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Ummita's Point of view

I raise my eyebrows when the woman walked pass me without saying a word. I look at her till she walked out of the house as I scoff. I look at the stairs and saw Ibrahim coming down whole he scrolled something on his phone. 

"Who is that woman?" I ask controlling my anger. "She just came to take some files,  it is nothing. Don't worry." Ibrahim says smiling and I nod.

"Oh sorry, I really thoughting it was a girl you sleeping with." I say feeling stupid. He chuckled placing his hand on my shoulder. "Anyway,  Abdulaziz is here to seeing you." I say smiling.

Abdulaziz just shook his head. "What is it you wanted to tell me?" Abdulaziz says and Ibrahim nods. "Let's sit,  I'll tell you." He says walking towards the parlor.

I walk to my room and sat down, not knowing what to do. I open my suitcase as I caught a glimpse of the makeup kit. I'll take my bath and wear my makeup. Sadatu did teach me.

I sit in front of the mirror, rubbing different items on my face. I really think that I am doing it well because of how the colors corresponded.

The door opened but I didn't bother to look at it. "What are you doing?" He asks as I turned to look at him. He gasps a bit before he burst out laughing.

I smiled at how he laughed so hard. "Is it that terrible?" I ask and he raised his arm while he bent, laughing. "No, It is alright, don't feel bad."

He says trying to calm down. "Really? I told Sadatu that I am good so I'm going out somewhere with you." I say when she frowned. "No just forget about it. Continue., I'll leave you." He walks out of the door.

I look at the mirror, admiring my makeup. I know I did it good.

I walk down the stairs throwing my legs around, feeling bored. I walk towards Ibrahim who sat down in the parlor, talking on the phone.

I sit down beside him, looking at the huge TV. "Mohammad, you need to stop that.  To be honest, your girlfriend is not bad so just calm down. Try to put her in her place somehow but it shouldn't be obvious."

He says as I pay more attention to the phone call the the TV. "Okay, please tell Jabir to stop disturbing my cousin. You know what, I'll talk to him myself." He hangs up and turns to look at th tv.

"I am bored." I cross my arms. "Okay then watch this movie. It is interesting." He says leaning back. I can't help but feel like there is something stuck in my throat.

"Why didn't you sleep in the same room as me?" I ask looking at Ibrahim. "We came back after tired so I thought you slept off and I slept early too." He says not bothering to look at me.

"Okay." I nod looking at the tv. "What is this movie about?" I ask not really interested in foreign movies or most movies.

Hausa, Indian, Chinese,  Korean, American,  Mexican, Philippine, Colombian, Thai, British,  etcetera. I'm not interested in watching.

"it is about a man who avenges the death of his dog." Ibrahim says and I look at him. "Dan kare? (Because of a dog?)" I ask before he chuckles.

"Not literally." He sitting up right. "Please used small words." I remind him. "His dead wife gave him the dog and they had to beat him up before killing the dog." Ibrahim answers looking at me.

I nod bow concentrating when  it turned into a fight. A gruesome one. I gasp leaning back,  closing my eyes. "This is not a really goody film." I say as he smiles.

"Just watch it a bit more,  you'll enjoy it." He convinces me to continue so I did. God is judging me, I am not liking bit but I'll try it out.

The movie ended but there is obviously going to be a part two. I sat down with a blank expression while Ibrahim seemed to enjoy it.

"How was the movie?" He looks as I smile. "it sucks." I say straight forwardly and he laughs. "I like how open you are. Which movie would you watch? Love?" He holds the remote.

I nod when he searched for it. "Me before you, would you like to watch it?" Ibrahim asks me. "Let's try it." I say shrugging my shoulders.

I wiped my tears as more spill down my cheeks. Ibrahim left the room because he said that he never liked romance. The guy died sadly.

I sniffle, wiping my tears. This is so sad. "Are you crying?" Ibrahim asks with surprise in his voice. "Of course,  it is sad." I say and Ibrahim sits,  looking at me.

"She just starting to have a series relationship but he died." I broke into tears when Ibrahim tries to wipe my tears. "This is just a movie, the actors are celebrating while you're crying."

He says wiping my tears with a handkerchief. "You will not die on me koh?" I ask as he stops to look at me. "Come to think of it,  only Allah knows but I pray it is not any time from now."

I add not minding how I sounded. "Yeah,  inshallah." He says smiling weakly when a tray of food is placed by the woman I saw in the kitchen in the morning.

"Thank you, Rachel." Ibrahim tells her as she smiles. "No problem,  sir." Rachel walks away while I look at her. "Who is she?" I ask looking at him.

"The house help." He answers me keeping his phone down.  "Oh." I simply say. "Eat up,  I'll go make a phone call." He says walking out.

I take the remote so I can watch something that will change my mood. Ibrahim talks on the phone than watch. His life must be spice less and boring.

I continue watching a movie about two high school students that are fake dating, I can't believe she had a crush on her sister's ex boyfriend. I forgot the name of the film.

I continue watching when Ibrahim walks back. "How come you still haven't eaten?" He asks. "I was waiting for you, i can't eat alone." I say not looking at him.

"Okay, let's then." He sits beside me.

I rub my eyes still watching while Ibrahim lay down on the chair, sleeping. Seriously? I stood up so I could wake him up when I saw something on the floor with lights.

City people. I walk and it starts to follow me. I continue to walk around so it go away but it just got faster. I scream before lay on the same chair with Ibrahim.

He wakes up rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks trying to sit up even though I lay on of him. "There is something following me." I say scared to my bones.

"This?" He points to the evil machine as I nod. He laughs out 0 while I looked at him. "it is not going to harm you. It is a small vacuum cleaner that roams around." He explains and I slowly get off him.

"What is a vyacoume cleanser?" I ask not placing my legs on the floor. 'It is a machine the cleans up the floor like a broom." He stands up as the machine turns roaming around.

"It scared me." I say standing up still freaked out. "I know, it won't do anything to you." He looks at me. "You know, let's just go sleep. It is late." He adds holding my hand so he could lead me to my room.

The machine starts to move close to me when I run. "it's still following me!" I scream running through stairs while he chuckles.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow if possible.

Anonymous ♡

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