Chapter 18

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His Obsession

Chapter 18


His gun is pointing directly between my eyes and my gun is pointing directly between his eyes, and I glare at him. I'm not the same girl I was two months ago or before I first saw him.

I don't show him the fear in me, I don't give him the satisfaction of seeing me afraid of him, when in reality I'm almost shaking with fear.

"Xavier Knight, I presume" I say with hatred laced in my face, hiding the fear that threatens to surface. He smirks. "Indeed" He says, his voice almost sounds like he's challenging me.

If he wants a challenge, I'll hive him a challenge. "You won't shoot me" I state, but neither one of us lower the gun. My finger ready at the trigger.

He smirks. "You know, you're the only one who has ever held me at gunpoint" He says and I roll my eyes. "Gee, I wonder why?" I ask, though it wasn't a question.

I know people like him, I know men like him. They're all the same, and he's no different from them, and I know how to handle men like him.

Arrogant, spoiled, jerks, dicks and believe themselves the kings of the world, never caring who they kill or hurt to get what they want. This man is just like them.

"We can continue this all day, or you could come back with me. Your leg doesn't look that good, it needs medical attention" He tells me.

My leg has been killing me, but I don't look down, I just keep glaring at him and keep my eyes on his. Though, I am also watching what is happening around us.

Those men could do something, yet I know they won't. Not while I have their boss at sun point. "And you care" I say. For whatever reason he wants me back into that castle mansion, I will deny him all of it.

"I don't" He states with no emotion in his voice. "If you think I will just go willingly with you, then you're wrong" I tell him with a hard look, I'm not backing down.

"I'm never wrong. You will come willingly, unless of course you don't care about that girl. What was her name... Oh, right, Kathy" He says and chuckles as my face falls down.

"You wouldn't" I speak. He only laughs, a cruel laugh. He comes closer to me until his head is touching my gun, but I still keep it steady and my finger ready at the trigger, and I will pull it if I need to.

"Oh, I would" He says before something sharp in my thigh forces me to look down, I notice a syringe in my thigh. "Sleep, little angel" Is the last thing I hear before the darkness takes over me and I'm met with the darkness.

His ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now