I Wanna Scream "I Love You" From the Top of My Lungs

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But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me.

(Patrick's POV)

Clank Clank Clank

I slowly opened my eyes to the loud noise. I groaned as I stretched and sat up. Who the hell is making so much noise while everyone's trying to sleep? I combed through my sex-hair with my fingers and slowly peeked my head out of the curtain. My eyes adjusting to the bright light coming from the window, I see a figure infront of the sink. Of course, it's Pete.

"Why do you have to make so much noise while everyone is trying to sleep?" I said in my morning-voice. He chuckled "Everybody has been up since 8:00, you lazy-bastard." I looked up to the old Mickey Mouse clock we had- for some reason- it was already 1:00. "I guess I tired you out last night." He laughed, rubbing his bare-chest and dropping the pot in the sink.

My cheeks were a bright-red & I played it off like I had no idea what he was talking about. I looked around for the guys. He wouldn't just carelessly throw around what we did last night, .. right? "Calm down, Patty Cakes. They're gone. They went to get Starbucks like, 10 minutes ago." I sighed in relief. My mind thought back to the last time he called me Patty Cakes.. and what he was doing. "Come out here & enjoy this delectable breakfast I have prepared." He said revealing the small round table set with two paper plates.

There was a range from orange juice to burnt toast, undercooked scrambled eggs, & crispy bacon .. meaning really burnt. I smirked & crawled out. I tried to hide my naked body, but Pete came up to me and grabbed my arms. He wrapped them around his body & stared into my eyes. My heart was pounding and I tried to use my pasty-thighs to hide my exposed member. "You're so cute." He leaned into my lips, but kissed my nose instead. "Shall we?" He asked, resting his forehead on mine?

"B-but .. My clothes .." "They won't be back for a while, you pussy. Besides, it isn't I haven't seen you naked before." He's seen so much more .. He's done so much more than seen. He let go of my arms and slowly slid his hands down them gently. He walked over to the table slowly, & plopped down into the chair. He pulled out a chair for me and smirked. I stood in shock as he lightly patted the chair beside him. "Come." I slowly walked over to him.

My bare-ass on the small wooden chair was a little uncomfortable.. but I kind of like it. The silence was killing me. The only sounds were the crunching of the toast, sipping of my juice, and my stifled breathing. I didn't want to breath loud. . he might think I'm gross. Finally, I grew the balls to say something .. "S-So.. about last ni--" I was cut off by the sound of the door's latch being played with. I shot out of the chair almost falling over and jumped into my bunk.

I was terrified, but Pete seemed relieved. I dressed into whatever clothes I had stuffed into my pillowcase or under my blanket. Joe walked in, shoving Andy.

(Pete's POV)

"S-So.. about last ni--" Oh, God Patrick please.. i'd rather not get into this. It's fun joking about it. . But trying to figure out what it meant seems.. dangerous. Joe & Andy start fiddling with the latch. Thank, God. I hunched over in relief, running my hand across my face & slightly tugged at my short, blonde hair.

Joe shoved Andy into the bus as he clutched onto his latte. Joe chuckled & Andy sat in the chair beside me. Little did he know, Patrick's bare-ass was there only seconds ago. "Where's Patrick?" I smirked at the sound of his name. It gave me a warmth that I couldn't really understand. Patrick. "He's masturbating in his bunk." I know he isn't, but joking is the only way I can seem .. normal. They both laughed and took sips of their drinks.

"PETE!" He yelled as he crawled out of his bunk in a pair of plaid pj bottoms & a faded, stretched blue t-shirt. "Morning, beautiful." Joe said, smiling and resting his head on his hand. He smiled & laughed a beautiful laugh. He's.. perfect. What's wrong with me? Meagan's perfect. I love her, and our beautiful child. "I was not masturbating." He said leaning against the wall beside him.

"Right, and I wasn't masturbating the other night, I was massaging my penis." Joe responded, sipping his caramel latte. We all.exchanged a laugh as Patrick motioned to the back of the bus. He looked into my eyes , before turning around and shutting the curtain. I guess he wants me to follow.

(Patrick's POV)

I hope he gets the message.. just as I turned around, Pete had already entered. "Pete, I--" I was cut-off by his perfect lips, taking control of mine. I pushed him off, I could kiss him all day.. but this needs to be resolved. "Stop. We need to talk." I said seriously. My hands on his chest, as I inhaled deeply. "What was last night about? What happened?" I asked. "What do you mean? You kissed m--" He exclaimed. I covered his mouth.

"But you kissed back, I was vulnerable and I needed a way to-- why.. did you kiss back?" I slowly moved my hand from his mouth and took a step back. "I-- you've been my friend for so long.. I guess I felt comfortable with you?" He said it like it was a question. Maybe he doesn't know either. Maybe he's just as confused about his feelings as I am. "I'm.. I'm not gay." He said. Neither am I.. Or at least I don't think so.

"Neither am I.. maybe it's our way to cope with per--" I was interrupted by his hand covering my mouth. "Patrick.. maybe we just.. shouldn't try and find reason. Maybe we should just let it be." He whispered, his eyes flickering from my lips to my eyes. "W-what are you suggesting? We have a full-blown affair?" I asked, my stomach in knots and on the verge of jumping out of my skin.. I don't know why.

"What happens on tour, stays on tour, Stump."

Ah, totally should've made that last line like, a song reference.  *Face Palm* .. Okay, so I'm not too crazy about this one. But I hope you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it! Kind of. Anyway, expect more very soon! Love you, Monkeys! Bye! XO.

Title comes from" The (Shipped) Gold Standard" by Fall Out Boy. From their studio album Folie à deux.

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