Oh Nostalgia, I Don't Need You Anymore

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(Brendon's POV)

I've been staying with Ryan for a while now, we have eased back into our "best-friend" relationship and its been really great. I just wish it were more than this. More to us.

"Morning, Bren." He said as he scratched his head and yawned like a lion. I chuckled, "Morning, George.", taking a sip of my coffee. He shoved my arm and took a bite of my toast. "Heyyyyyaaah," I stretched the syllables to show the extent of my distaste in the action. "Don't call me George, Urie." He glared and set the slice down. I stuck my tongue out and took another sip of my coffee. "And to think I made you a cup of coffee.." I shook my head. "Awwe, you're so sweet." He kissed my head and grabbed the other mug.

I rolled my eyes as if it didn't mean a thing, but I got butterflies and felt kind of special. "Morning, boys." Elizabeth smiled as she skipped down the steps. She came behind Ryan and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed her back. I took another drink of my coffee and stared at the counter. She walked past me, brushing her fingers against my back as she reached for the coffee maker. "How'd you sleep, Brendon?" She asked.

"Great, like a rock." I lied, I was up all night counting sheep, hiding under my sheets and using my phone, doing other stuff under the sheets, just about anything to help me sleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. Is it always going to be like this?

"That's good, wish we could say the same." She gave Ryan a look and walked up the steps. I faked a chuckle, but I really just want to vomit. Being reminded that that's no longer me, that I can't crack those jokes, that I can't make him feel loved in the way I'd like, that I don't get to lay beside him, sleep with him, kiss him, feel him, taste him.

Have him.

(Ryan's POV)

Are you kidding me? Did she really pull one of those? It was only pity sex, I haven't been giving her the attention she deserves since Brendon's been staying with us. But now I feel like an asshole toward Brendon. I just can't win here. Well, who can when your apart of a love-triangle?

"Quite the catch, Ryro." He joked, sipping from his mug. I giggled and sat on the couch. He came beside me and took a bite of the toast, but on the opposite side I had bitten. Which hurt a little. "You've tainted my toast." He made a pouty face and took another bite. "Not the only thing I've tainted." I said into my cup. He turned to me with furrowed eyebrows. "You're.. you're nasty." He shook his head and turned on the tv, slightly cracking a smile.

We can joke about it yes, because we both know it happened. But joking aside, it's a heavy subject. Like, weight-of-the-world heavy. He skimmed through the channels and eventually gave up, tossing the remote at me. "I can't find anything.." he grumbled. "No need to throw things, now." "It was a toss, a toss, Ross." He corrected.

I chuckled and put on "The Simpsons". (That was for Fallout Boy) "Hey, look. It's that 'Fallout Boy' episode." Brendon pointed out. I smiled a bit, "I wish we would've gotten a name with a cooler reference." I took the last drink of my coffee and stood up. "Woah now, 'Panic! At The Disco' is an awesome name." He shook his finger in my face and turned his attention back to the tv.

"Right, totally. Totally an awesome name that makes complete sense." "Are you talking shit, George? Because that's what I'm hearing." I rolled my eyes at the little man and poured more coffee. "How about 'The Young Veins', eh?" He asked. "What about it? It's a good name .." "Right, right." He mumbled. "What's wrong with it?" "Nothing, nothing. Nothing at a-a-all." He shrugged and placed the cup against his lips.

"Shut up," was all I said before taking my spot beside him again. He smiled and continued to watch the television. I love that smile, that big goofy grin of his, and his hair. It's different now, but I love that messy look that just looks like he doesn't care. And that tattoo, I remember when he got that. I thought it was a huge mistake, but it turned out great.

I want one just like it, something that means a lot to me on my body forever. Might as well get a portrait of that big goofy grin. I turned away and sighed, taking a swig of the hot beverage. "It's a great name," I mumbled. "Not as great as yours." He replied, eyes still glued to the tv.

(Patrick's POV)

I squirmed as I felt cold fingertips grazing the skin of my back. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, turning my head as far back as I could to see Pete just sitting there with a twisted smile. I cleared my throat before speaking in a clearly hoarse voice, "What are you doing?" I admit, I'm a bit scared.

He has that kind of smile that screams "I want to cut off your face and wear it to parties." It isn't very appealing. "I just wanted to wake you up, beautiful." He giggled. I glared at him as I rolled onto my back, propping myself up on my elbows. "What did you do?" I interrogated.

"Nothing!" He squealed. "Peter Lewis, don't you lie to me." I grumbled. He chuckled and stood up, pecking my forehead and walking into the bathroom. He's up to something, I know it. But what? I sat up & drapped the large, white, fluffy robe around my body and snuggled up. I sat at the end of the bed and observed the room.

There were sheets and pillows all over the floor, the bed was a chaotic mess, there was spilt champagne from the night before and clothes strewn across the room. We didn't care where they landed, as long as they were off. I was nostalgic for nights like those, like last night. I'd give anything to feel that high every night of my life.

There was a knock at the door, I sighed and stood up, pulling it open. "Good morning, Mr. Stump. I'm here with your breakfast order." She smiled and wheeled the cart in. "Uh, are you sure it's mine? I didn't order anything.." I walked toward the cart and observed the dishes. "We got a call requesting a breakfast from this room." She added.

"Um, okay, thank you." I shrugged and giggled. "Enjoy, just call if you need anything at all." She waved and turned out of the room. I flashed a smile and pulled the cart toward the bed. I sat down and got comfortable, digging into the meal. Maybe this was what Pete was so excited about, must be great food.

I helped myself to the pancakes, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, all of it. I forgot Pete was here, maybe I should've saved him something. Oh, wait. There's a small cake here. That looks so good.. maybe one bite couldn't hurt, and one more. One last bite.. He probably only wants half anyway. You know what, I'll just order another.

I took a bite when I felt my tooth hit something. It kind of hurt, it was like a rock. If there is a tooth in here, I swear to God.. I tore the cake apart until I saw it. A silver piece of metal covered in frosting. I paled and suddenly I knew what this was about. I can't believe I thought this was just a breakfast, I should've seen this coming.

I wiped away the frosting until I was overcome with excitement and fear. I got a chill down my spine and hopped around on the bed a bit as I eagerly kicked my feet in the air. This an engagement ring. I looked down at my ring finger when suddenly I remembered. I'm already married..

I gulped and clenched my hand into a fist. I heard the bathroom door creak open and felt the bed sink in as he inched toward me. He kissed my ear and hugged me warmly. "I love you," I just sobbed and turned around, hugging him tightly. "Patrick, do me the honor."

I held the ring in my palm and peeked at it from behind Pete's shoulder. I want to, so bad. But I have a wife, I don't know if I can do this to him. "I don't want to hurt you, Pete." I whispered. "Then say 'yes', just marry me." He laughed and kissed my neck a couple dozen times. "Patrick Martin Stumph, will you marry me?" He pulled his head away and observed my expression. I stroked his cheek as I smiled warmly. I looked at that ring once more, with one word it can all be mine or I could be left with nothing.

It was clear what I wanted to say, but I guess my body had other plans ..


What? What is going on? Who knows? Oh, I do. Hehehe, I feel like a God. Anywhore, I know it's short, but I had to end it there.

We're too close to the end guys, too close. I don't know if my little heart can take it. I hope you enjoyed it, I enjoyed the Ryden. Love you! Bye!

Title comes from "Spotlight (New Regrets)"/"Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) by Patrick Stump from his solo album(s) "Soul Punk"/"Truant Wave" (2011)

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