Chapter 12:I'll take care of you.

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You were at the supermarket,and it was the second day of your period. Leo invited you to hang out with him and Dabi but you declined,You didn't want any human interaction today.

You walked closer to an ice cream stall,you stopped walking and quickly grabbed your favorite (fave Ice cream flavor) You bought the big size too.
"Oh Ice cream... you really are the way into my heart." You said in awe.

You were ready to check out and soon you bumped into someone,"Sorry." You quickly replied and started walking away but then he grabs your wrist. "Y/n?" You turned your head to see Bakugou. "Bakugou? What are you doing here?"
"Oh I'm here to get a haircut- of course I'm here to buy ingridients dumbass." He replied,
You didn't make an reaction and only had an poker face." Oh ok." You simply replied and started walking away.

"Hey wait! Whats wrong with you today-"Bakugou was cut off by you grunting in pain. "Damn cramps..." You mumbled,Bakugou quickly knew you were on your period. "Oh so its that day of the month huh..." He mumbled,enough for you to hear,you looked at him and could see him smirk.
"Fuck you." You glared,Bakugou was ready to annoy the fuck out of you.

-Time Skip-
Turns out,it became the other way around. Now,your annoying the fuck out of Bakugou.
"Uuuuggghhh...." You sobbed,
Bakugou sighs,"What is it now?"
"I saw a cute bird but it flew away!!" You sobbed and hugged Bakugou.
Bakugou became flustered at this. "H-Hey don't use me as a cloth to dry your tears!" He yelled,but you didn't listen.
"I didn't sign up for this shit...." Bakugou mumbled.

Suddenly a child that was crying bumped into both of you.
It quickly caught your attention so you stopped the child from running any further.
"It's not good to run around you know.. who knows what kind of things you'd bump into. "
"I-I'm sorry..." The boy mumbled.
"Where are your parents?" Bakugo asks,
"I don't know... I'm l-lost..." The boy says with tears forming on his eyes.
Bakugo drops down to his height and wipes away his tears. "Don't worry,we'll take care of you. We'll help you find your parents." He reassured him,
"Wow Bakugou I never knew you had this side of you." You chuckled,finding another thing to tease him about.
"Shut up midget." He replied,
"What the fu-"
And soon both of you started bickering.

-Time Skip-
After some arguing and bickering,both of you ended up looking after the child since the police station was closed.
"That was so fun!" You cheered,"You wanna go again Christopher??" You asked the child,
"Yes! Again again!"
Christoper was sitting on Bakugou's shoulders. "Don't move too much Christopher." Bakugou says,
The three of you caught the attention of a woman and a police officer.
"Oh my god! Christopher!" The woman says in relief and surprise.
"Mommy!" Bakugou puts down Christopher as he ran into his mother's arms.
"Oh thank you so much Bakugou and..uhm.."
"Y/n." You smiled at the mother.
"Thank you so much... I thought I had lost him forever.." the mother says and wipes away her tears.

"When did you see him?" The polive asks,
"We saw him running around,it was about noon." Bakugou replied,
"Well.. thank you,both of you should go home now,besides that guy is still lurking around..." Bakugou frowned at the last sentence. He soon nodded,"Let's go Y/n."
"What? No midget this time?" You teased,
He didn't reply,instead he just started walking away.
"Hey,whats up?? You only talked to the officer now you seem down."
"It's nothing." He says,
"Are you sure?" You asked while holding his hand.
He was surprised by this.
"Ah.. seriously.... Annoying...." He mumbles,
"Is it a villain?"
He didn't reply,
"Oh... So it is a villain..."
"Hey! I never told you that."
"Bakugou,I know you,you always have a stick up your ass."
"What- hey take that-!"
You cut him off,"I already can understand when something is bothering you... So umm... If its about a villain,you can defeat him right? Besides aren't you supposed to be the 'King Explosion Muderer?"
"Ugh,are you cheering me up or just straight up teasing me?"
You giggled,"but hey,if its like a strong guy you can do it,your one of the top three remember!" You added while squeezing his hand tighter,
He blushes and looks away.
"Alright alright! I get it..."

Both of you started heading home,oh if onky you knew who was watching you that night.

Insanely Inlove. (Yandere! Bnha Boys x Reader) (ON HOLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt