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Ibrahim's point of view

This house has turned to a battlefield. They all do things each other, just that Ummie doesn't disrespect her.

Whatever mama does to her, she acts like it doesn't take a toll on her which infuriates mama.

But behind closed doors, Ummie keeps on ranting and crying sometimes. I'm caught between the two.

Whenever I try to stop them, they get angry at me. Mama says that I'm  choosing Ummie over her because I'm not her biological son.

Ummie says that I don't love her and she wants to go home. I can't even work properly.

I was watching when Ummie sat beside me, crossing her legs. "What are we watching?"

"Saudi Arabia, the kingdom of secrets. A documentary." She groans. "Ibrahim, please change the channel. You know that I am not so bright when it comes to this."

"I just found out that you don't need a bucket in a shower, let's take one step at a time please." She smiles as I chuckle.

Its true, she didn't even know the use of a shower curtain too.

"Okay, sure. I'll change it." I take the remote. "Why will you change it? We are watching, you should go to your room."

Mama sits on the chair beside me. "I want to watch with my husband ne." She says looking back at the TV.

"Oh so because my husband is not here? Is that it?" Mama asks sitting up.

"No, how can I say it that way? I don't mean it that way honestly." She defends herself, looking sincere.

"Better, village thing." Mama lays back down but Ummie ignored her. "Oh my god, I think the baby kicked."

Ummie looks at me smiling widely and excited. "Really?" I ask. "Place your hand."

She pulls my hand to her tummy. I could feel some movements even though I had to concentrate.

"Can you feel it?" She asks as I nod. "So what? For a girl that grew up as a loner in the village, you live a fake life. I can't stand this."

Mama leaves, hissing. I look at Ummie who doesn't look bothered. "Sorry, okay. It will all be fine soon."

I hug her as she sighs. "To be honest, I'm kind of enjoying it. She just insults me in which some are funny. She doesn't hurt me physically nor trying to use every odd against us."

She locks her arm with mine, looking at me. "So you like teasing her then?" I place my hand on her jaw.

"Yeah, I think she might he used to it and maybe start liking me. She's complicated."

She shrugs before I kiss her. I leaned forward, laying her down but she pulls away, laughing.

"Your mom." I turn to see her, looking at with a disgusted look. I sit back to my previous position.

Ummie backed mama, trying to hold her laughter. Immediately mama left, she burst out laughing.

"Sorry, her facial expression is priceless." She calms down a bit  while I just continued looking at her.

Ummie's point of view

I take the bowls of fruits to the parlor where me and mama are sitting. Ibrahim went out to drop a few things at the office.

I place he bowl in front of her because the chances of her taking it directly from me are low.

I sat on the chair, watching a Nigerian movie she is watching. It doesn't look so nice but I can manage.

"Who do you think you are to come and sit with me?" Mama asks out of nowhere.

I sit up, looking at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean?! Don't disrespect me, you think I'm joking when I told you that I don't like you!"

She shouts, angrily. "You are worthless and I feel insulted for you to be married to my son."

"You are a village imbecile, stay that way." She tossed the plate aside, spilling the fruits on the floor.

"Thank you, now I can correct myself." I say without looking at her. She hissed then walks away. I take deep breaths before I relaxed back on the couch.

Mairo, the house help rushed in. "Is everything alright?" She asks. "Yes, please help me clean this place. Thank you." I continue watching.

I don't want to tell Ibrahim about this, he will get all worked up. He isn't even concentrating on his job this past few days.

I couldn't even concentrate on what I was watching. If I was to be asked about this movie or I'll be killed, I will be joining my ancestors.

The door slammed shut as Ibrahim appeared. "How are you doing?" I ask guessing he might be in a bad mood.

"I'm fine, just frustrated about the government. The high officials oppress the citizens especially if it has to do with businessmen. They always want their cut."

Be complains while taking off his shoes. "Can you believe they want me to give them 51% in my project? I'll get 40% and the other investors will get 9%."

He asks looking at me. He always forget that I'm an illiterate.

"No, that is not fair. I can't believe this." I shake my head, acting in disbelief. "I'm telling you, how can they take most of the shares when they harvest worked at all for it? And I'm a very successful business man and they still did this."

I furrow my eyebrows on confusion. "What I meant is that I am a known businessman so if they're treating me like this, what about the smaller or starting businesses?"

"Their projects will never see the light of day."

I don't know what to say to Ibrahim exactly, I don't understand what he's saying.

I pat him on the back.

"Don't worry, your project will push through without any percentages. If Allah his deemed it yours, no one can take it away from you."

He looks at me attentively. "You should be an inspirational speaker." He says and I scoff.

"I know, I don't want to get into all of that." He laughs. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing, just thankful to god." I look away, blushing even though it can't be seen.

"I love you." He admits as I stand up. "I know, I don't feel the same though." I walk out majestically while chuckling.




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