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I take a deep breath, looking at Ibrahim's door. After that dream, I wanted to put this behind me.

I knock the door then patiently waited for Ibrahim's door to swing open. The door swung open as I expected but I didn't expect him with a towel.

He wrapped a towel around his waist while he used a smaller towel to dry his hair.

"What is wrong?" He asks breaking the silence. Suddenly, I want to end things in a hurry.

'Yeah, I'm here to tell you that it isn't your fault about the incident that happened last week. I was just embarrassed and I wasn't ready to admit that."

I say not able to look at him. "Thank you for understanding." He says before letting out a sigh.

"Now can we be cool? Talk to each other?" He asks smiling as I nod.

He looks so handsome. "Sure." I say when he hugs me. I look upwards not knowing what to do next.

I hug him back so he will he that I'm cool. He pulls out then gives me another smile.

"Okay, I'll go check what is on." I say walking towards the stairs.

"I'll be there." He says and I walk downstairs.

I feel way more relieved. It wasn't awkward or anything that made it worse like my dream.

I sit down, crossing my legs when a thought came to my mind. Would he ever like me? My feelings for him have heightened compared to before.

Will we be living like this all our lives? I won't be having kids then?

"Have you found something?" Ibrahim says before sitting down beside me. "Yeah." I say looking at him.

"Ibrahim, I'd like to visit my parents." I say abruptly as he turns to look at me. "What happened?" He asks.

"Its nothing, I just miss home." I say smiling and he nods. "Okay, when are you planning to go and would you be sleeping there?"

He asks. "I won't be sleeping there and I was thinking even if it will be tomorrow."

I say looking at him, hoping he would agree. "Sure." He agrees.

"Thank you." I say looking at the TV. "You're my wife, its alright." He says looking at me.

I feel really flattered. We continued watching the movie i liked then it ended so we started watching football.

He cheered whenever his team won. I am not the football kind of person. I just laughed as he cheered.

I scratch my forehead, contemplating whether I should go sleep since I'm going out or stay. Sleep it is.

I was about to start talking when Ibrahim starts. "I don't know why people enjoy romantic movies."

He says shrugging while he watched. "It is because it fills the hole in your heart where it lacks it."

I say without thinking. My eyes widened when I realized what I said. "So you're lacking love? Romance?" He asks, looking at me.

"I guess." I try to act cool after my slip of tongue. He nods slowly, watching.

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight." I stand up. "You're not going to give me a goodnight kiss?" Ibrahim teases me.

"You wish, continue watching your romantic movie." I reply, smiling widely like a donkey.

"I'm going to change it ASAP." He says and I walk to my room. I take a deep breath before walking towards my drawer to pick the outfit I'm going to wear.

I want to see my family and how the village has changed so far. I guess I'll see it tomorrow if god wills it.

I wake up early in the morning so I could prepare breakfast. I wore a vest and leggings.

I kept my wrapper on the closest chair to me. Ibrahim said he was going for a jog so I wanted to make this.

All I was thinking about is my family. I want to tell them all about this except the problems of course.

I want to see my friends too. I heard the door close while I was plating.

"Hey." Ibrahim says as I was making tea. "You're back already?" I ask.

"Of course, its not so far. What do you need help with?" He asks crossing his arms. "Nothing." I say but he came towards me.

"I'll do it, just start eating." He  offers so I didn't hesitate. "Thank you." I sit down.

"We'll be leaving at 9 which is in two hours so we could arrive around 11 or 12am." He says without looking at me.

"But I thought it was thirty minutes to the village." I furrow my eyebrows.

"At that time, there were no trucks and we took the shorter route, plus we were speeding. Now there's traffic, bad roads, trucks and we are taking the longer route because the shorter route is under construction."

He explain but I was just looking at his body. "Do you understand now?" He sits, placing the cup in from of me.

"Thank you." I mouth. "But we should get ready early if it's better for us." He says looking t me while I ate. So uncomfortable.

"Will you be staying for some time?" I ask. "Nah, I'll just drive you then stay for fifteen minutes tops and I'll go till I come to pick you up, around 4pm."

He adds as I look back him. "Okay." I nod. "Okay, I'm going to go take my bathe." He stands up.

"You're not hungry?" I ask not turning back. "Not now, maybe when I'm out of the shower."

Hr answers before leaving. I continued eating alone then cleaned the kitchen. I went to the parlor and arranged it.

I took Ibrahim's food on a tray to his room. I knock the door because he should be out by now.

The for swung open as I saw Ibrahim with a towel wrapped around his waist. Seeing him like this never gets old.

"Oh thank you." He take the tray and kept it on the stool. I stood there looking at him.

"Is there anything else?" He asks throwing a towel on his shoulder. Why does he always do this?

He stood there looking at me when I kissed him. I'm not really sure whether I'm good at it but he seems to be chill about it.

I wrap my arms around his neck  as he wraps his around my waist in a tight hug.

We walk inside the room closing the door. He places me on the bed when I remembered. "We can't do this,we need to be get on the road early." I say as he smiles.

"Its would kill us if we delay it a bit." He replies then continues kissing me.


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