"Why Don't You Just Drop Dead?"

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(Patrick's POV)

I felt the her body heat radiating off of her like a furnace as she slowly grinded on me. No matter how good it felt, it felt wrong. So wrong.

And not all for the obvious reasons, like that she's  probably less than half my age, or that I don't know her name, or that I'm cheating on Elisa, or that I'm making the same mistake over and over, or that I'm not using protection.

It's that all I can think about is Pete.

It's not this strange woman and I in this house. It's Pete and I, fooling around in the tour bus. She kissed my neck like him, but it didn't feel the same. She moaned like him, but it doesn't sound the same. I shut my eyes tighter, her body grinding faster, nearing her climax, but I wasn't.

The realization that I was with this woman, rather than Pete was a total boner-killer. I grabbed her hips and stopped her. "W-what? Why'd you stop? I'm so close." She moaned leaning in and nibbling my ear.

"Stop," I said, pushing her back. "I can't do this. This is-- What was I thinking? It-It isn't you it's me. You know what? It kind of is you. You're beautiful, and so kind, but you're so young. I don't even know you're fucking name."

She covered my mouth and spoke quickly "Stacy Aguilar," She began to grind once again, dropping her head back. I grabbed her shoulders. "Stop! Just--" I pushed her off of me and slid my boxers from my ankles and up to my waist.

"Patrick, please!" She called, but I was already out the door and running out of the gate.

God, I'm so stupid!

I continued running until I fell to my knees. I finally fell apart. I realized I don't care what Pete said. I know he didn't mean it. The next time I saw him, I would make him know how I feel. 

I sobbed loudly, I was on my knees, stripped down to my underwear and shivering in the cold.

Please, Pete, I'm sorry. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Stacy, please.."

I turned around to see Pete, kind of. He was all sniffle-y and his eyes were pink and puffy, but he was still so beautiful. "Patrick, I'm so sor--" I cut him off by smashing my lips into his.

I missed his warmth, his taste. I needed him. Just a taste wasn't enough, it would never be enough. He kissed me back, pushing me against the brick wall behind us. "I l-love you." my heart pounded, afraid of how he'd respond. I meant it, and I wouldn't take it back no matter what he said.

The words lingered in the air as we huffed clouds of condensation into one another's mouthes.

His eyes were large and glassy, staring back into mine. They switched off from my left to my right and I was afraid he would retreat, realizing how deep I had him.

(Pete's POV)

"I l-love you.." Patrick stuttered.

Was this real? Was I dreaming? I could feel his heart beat pick up the pace, and his breaths shorten and pick up like his quick little heart.

I took a moment or two to observe his glossed over eyes. I wanted to know if he really meant it before I replied, I needed to know before I did it.

"I love you, too." I replied. Oh, did I mean it? I was so madly in love with him. I hadn't realized it, but I think I always was.

I kissed him passionately and felt a tear roll down my cheek, a tear of complete and utter joy. He wiped it away as our lips parted. "I'm sorry about what I said, Pe--"

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