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Ummita's Point of view

I sat down on the bench waiting for them to let me in. I am a bit calm because my mother is. If he was not alright,  we would all know.

My brother is not here because he had to clear things up before he can come. I looked around gawking at the building's design and items. I can definitely live here maybe rich people live here too. Like this.

I stood up looking around when I heard my mom call me. "Na'am." I say walking into the room.

The room was painted white, it had a ceiling like my aunt's, a very comfortable bed which I couldn't help but wish I was the one that was hit by the car.

My father was wrapped with many white cloths around his body. "What is this?" I ask pointing at the White cloth. "We want to talk to you about some things."

My mother says slightly looking at my father. "About what?" I furrow my brows. "We spoke to the man that hit your father with his car. We came to a decision that he will marry you. "

I look at them then chuckled. I thought they were joking until I saw their facial expression.

"No, I can't." I say crossing my arms. "Ya boge ka da mota. Da an karba kudin kawai - He hit you with a car, you should've collect the money." I say shaking my head as my parents looked at me.

'Ummita, you will get married to him whether you like it or not." My father says with a stern voice. My father is strict and when he makes up his mind, that's it.

"Baba, Dan Allah. Bana son shi - Father please. I don't love him." I say crying.

"Da wannan yaron yache yana son ki, kin Che bakya son shi kuma mun yadda. Mun so shi amma wannan daban ne. - When that boy came to you, you said you didn't love him and we agreed. We loved him but this is different."

He says before looking away. "Ba abun da zai chanza mun tuna ni na - There is nothing that is going to change my mind." He says and I walked out of the room sobbing.

I sat down covering my face with my hands. How could my parents just marry me off to a stranger? Why? I don't know him not to talk of spending the rest of my life with him.

"Ummie." I heard mom's voice. I wiped tears off my face before I looked at her. "Naam."I say sniffling.

"You know you are being a cry baby ko?" She asks looking at me. "Mama,  how can I marrying a stranger?" I say as I felt like another set of tears are warming up.

"Your father is forcing you to marry him because he will take care of you and he knows them. Everyone knows them." She says placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Ya kowa zai sansu? - How can everyone know you?" I ask looking at her. "They are known not only in the city because of how they rich they are but his father is from a neighboring village of ours. He got married to a very rich woman."

She says smiling. "Dan Allah." I say. "Yes, his son is known too. If he does anything,  everyone will know." She says but I was still not convinced.

"Mama still." I say shaking my head. "Your father is going through hell in that village. Your father was cast aside when he refused to have the tribal marks so that is why we live in the outskirts because we were harassed."

She says. "Your brother was beaten by other boys and we were insulted. You were too young to remember. Now earning money inside the village is very hard for your father because he 'betrayed' them."

She adds obviously the topic was sensitive to her. "The women and girls of the village hates you so that is why the high class girls harass you."

She says and I nod. It was obvious since I was a child. "His old friends have been blasting and harassing him because you are not getting married anytime soon."

She says wiping her tears. "Mama,  please forgetting it." I say hugging her. "No, you need to know because your father says it's better for you to know and it will cause hatred between you two. I don't want that at all."

She says sighing. "I just want you to understand the situation we are in. He wants you to get married before it gets ugly." She adds scoffing.

"I still can't believe that I used to invite those people who are demeaning us in my house. It is okay,  it's life." She says smile weakly.

I couldn't help but feel terrible and guilty. My father has the opportunity to ask for a lot of money yet he rejects it for a wedding. I doubt if he would want to marry me.

I hug my mom. "Zan yi - (I will do it.)" I say and she holds me. "Good." She says. "Please,  koya min yanda ake English da kyau - (teach me how to speak English fluently.)"

I ask her while she smiled widely. "Sure,  why not?" She says laughing.  My mom was schooled in the best school in our village, in the whole area.

Some neighboring villages send their children there to study and only come back home when it is a holiday. She could go there but we could not.

My father didn't go to the best but he knows much. My brother doesn't even care so that is why we speak English at home so we could learn it from our parents or the people around us.

"Let's go back into the room to accompany your father, he must be bored." She says walking towards the room. "Okay." I say.

I sat down under the moon looking at it. My mind raging with thoughts and ideas. I usually do that. The hospital was quiet yet noisy.

I was thinking of how I would have to be living with him in the city full of life. I have seen it now but I can go for a tour around to satisfy my curiosity.

I tried to think about other things but it is only the marriage I think about. Is it right for me to marry him? Yeah, he is known but secrets are secrets. I don't want that but if it makes my parents feel at ease, without question.




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