My Songs Know

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(Pete's POV)

I looked over to Patrick, he looked.. happy. I just kissed another man in his face, broke his heart, made him cry so hard he looked like his eyes were going to dry up and fall out his head, and then I almost just committed suicide.. and now he looks.. happy?

He's so precious, finding the light in everything. Maybe he's right to.. Our relationship is now going to be stronger than it has ever been. But I still want us to be more.. how would I do that?

He turned to me, his face glowing and warm. "I love you, man." he said. "I love you too.." I responded.. unsure if i should I be worried. I leaned in, kissing his cheek. He smirked and looked forward, approaching the bus. "You want something to eat? I worked up an appetite.." he said, his voice calm and steady.

"Yeah, I could go for some junk in my mouth." He chuckled a bit and stood silent until we reached the door of the bus. Pushing his way in he mumbled "That's what she said.." as if I wouldn't hear. "Thank you! it was killing me.." I said, throwing my hands in the air and pulling him into my embrace. Pecking his cheeks gently.

He smiled and shoved me off. "No, No sex on an empty stomach." he grinned, shaking his index finger in my face. "What I we combined the two?" I said suggestively, grabbing his finger and putting it in my mouth. He pulled it back and laughed, wiping away my saliva on his bed. "Food first." he repeated, turning around toward the bathroom.

It seems like things are back.. I still gotta treat him like a king.. just like he deserves. He's my little dirty-blonde king. I smirked and turned around, getting the ingredients to prepare something special.

(Patrick's POV)

I turned into the bathroom, once that door shut I bursted into tears, attempting to hold down the grunts of pain. How could he think he could do all this to me and just expect me to suck his dick? I love him so much, so much.. and I forgive him. But the way he pretends it isn't a big deal is like.. if it happened again, he would make a scene then when I forgive him, mess up again. Why do I cry more than I smile? Why can't we be happy?

I bent over, looking at the ground and grabbing the end of the sink to hold myself up. I sobbed, my tears falling to the ground. I inhaled deeply and exhaled with a quiver in my voice. "Please, Pete." I whispered. I forced myself upright, looking into the mirror. My face was red, my eyes were bloodshot, my mouth stuck in a frown, my tears still running down ny cheeks, even though I thought I stopped crying.

I wiped my tears and puffed up my chest, releasing the air with a loud groan. I washed my face and blew my nose into a roll of toilet paper. "Come on, Stump. Put on a happy face." I whispered to myself. I blinked a couple times, trying my best to get into the mood. Maybe I can just screw him to make him happy.. just for now.

I opened the door with a big fake grin on my face. "How's it cookin'?" I asked, rubbing my hands together and sneaking behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "All good here, hope you're in the mood for something good." He said, turning to kiss my cheek. He continued to stir whatever was in the pan as I released him, I turned around and laid on my bed.

It's only just turned 5:00, but I'm so beat from all this stress. I guess I dosed off at some point, because I opened my eyes in pitch black with a pulsing headache. I looked around, little green numbers from the clock across the way read "2:30 AM". I thought about Pete.. where is he? I feel awful.. where are the guys? shouldn't they be back by now?

I sat up, banging my head on the top bunk. "Fuck.." I groaned, rubbing my forehead. I felt shifting and shuffling. "A-Are you okay?" Pete's shaky voice asked. "Y-Yeah, did I wake you?" I asked, I can't even see him.. "No, I .. can't sleep." he mumbled. "Well.. why don't you.. lay with me?" I suggested. I don't want to fuck Pete, but being wrapped in his arms as I fall fast asleep is where I would kill to be any day.

"I-I'd love to.." he said, jumping off of god knows where and slipping in the bed beside me. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my neck as I laid down. "I love you." He whispered in my ear, as I turned toward the wall. I melt when he says those words, and now it feels like the first time. Maybe this tragedy was a blessing in disguise. Just the thing we needed to fall even harder in love. "I l-love you too.. so much." I said, shutting my eyes tight.. letting a single tear escape. I mean it everytime I say it.

(Pete's POV)

I have had my face buried in this pillow for what seems like an eternity. My tears haven't stopped flowing.. I know he was crying. I know I really messed things up.. I love him so much, how could I be so idiotic?

I cried silently, I know I look a mess but I don't care. I just want to take this time I have to myself to let it all out. He will probably wake up really late anywa-- I felt a bang from the bottom of my bunk, then his voice. "Fuck..."

I sniffled and wiped my face on my pillow as fast as I could. "A-Are you okay?" I stuttered out. Shit, that sounded obvious. He probably knows I was crying. "Y-Yeah, did I wake you?" He asked quietly. "No I.. can't sleep." I said. It's true, my head says I'm tired, my heart says I don't deserve sleep.

"Well,.. why don't you.. lay with me?" He offered. I'm not in the mood to have sex.. I doubt he is either. Maybe we could just lay there and cuddle.. I miss those times. "I-I'd.. love to." I hopped off my bunk and slipped into the bed behind him. I wrapped my arms around him, I felt like I was taking a leap of Faith. I always hold him, but I feel like I'm starting from point A ..

I pulled him closer, whispering in his ear. "I love you." It was like saying it for the first time. The butterflies were back.. "I l-love you too.. so much." I felt a chill down my spine, I'm so crazy about this little guy.

I kissed the back of his neck gently and snuggled into him. He is so warm.. he smells like sweat, but it wasn't bad.. it's his scent. It drove me crazy and I don't think I could live without it.

I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans. I was so comfortable, I didn't want to move. After about three minutes I reached for it. I got 2 from Joe, 4 from Andy, and I just got one from-- I could hear my heart pounding in my head.

Meagan <I told Elisa. we need 2 talk 2.. unless u would prefer the alternative>

My heart beat grew even louder, my breath became labored. A lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow, I felt my face get hot and tears in my eyes. I looked over to Patrick. I did this to him.. I ruined everything.

Part 1, bitches. I'm sorry I took so long, I got in trouble and I'm not allowed to use my phone.. so I gotta wait until everyone leaves. Sorry, hope you liked it! Love us, Monkeys! XO!

Title comes from "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'em Up)" by Fall Out Boy, from their studio album Save Rock and Roll (2013)

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