A Hotter Touch

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(Patrick's POV)

Pete sucked down food, just shoveling it in. It made me loose my appetite. "Want some?" It took me a couple seconds to figure out what he said, his mouth was stuffed over it's maximum capacity.

"No, I'm okay." I'm not okay (I Promise) I'm really not. He shrugged and continued to eat. I just sat and watched tv.

My only coverage was the warm white towel around my waist. Doctor Who was on, but I've already seen this episode. I would've liked to do something with Pete I shouldn't do, but the noises he makes when he eats grosses me out.

He licked the sauces and grease off of his fingers, one-by-one. I made a disgusted face, I hadn't even realized it until Pete looked at me, "What's with the face? It's good food!" he burped and set his tray on the ground beside the bed.

"It won't be after it exits your digestive track." I mumbled. "Buzz-kill." he said, standing up and walking to the restroom. I'm assuming he's washing his hands because he turned the sink on.

"I could be very hip, Peter Lewis!" I hollered. "Any credibility you had just disappeared when you said 'hip'." he said, walking out of the bathroom and drying his face on his t-shirt.

I rolled my eyes and turned over, laying down on my stomach and shutting my eyes. I slid my hands under the pillow to elevate it a bit. I then felt Pete's weight on my back and his hands grip my sides.

"Hey there, sexy." he said, kissing my neck. "Ugh, not now. Your breath smells like hot-wings and ranch. I'm gonna barf." I buried my face in the pillow and tried to hide from the smell.

"Then I won't kiss you, i'll just do this." he held the pillow down with his forearm, trapping my hands, and tugging down the towel with his other.

"Pete, knock it off!" I yelled, squirming and tugging. But to no avail, he began poking my exposed skin and seeing how I would react. "Stop it, asshole! That tickles!" I yelled louder.

"Then, I will just do this..." he said, slapping my butt repeatedly. "Pete! I'm going to hurt you when I get out if this!" I kicked and pulled but he is much stronger than me.

"Not if I hurt you first." he whispered in my ear, hand now gripped my ass tightly and his kisses trailed up and down my spine.

"Pete, your scruff tickles." I mumbled. He began to nibble, a chill went through my body and I'm sure he felt it. "Oh, you like that, eh, Patty Cakes?" he asked, nibbling again. "Pete.." I mumbled.

I felt like I had more to say, like, "Get off of me!" or "Doctor Who is on!". But just his name slipping from my lips felt right.

"How about this?" he let his fingers touch the skin on my upper back and slowly make patterns that trailed down to inner thigh. I shuttered and squirmed a bit. Why does he have to tease me?

"Pete, please." I moaned out, I felt my groin throb and my breathing become labored. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. What'd you say?" He began to run his calloused fingers along the skin of my pale thighs, tracing the area around my.. you know.

"Pete, please." I said a little louder, lifting my head from the pillow. "Please what? Do this?" he asked innocently before pulling his fingers back. No, that isn't what I wanted at a-- I felt him placing one of his now moistened fingers at my entrance and slowly sliding it in.

I let out a gasp and arched my back a bit. I let out a breathy moan as he began to pull out and push in. He began to grind his hips to the rhythm, he pushed his hand with his hips and began to groan a bit.

"More.. m-more, please." I got out, my features tightened up a bit. "Say my name. You gotta.. say my name." he said, thrusting at the same pace. "Pete, Peter, Pete, more!" I yelled. He carefully slid in another digit, my walls tightened and I groaned loudly into the pillow.

He released my arms and used his free hand to grab my chin, pulling me up so he could kiss my neck. "I want them to hear you, don't put your face in the pillow." I tried to nod, but he was pulling my head so far back I couldn't even breath properly. With no warning he slid in another digit and caused me to scream out. He began to moan louder as his hips buckled. "More, moan, say my name, touch yourself." apparently he got off on my submission, so I did as told. I let my hand move to my hardening member, I began to pump it and my moans became louder. They were more strained, due to him constricting my air flow, but they were enough for him.

"Now say it!" he hollered, grinding faster. "Pete, harder, Pete Wentz. Harder, Pete! Harder!" I assumed throwing in the last name would give me extra points. My pumps became shorter and faster, as were his grinds. I moaned and whined, squealed and gasped. I could feel myself nearing climax, but before I could, Pete let out a loud chesty noise and began to slow down. "Wait, don't stop. I'm so close!" his release gave me a good shove toward the edge. He tried to keep going, but they evidently slowed and became less pleasurable. "Don't stop!" I yelled, but he pulled his fingers out and fell beside me.

I stopped pumping and laid on my stomach. I dropped my head into the pillow, the only noises were my heart beat slowing, and our heavy breaths. I was still high as a flag pole, but I think Pete would help with that in a moment. He pushed me onto my back and crawled over me. He stared into my eyes, there's that heart beat again. "Let me help you with that." he referred to my pulsing length. I just nodded quickly, his hands slowly reaching for the waist of his jeans.

Hope you didn't vomit .. with excitement! I will update soon, smut just chips away at that writer's-block. Thanks, Pete's penis.

Title come from "Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking her Clothes Off", by Panic! At The Disco (formally stylized as Panic At The Disco), from their debut album A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (2005)

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