst knowing Shadowclan has been hunting in our territory." "Tell me about it!" The two toms had grown close since Lionstripe showed up. They rarely talked too each other before-paw. "The gathering is today. I can't wait!" Lionblaze couldn't wait either. It had been stalled for so long when greencough took the clans over.

"Who do you think will go there?" Lionblaze asked. Bumblestripe pondered for a bit. "I think Alderheart, Mousewhisker, Lionstripe, Sorrelstripe, Quakepelt, you, and I would go there." "I agree with you on Alderheart, Mousewhisker, and Sorrelstripe, but Lionstripe, Cloudfoot, and Quakepelt are new to Thunderclan." "Your right, but, I'll bet you the fattest pigeon that one of the loners will go there." "Well then I bet that you go to the elder's den and do all the apprentice chores for them!" "Then it's a bet!"
"May all cats old enough too catch their own prey, meet at the center of camp for a clan meeting." Many cats started to leave their dens and gather too the center, "I wish for these cats that are listed to go to the gathering. Lionblaze, Bumblestripe, Alderheart, Mousewhisker, Cloudtail, Brightheart, Strikeclaw, Sorrelstripe, and Cloudfang."

Once Dawnstar finished her announcement, she walked back into her den. What should I do if Shadowclan and Riverclan decide to fight Thunderclan. The three clans weren't on good terms after Shadowclan refused to give Thunderclan any herbs. Riverclan didn't help either. They decided that attacking Bramblestar and his cats was a good idea. Instead, Riverclan's herbs were destroyed after a fire broke out in the fight.

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