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Ibrahim's P. O. V

Believe it or not but today was my wedding day. I threw my phone on the bed as I scratch my head. She is going to be my freaking wife.  I wish I had a choice.

I heard a knock and step mother came in. "You have to hurry,  you're getting late." She says looking at me. "God, I am not ready or in the mood for this nonsense." I say sitting down on the bed.

I look at the clothes I am supposed to wear placed behind me on the bed. My step mother picked it out for me because it's like her son is getting married.

"I know you don't want to get married to an illiterate village girl but your father wants it." She says sitting down beside me. "You know dad is from the village too right?" I say and she shrugs.

"He isn't that now, is he?" She says placing her hand on my shoulder.

I ignore her sentence. "What about we make a plan?" She says as I slowly turn to look at her. "What are you saying?" I ask. "I will try to make her leave the house which means leaving you." She says with a smile.

I didn't like it at all. "No, thank you." I say standing up. "Okay,  if you say so but if you change your mind, your mom is here for you." She says patting my shoulder.

She walks out majestically. Women are slowly making me go crazy.

I enter my my car with my pals' cars parked to escort me. I wore a white kaftan with a a black covered shoes. I drove off as they followed making a convoy.

I parked at her house. She came out with her parents and some other women.  I leaned on the car as I greeted them. "Lafiya - I am fine. Here she is, we will not be going." Her mother said and she snapped her head.

"What? But I can't go alone, why wouldn't you come over?" She asks kind of panicking. I just stepped back, watching the drama unfold.

"It will be alright, just go. Sadatu will be there ai." Her mother says but she still didn't look calm. I opened the door and she went inside. I smiled, getting inside the car.

Ummita's Point of view

I sat down playing with my fingers nervously. I wore my typical fulani attire with no makeup. I take a deep breath before looking at Ibrahim who was using his phone.

"Are you nervous?" I ask as he kept his phone down looking at me. "No, why?" He asks looking chill. "There are a lot of people who are waiting for us right now." I say looking around the car.

It had this RR badge all over even a pillow. "Yes but it doesn't matter. Just be calm, it is alright." He says looking at me.

"Okay but why does this car have this things even a pillow. Isn't it just a car?" I ask confused. Ibrahim laughs loudly while he shook his head.

He later calmed down, holding his tummy. "Are you comfortable?" He asks. "Yes." I say relaxing on the chair. "Exactly,  it is for comfort and beauty." He say looking at me.

"Why didn't you wear makeup?" He asks. "I don't really like makeup and I don't know how to put it on." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"But...". He starts saying when his phone started ringing. He picks it up as I look at the window. I felt nervous,  excited and sad. I may never ever come back here to live.

That scared me a bit, what if the village go rogue on my parents? My heart was beating faster. I can't do that....

The car stopped abruptly while I thought hard. Ibrahim got out of the car and I took a deep breath. Keep your head high, nod and smile.

The door opened as the lights burn my eyes. I narrow my eyes, getting out of the car. I look around before i felt sadatu tug me. "This place is gorgeous." She says with her makeup.  She always had the gift of applying makeup.

"Yeah and huge." I says seeing a lot of people and cars. I didn't want this kind of attention or people like ants. Sadatu just smiled widely obviously gawking around.

"Hey." A girl says from behind. I turn around,  seeing a girl about my age or slightly more than I am. She is around 5.3ft and a little chubby. She smiled before holding my hand.

"I am Ibrahim's sister, come over so they could apply makeup on your face in a hurry." She says leading the way. I pull sadatu as she came back to her senses.

She took me to a room where there were a lot of items in front of a mirror. I sat down on the chair when a man came with a strap of different brushes around his waist. 

I look at him weirdly. "Hello, I will be putting your makeup on, our bride." He says as I look at Ibrahim's sister. "isn't he a guy? Don't women only put on makeup? Are you woman?"

I ask when the sister burst out laughing but the makeup artist didn't find it funny even though I didn't mean for it to be funny. He smiled forcibly before turning the chair to face him. "Shall we?" He says.

He put on many things on even though I ruined it multiple times. He finally finished it and let us say that I was not the same. I looked more beautiful without question.

I kept on looking at myself. "How did you do it?" I ask getting closer to the mirror. "Foundation, concealers, contour, bronzer, blush, lipstick, eyelashes and other items." He says and I turn to look at him.

"What are those?" I ask but he just shook his head laughing. Sadatu said that she didn't want it and that it was like magic.

Sadatu has some beliefs about a lot of things due to her tribe, it is sometimes annoying. "Okay, let's go then since we are done." She says with her beautiful dress.

"Tohm, an fara - (okay, it has started)." Sadatu says smiling. I looked at her thinking,  what is so good? My best celebration has passed and I didn't enjoy it because I can't be there.

But even if I got divorced, he gave my father cows. He was joyous and proud, l like that.

We walked to the long line of people like free food were given but they were arranged in order. "Just stand here." She says before leaving.

I look around at the people who sat in front of us. Ibrahim looked okay but I didn't,  we'll at least feel like I didn't. There were around 500 to 1000 guests here that had theirs phones out to capture every moment,  even the bad ones.

When will this event finish?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow if possible.

Anonymous ♡

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