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Ibrahim's point of view

I look at the time, its 11:20am. I am coming back from Kaduna today so I can surprise Ummie.

I thought I would be spending a few days but the rest of the meeting has been postponed.

I have arrived at home as I got out of the car before knocking on the front door.

It was quiet for some time. Sneaking will be better, she might be sleeping. I take out the spare front door key I have in my folder.

I sneak inside, closing the door. I turn around and saw Ummie at the stairs, unconscious.

I run to her side, throwing everything that I held in my hand away. "Ummie, Ummie." I try to wake her up when I felt a wet, cold feeling  on my palm.

I slowly look at it and saw blood. I removed my blazer, covering her before carrying Ummie.

She looks pale. I opened the door, running outside. "Driver! Come hurry." I enter the back seat as the driver turned on the car.

"Take me to the hospital, platux road." Without any hesitation or questions, he started driving.

"Ummie, Ummie." I continue to wake her up. I can't lose her, I can't lose her.

She starts waking up, groaning. "Ummie, hold on. Stay awake, we'll soon arrive at the hospital."

I say but she starts crying. "I'm going to lose the baby, I'm going to lose my baby."

She cried while I comforted her. "Don't worry, okay? We're going to arrive there soon. It'll be fine."

I hug her tightly. The car stops as I carry her out of the car to the reception.

"Can I get help? Nurse." I say when they brought a hospital bed. She was placed as we ran through a hall.

"Sir, please stay here." A chubby dark skinned nurse tells me. "Please, update me on how they are going."

The nurse nods then went into a door with emergency taped on it. I sit down holding  my head as wild thoughts came to my head.

I try to disperse those thoughts. Mama, where was she?

"Ibrahim!" I hear a voice, I turn and saw hasneem walking towards me. "What's going on?" He asks as I stand up, scratching my forehead.

"My wife is pregnant and she fell down the stairs." I say, frustrated.

"I'm sorry, how is she so far?" He asks sounding worried. "I don't know, a nurse promised to update me." I say when the door opened.

The chubby nurse came out of the door , walking towards me. I stand up, my heart beating fast.

"Doctor hasneem. She is fine right now, the baby is alive but we are trying to bring the baby out of the womb." She says as I sat down, fear gripping me.

"How is it so far? Any complications?" Hasneem asks. "Yes, there is a nuchal cord."

Hasneem sighed, hanging his head. "Thank you."

The nurse went back in. "What does nuchal cord mean?" I ask, hasneem sitting beside me.

"This happens when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck." He says.

"Are they going to live? Is it risky?" I ask. "It is common amongst pregnant women most during or when delivering. The mid wife can handle this if she cuts the umbilical cord before the baby's shoulders are visible."

I sigh feeling relieved. "So they're safe?"

"No but just pray. Insha Allah they'll be." He says not making it better for me. "You could actually lie so I could feel better."

I look at him as he furrows his brows. "Why would I withhold information you want to know?" He asks.

"Never mind, I'll just pray." I clasp my hands together praying, hasneem joined me too.

"Doctor hasneem, your being needed at section 4. It's an emergency." A nurse with a turban says, panting then ran away.

"Okay, I'll see you later." He follows the nurse, running.

I continued praying, ignoring calls  and everything for more than an two hours. I try to keep my mind cleared at the moment.

I sent a car to ummie's family already, they are on their way. They can't be left out on this.

"Sir, sir." The chubby nurse taps my shoulder. I look at her and saw her smiling.

"Its a successful delivery, its a baby boy." She says as I relax my muscles that have been tense for hours.

I laugh in happiness. "Congratulations." The nurse says smiling widely. "Thank you, thank you. I owe you." I stand up.

"It's alright, sir." She shakes her head. "Can I see her?" I ask but she shakes her head.

"No, but you can see your baby in the neonatal intensive care unit  through a glass. He's  in an incubator since he's seven months old, right?"

I nod before she directs me to the NICU.  The burse directs me to a certain place where I could see my child.

I wore the hasman suit then walked to the incubator. The baby seems to be normal. I felt this relief and happiness inside me.

I sat beside ummie's hospital bed while she slept. I hold her hand, imagining the pain and how scared she must've gone through.

I kiss her hand. I lay back down, waiting for her to wake up.

Where is mama? Where could she have gone to at that time? Maybe she went out.

Hasneem knocks before walking in. "Congratulations." He shoves his hands in his scrub's pocket.

"Thank you, I just want her to rest." I look at her. "You should too. That pressure you went through alone is tiresome."

He sits down beside me. "Tell me about it, I'm so tired." I lean my head on my palm.

"Have you spoken to Mohammad recently?" Hasneem asks.

"A week ago, I heard about his wife being a fraud." I sit up.

"Really?" He asks as I look at him. "What?" He smiles. "You knew, I can't believe Mohammad didn't tell me."

I scoff. "Is she good looking?" I ask.

"Its Mohammad, he loves good looking women. Facially and her figure." Hasneem chuckles.

"Mohammad! That guy, he's such a player."

"Look at who's talking?"

I snap my head at him. "I am a saint." I raise my hand. "May God punish you for lying to me, I followed you when you were following a girl."

I laugh, closing my eyes. "I have to go, duty calls." He stands up and walks away dragging his feet. His feet looks ridiculous wearing crogs.




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