In The Dark

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(Patrick's POV)

I pushed the stroller in a huff, I was so upset over .. everything. Cheating wife, the fact that I may loose my child, the fact that Pete just sat there like a dumbass while his girlfriend slapped me. That isn't very loving, lover. I stopped. I can't be so violent, I have him with me. Speaking of "him", he's screaming and crying. I walked to an alley, parking the stroller there as I tried to calm the baby. I picked him up, carefully holding his little tennis ball head and my other hand held his fragile body. I placed him in the crook of my neck, his screams were deafining. I rocked him and shushed him, but he didn't cry less, he didn't squirm less, just brushed off my attempts.

"Come on, Declan. Hear me out, I love you. I want to make you smile, I want to show you how much love I can give. I know I am not your mother, but dammit I'm just as good. I could love you just like her, except I can teach you things she doesn't need to know about.." I teared up a bit as I chuckled. "I can show you how great it is to be alive, because one day you might grow up hating the world because you're all alone, but you'll alway have that one person that never let's you down. If it can't be someone like, your girlfriend-or your boyfriend. I-I don't discriminate.. trust me- I want to be that person. I want you to come to me and tell me that the world is kicking you in the ass and you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here little man. Then there's always your mother, there will be .. uncle Pete. And all of the Fall Out Boy fan base.. trust me. They love you and they have never seen more than a picture on Instagram. Just let me love you. Please let me in." I whispered, shutting my eyes tightly and kissing his cheek.

He stopped crying a while ago, actually. I hadn't noticed because I was so lost in my own head. "Thank you, buddy. Now let's go get something fattening." I said, placing him in the stroller and pushing him back onto the sidewalk. People stared and awed at his adorable little giggles and coos. I created something pretty extraordinary, didn't I? This little ball of love is going to be the death of me. I spotted a Subway and walked toward it. I had to push the door open with my butt and drag him in without slamming the door into his stroller. I think I worked up a sweat.

How do I do this? Do I bring him with me? Can I leave him at the table? This is idiotic! How do people do this? I put the stroller by a table in the corner or the restaurant, and pulled him into my arms. I walked to the line, especially slow so I didn't startle him. It's like holding a fragile explosive, one mistake and BOOM! Obliterated into oblivion. The girl looked up at me, her eyes going wide when she spotted the baby. "He's adorable! Name?" she asked. "Declan." I said, pulling him closer. "Unique, I like it. What can I get for you today?" He asked, pulling her gloves a little further up her wrist.

"Just a meatball marinara, extra cheese." "Mozzarella?" I nodded and she sprinkled it across the sandwich. We did the whole sandwich process and it cost me about $5. "So, how old is he?" she asked, wrapping the sandwich up and sliding toward me. She opened the cash register and pressed buttons. "October 13th so.. what day is it?" I asked. She giggled, "November 29th." "Around six weeks then.." I shrugged. "Is the lucky lady here?" she said, looking around a bit. I admit, that stung a little. "N-No, kind of a .. rough-patch." simple enough. Big understatement, but yes.

"I'm sorry.. enjoy your meal, sir." She handed me a receipt. "It's fine, thank you." I carried the baby and the sandwich back to the table. Is it always going to be like this? Vaguely explaining the mess that will become our family? I can't live like this.. I don't want to live like this. I just need Pete right now. I placed him back in his stroller. "You hungry?" I asked, not expecting a reply. But I did get a slobbery giggle. " "Yes" it is. Let's see what you have down here.." I searched the small net basket that hung from the bottom of the stroller.

"Baby food! Yay!" he didn't look too thrilled. "It's.. Carrots and Spinach. Yippee." I said flatly. I grabbed the container that came with a small plastic spoon. I never got that, it's shaped like a dinosaur, it's head was like a bowl shape to scoop up the food. I don't get it, why a dinosaur? What kid gets a thrill out of eating from an animal's head. Little sick, huh? I peeled back the plastic cover, hit with a smell that could knock a skunk out of his senses. "Baby food" my ass..

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