Her Comforts

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Bloods drips down my skin to the surface of the floor. The cutter blade is covered with my own red blood, tears filled my eyes as my vision blurs. My heart is filled with agony as I continue to create more cuts on my skin. I trap myself inside of my bathroom. I let out some quite sob every now and then, still continuing my endless cutting in my skin.

"Lisa! Lisa! Open the door!" A loud banging on my door eliminated the room. Jennie's shouting my name, telling me to open the locked bathroom door but I pay no attention to her.

"Lisa please! Please open this damn door! Open the door!" Her voice cracked at her last sentence. I grab a pills on the bathroom shelf, containing different medicine.

"Lisa! Lisa! What are you doing?! Lisa!" Her voice filled with worry and I can tell that she started crying. I heard her footsteps go away from the door. I grab a small battle filled with sleeping pills, I'm about to open the lid when I heard another rapid footstep coming back to the door.

"Lisa! I swear if you don't open this damn door! I'll open it myself." She warned but once again I just ignore her. I was about to drink the pills directly when someone slap it out of my hands. I turn into the person glaring, meeting Jennie's brown eyes. Small pants escape her mouth, her brunette hair is a mess, her face have a tears stain.

"What are you thinking?!" She spat angrily at me. I just growl at her like an angry lion but she didn't even flinch. Her eyes are set on mine, filled with concern and anger.

"It's none of your fuckin business!" I replied coldly, turning away from her not wanting to have any eye contact. She suddenly grab my wrist, making me hiss in pain. Her finger gently press my cuts, her eyes are filled with horror.

"What the fuck." She whispered but it was still enough for me to hear. I averted my eyes, my head hang low, tears brimming at the edge of my eyes. I felt her hands left my wrist, I thought she's gonna leave me alone for now. But, I feel arms wrap my torso. Warm body pressing at my back, she's back hugging me.

"Look.. I'm not good at comforting stuff but you should told this to me sooner. I may not feel the pain but I can listen and understand. I could help you, Lisa." Her voice is soft and comforting. I let out a shaky breath before unwrapping her arms around me. I faced her.

A soft smile plastered on her lips. Her eyes are looking at me full of concern, sadness and to my surprise.. Love.

Tears started to stream down my face, unable for me to control it. I feel her hands cup my cheeks, her thumbs whipping the tears away. She tip toe to kiss my forehead, temple and my nose. My body calm down under her touch.

"Come on, let's clean your cuts." She said, gently pulling me to my bedroom. She grab the first aid kit and started cleaning my multiple cuts. I hiss in pain whenever she put an alcohol on my cuts and she would apologize everytime.

"And done." She declared, her voice is almost a whisper. I looked at her with a blank expression as she packed the first aid kit, putting it beside her. She look at my direction making me look away, my heart is pounding against my rib cage. My stomach feels funny but in a good way, I felt my cheeks heat up and I have an urge to hug Jennie.

"Lili.." Her voice is sweet and soft as my nickname slip out from her mouth. I didn't dare to look at her, then I heard her sigh.

"Let's get a nice warm hot chocolate with nachos downstairs while watching some Disney movies. Sounds good?" I looked at her and nodded. A soft small smile crept on her face. She stood up and help me get up even though I can manage my own. We went downstairs and made some hot chocolate.

All night I was bombarded with her care and comforts..

It was a nice feeling..

And I think, I am now inlove.

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