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I'd give anything just to see color again. I'd also give anything to give my beating heart an actual reason to beat.

Now about the colors, I'm not exactly color blind. I'm blind to love. Yeah, cliche right? I know. With the amount of people who have broken my heart made it impossible for me to see love. And the world was built with love so, I can't see single color.

Despite my many heartbreaks, there is this one girl I like. I don't know if she like me too. We talks and hang out a lot and I can't build up enough courage to see if she feels the same.

"Lisa wait up!"

I look back over my shoulder. It's her. I turned my head away, my ponytail swaying. She catches up to me.

"Lisa" she nods.
"Jennie" I nod back.
"How are you in this dready day?"
"Yah! I like rain!"
"Okay, okay"

I laugh, then suddenly I get the sudden desire to tell her how I feel.

"Jennie, I want to tell you something." She stops and turn her head towards me.

"I-I like you, a lot. I hope you feel the same way."

Her probably beautiful brown eyes search mine.

"Lisa, I like you a lot too but as a friend. Don't get me wrong. You're amazing and super nice.."

I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I cry out and fall on the floor. Jennie bends over me, looking alarmed. Another pair of pain jabs my heart. Then color flashes on my vision. I was right, she has a beautiful brown eyes. One last shot of pain at my heart and everything fades away.

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