Chapter 14:Why?

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Your phone soon buzzed with a notification showing.

| Broccoli Boi sent a message to PLUS ULTRA!!|

You raised your brow and checked what Izuku had to say in the group chat.

-Broccoli Boi-
Guys lets hang out!

-Baby Shark-(Kirishima)
Can't,I'm on a mission rn so...

-Pikachu Descendant-(Denki)
Wish I could go but Mineta has been bugging me to go with him to the beach so I'll go next time.

-Explosive Hedgehog-(Bakugou)
Shut up

-Half n' Cold- (Shouto)
I'm quite busy so I apologize.

-Broccoli Boi-
That's dissapointing....

I'll go,is it today?

-Broccoli Boi-
Really??? That's great!! Yeah its today,should I pick you up?

-Half n' Cold-
I'll pick her up

-Explosive Hedgehog-
Shut up I'll pick her up

-Broccoli Boi-
But I thought both of you were busy...

Lets just meet up at 2 o'clock at the mall

With that you shut off your phone with a chuckle escaping your lips.
You soon got ready.

-Time Skip-
The four of you walk outside the cinema,
"Wtf,I think I'm gonna get nightmares..." You spoke out and shivered,
"I regret watching that horror movie..." Izuku commented.
"Pfftt cowards" Bakugou dissed,
"Says the guy who kept cursing and gripping the chairs throughout the movie." You clapped back,
Meanwhile Todoroki was quiet,he was traumatized.
"Todoroki..are you okay??" You asked,
He slowly nodded.

"Wait guys I need to go to the washroom." Izuku says,
"Shut the fuck up I'm the one going."
Todoroki followed both of them.

You chuckled and sat at a nearby bench.
"Y/n?" A male voice spoke out.
You looked behind you and saw Dabi.
"Touya?" You asked,a small smile forming on your lips.
"You can just call me Dabi."
"Well okay Dabi,what are you doing here?"
"I was shopping for food and stuff."
"Oh... Well how about I introduce you to my friends?"
"You know Izuku, Bakugou and Shouto."
His eyes widened at the last word.
"Th-they're here?"
"Yeah!" You smiled,you then noticed the three of them walking out the washroom,you turned your head towards them.

"Y/n! Sorry it took us so long!" Izuku says while walking towards you with Bakugou and Shouto behind him.
"No its fine,besides I want you guys to meet someone,Da...." Your words trailed off as soon as you saw Dabi gone.
"Meet who?" Shouto asks,
"Ne-Nevermind anyways lets go!" You said with an awkward smile.
"Well okay Y/n..." Izuku replied.

-Time skip-
"Thank you for the ride Shouto." You said,you were about to get out of the car but Shouto suddenly grabbed your wrist.

"Becareful... I heard that the villains are being very quiet... I suggest you stay away from a guy named Dabi." He says with worried eyes. He slowly let your hand go. Your eyes widened at the word 'Dabi'
"I... I will. Becareful too Shouto." You squeezed his hand which made him blush abit.
With that,you got out of the car and headed to your apartment.

As soon as you opened your door,you were greeted with your balcony open.
"Dabi? What are you doing here?" You asked,he was at the balcony of your apartment.

"I just wanted to visit you... Anyways I saw you and Shouto,are you both a thing?"
You blushed,
"What??? Were not a thing,were just friends." You answered,
"Oh,well okay..." You walked next to him,
"Hey.. Dabi, a villain? Is that why you ran away because I was going to introduce you to Shouto,Bakugou and Izuku?"
"If I told you yes,would you avoid me?"
"Nope!" You said with a smile,
He was surprised.

He then gave you a weak smile,and petted your head,he let his hand rest on your head.
" Why... Why aren't you afraid of me?"
"Because my father was a villain,and... My mother was a hero,as cliche as it sounds,its true. My father was called 'Reverse' while my mother was called 'Goddess of Healing' she was so extra...
When the public knew they were inlove, they were furious... They mercilessly burned my mother's house where she died from,and my father got a life years sentence to an elite prison.."

You grabbed Dabi's hand that was resting on your head and held it with two hands.
"So...I can't really judge you... Besides you haven't hurt me right?" You said with a smile.

"Y/n..." He then held you close to him,
"I'm sorry..." He added,
"What-" You were cut off as soon as you heard a giggle,and soon you black out.

Insanely Inlove. (Yandere! Bnha Boys x Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now