What You Did

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(Joe's POV)

We decided to stop at a cheap motel. It isn't exactly the best time to just drop by. Brendon sat at the edge of the bed, he was still in shock. I walked over to Andy, who looked out the window with tired eyes. "Are you sure we shouldn't just take him? I think he really needs him."

"It's like, one in the morning. Besides, I already paid for the room." I shrugged and turned around, sitting beside Brendon on the bed. I put my hand on his back, scouring his face for a reaction. He was completely unphased. "We'll take you to Ryan's first thing in the morning." His eyes moved a little when I said Ryan's name.

I know he really loves him, and when Ryan & Jon left, he was heart broken. Creative differences.. that wasn't even the half of it. Ryan left because he and Brendon had a falling out, he couldn't bare to be around him knowing he could no longer have him. Jon left with him only because Ryan didn't want to be alone. The whole situation is idiotic to me, they love each other.. more than anyone or anything.

I brought my hand back to my lap, turning down to the floor. "Thank you.." he finally spoke. His voice was clear, smooth. It brought a warmth to my heart, knowing I'm reuniting love. "For what?" I asked. "You're bringing him back to me. You're bringing me from something I have been dealing with for years, bring me out of this hole and back to the light that is Ryan." his hands trembled and his voice began to shake.

That was.. deep. I pulled Brendon into a hug, letting him sob onto my chest. "Thank you so much." he began to laugh, pulling me into a bigger hug. I laughed nervously.. I'm a little scared. I looked at wide-eyed Andy. I think he's lost his marbles.

(Pete's POV)

I think I've been laying wide awake all night. I can't sleep. Every time I attempt to shut my eyes, the guilt shakes me awake. I did this to him, his life could be ruined because of me. What about Meagan & Elisa? They wouldn't threaten us if this whole situation didn't effect them as well.

I wonder what the alternative is.. Is she going to total my car? Trash my house? Take my kids? This is driving me crazy! I got up, careful not to wake Patrick. I paced the small space between the bunks, I tugged at my hair, pounded on my head, almost kicked and punched my surroundings.. I don't want Patrick to see me like this.

I grabbed my phone, I have to respond.. What does she want from me? Money? No, she isn't that shallow.. or so I thought.

Me Wat do u want?>

I sent the text, I felt like pawn in a game of chess.. her move.

I fell to the ground, covering my eyes with my palms, trying to force tears back in my eyes. I tried to stay as quiet as possible, but my sobs built up in my chest before bursting out of me. Now that I think I woke him, I can just let it out. I shouldn't have done anything in the first place. I never should've kissed back.. I ruined everything.

I felt his warm little hand touch my back. I flinched, then pressed against it. He crawled off the bed, pulling me into his embrace. I hugged him tightly, so tightly. "What's wrong?" He said, kissing my forehead and resting his cheek on my head. I stuttered to get the words out, I just had to find them first. How do you tell someone you ruined their life? Google would come in handy right now..

I struggled to get the words out, making me sob harder. He rubbed my cheek with his thumb, hushing me. "It's okay, don't speak.. breath."

(Patrick's POV)

I held him in my arms, he was a broken man. It made me feel awful, did I do this? I just hushed him, if it hurts too much to say anything.. I probably don't want to hear it. "It's okay, don't speak .. breath." I love him so much, I hate hurting him.

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