Last Time

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I almost had you. We almost made it. But now, it's all lost. Broken. Like a guitar without it's strings. Like an angel without wings. And the only thing that's left of me is the memory of our last moments together..

I took a ride on the bus, just for fun. I had to wait for five stops to get to my destination. That's actually quite a long ride. But I don't want anything special to happen, although I wanted to.

I noticed you immediately the moment you entered the bus. You were wearing black. You had you hair messy bun as if you just woke up. You were alone. It's nice to see a familiar face here inside the bus. Of all places, I never thought I 'd see you here.

Finally, you became aware of my presence. The next thing I knew, you were standing next to me.

I remember when we started off as a strangers. You were the quiet and shy type one while I was the talkative and expressive one. I don't know how it happened, but we just clicked.

In an instant, you made me feel comfortable again. That feeling, it felt so familiar and I never wanted it to end. We caught up with a lot of stuff. I ask you if you were going to transfer in our university, you said you waren't sure yet. I was hoping you would.

I missed that gummy smile on your face. You were like an angel to me. You always made me feel special. And I was happy whenever I'm around you.

The bus got a little crowded. You put your arm around me, the other still clinging on the handrail.

I hugged you.

Oh, how I miss your smell. I was hoping the ride would never end. I was hoping I could hug you like this for a long time. I was hoping we could stay like this forever.

But this was my stop and yours as well. We went out of the bus, hand in hand. You kissed my forehead. I hugged you again for the last time. Yes, the last time. After this, we both know we'd never see each other again. Well, maybe we would. But it will never be the same.

We said our goodbyes. I was still holding your hand. I almost cried when you let go. Finally, you smiled, waved goodbye, and turned around. There you go..

I just stood here. Watching the girl so dear to me leave me for good.

You've always been special to me.

Although our time together was short. It was worth it.

Every moment with you was worth it.

jenlisa (one shots) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя