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"Pst, what is the answer in number five?"

I closed my eyes before whispering the answer to her. "A."

"Okay, thank you."

I just continue answering. I'm so thankful that all I reviewed is here in our exam. So, it's just easy for me.

I stopped when someone poked me. I face her with an annoyed expression. She's copying my answer from the start, though she's just asking me questions but still it's called copying.

"What?" I said annoyed.

She smiled and answered. "Number 24."

I glance at my paper, especially at number 24. "Phenotype." I whispered to her.

She gave me a thumbs up then she resumed answering our exam. I also resume answering, i'm already at the last part of our exam and done.

"Pass your papers now."

I immediately stand up to pass my paper. Now, i'm going to the comfort room. I suddenly feel that I want to pee. When I about to go back in our room, I saw Lisa going to my direction. She's the one who's copying my answer earlier.

"Thank you for earlier." She said with a smile in her face.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to do that again, you need to review."

She chuckled. "Why are you so grumpy? Don't worry, i'm going to let you copy my answer in our math exam. I know you hate that subject."

I didn't answer her, instead I just make my way to our classroom. Minutes later, I saw her entered our room, she seat beside me.

I'm starting to be nervous because our next exam is math. I'm not good at that subject. I don't know but everytime I try to understand our lesson, its like words is just passing in my ears.

"Don't be nervous. I'm here, I got you." Lisa whispered to me.

She's good in Math. She got a perfect score in our quiz last Tuesday. Me? I just got a half score. Lisa is smart, that's why I don't know why is she even copying my answer earlier.

Our professor started to distribute our exam. When I first saw the questionnaire. I know i'm going to be doom. It's all computation, only ten question is a multiple choice.

"I already told you the directions. You can now start answering. You only have one hour to answer the test, Good luck!"

All of us start to focus in answering. But me, I don't know what to do because I don't know this. I just stared at the equations that need to be solved. Who the hell invented this? I want to kill that person even when that person is already dead. This is going to be the cause of my early death.

I looked at Lisa when she poked me. I'm grateful that our prof go outside of our room. She let me see her answer. I felt embarrassed but I need to pass so I just copy it.

After that out prof returned in our classroom. I tried to solve the worded problems. I answered a few questions when I remember one of our discussion.

"Ma'am, are you serious in the test five? Is that really the direction?"

We all stopped from answering when one of our classmate question our prof. I read the test five direction because i'm not listening earlier when our prof explaining it.

"Write true if the statement is correct and write your crush name if it's not." My eyebrow creased. Eh?..

Our prof chucked. "Yeah, I want you all to have an inspiration and motivation."

I just continued answering. Minutes passed, i'm already at the test five. I read every statement but I don't know what to answer. I sighed. I thought it will going to help me passed the exam because it's just true or false.

"Ten minutes remaining time."

Once again I felt Lisa poked me. She motioned me her answer at the test five. I got confused when I saw my name there. I looked at her, confuse visible on my face.

"Write your crush name if the statement is incorrect." She answered smiling at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up when I realize of what she said. She's staring at me while i'm answering. I know the statement is wrong but I can't answer it. I close my eyes tightly and write my answer.

6. Lisa
7. Lisa

I saw in my peripheral vision when Lisa smiled widely. I pout to prevent my smile to show but it's still showing.

Argh. I'm blushing madly right now.

"Pass your answer sheets now."

I immediately stand up and grab my bag. I'm at the hallway when someone hold my wrist. I turned my head to the person and I blushed madly.

"Where are you going?" Lisa asked.

"I-I'm going home?" I whispered.

She hold my hand and intertwined it. "Okay, let's go home together babe."


"Don't complain and just go with me, you also have a crush on me."

I don't have a choice so I just to go with her.

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