It's Never Getting Any Better Than This

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" GOODNIGHT, WE FUCKING LOVE YOU! " Pete yelled into the microphone. My heart still pounding, I followed my compadre off stage. I pulled an ear plug from my ear & plopped into the couch, exhaling loudly as I finally got to rest.

Joe & Andy walked in sitting in their own spots on the couch & the grey loveseat. " Holy smokes, I. Am. Beat. " I groaned as I dropped my head back. Andy took the final gulp of his bottled water & sunk into the leather couch. "Where's Pete?" he asked. I lifted my head to take a look around the small room. He wasn't within my eye's view .. so, I don't really care.

I shrugged & relaxed once again. Joe propped his feet on the table & chuckled. "He's probably fantasizing about that little stunt he pulled on stage." I guffawed, trying to cover my blush & adjusted my black fedora. I groaned, realising how disgustingly sweaty I am. "Ugh, I'm gonna shower .." "Please?" Joe jokingly pleaded only to laugh at his own joke. I rolled my eyes & faked a goofy laugh. ,

I sluggishly walked to the back of the building. I pushed the heavy door open & crawled into the bus just a couple feet away. I immediately began undressing. I dropped My fedora onto my bunk, and pulled my black t-shirt over my head.

I looked down at my stomach, even though I was alone .. I felt insecure. I had lost all the weight, but what remained was stretch marks and some left over flab. I held my hands over my stomach and took a deep breath. I exhaled and began to unbuckle my belt, pulling it from the loops & tossing it beside my fedora.

I unlaced my black & white converse, & pulled them off, tossing them across the way. I processed to unbutton my skinny jeans & pulled them down. My plaid boxers being my only coverage .. other than my thick-rimmed glasses. I ruffled my hair & walked toward the bathroom. I didn't know a room could be so small.

I turned the knobs, holding my hand under the water until it was up to standard. I took my now foggy glasses off, placing them on the rim of the sink. I pulled my boxers down & jumped in. The water ran down my neck, a warmth I could only get from my shower's now-a days. Or at least since Elisa found out she was pregnant.

Suddenly, Pete seemed to cross my mind again. Pete, and his radiant smile, contagious & captivating. His short blonde hair, exciting to run my fingers through it until I could find something to grab .. I could feel my below-the-belt area begin to throb. I bit my lip, overwhelmed with arousal.

The feeling of his calloused fingers running along the many curves of my body. I let out a light moan. I leaned against the cold, shower-wall. The way he touched me on stage earlier .. the way he kissed my neck. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine. A louder moan escaping my pursed lips.

I couldn't take it anymore, just one moment of weakness ..

Hey, there. That was the first part of my little fan-fiction. I know, I know! It's very short and sucks chicken-ass .. But I wanted to put two updates in one night and it kind of felt right to stop there. *Shrug* :/ And I'm sorry you got barely any Pete in this one. Trust me, he''ll be worth the wait. C; Hopefully you enjoy my amateur writing skills. If you actually do (which I'm not expecting. .) Send me some feedback! Love ya, Monkeys. XO! !

Title comes from "Rat-a-Tat" by Fall Out Boy, from their album "Save Rock And Roll" (2013)

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