Get All the Sighs and Moans Just Right

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(Pete's POV)
The entire show, Patrick only looked at me twice. I know he isn't mad at me, he's mad at the world. Maybe I should make it up to him? He's so beautiful. We've already lost so much time together as it is, I'll make it up to him.
The way he moved his body when he sang, the way the sweat ran down the side of his face, yet he refused to take off his jacket. I smiled, oh, shit.. I missed a note. Focus, Pete, Focus.
(Fast-forward, Fast-forward)
I walked off stage grabbing a towel.that rested on the arm of the couch and wiped down my face. I proceeded to wipe my neck and tossed the towel at Patrick. He threw it back and smirked. He took off his jacket and put it on the couch, throwing himself onto it a shutting his eyes. I looked at Joe & Andy, signaling them to get lost. They gave me looks that made me want to smack them & walked into the dressing room.
I crept up behind him, crawling onto his back, and hugging him. "Patty Cakes?" "Yes, Pete?" "Let me make up for that night." He paused for a second, he knew exactly what night I was talking about. ".. How?" I leaned in to his ear and whispered, "Follow me.. "
I slowly slid off of him, slightly rubbing my below-the-belt area against him. I heard him get up, and his foot steps after mine. I pushed open the heavy door, that lead us to the bus. I pulled off the latch and opened the door. I stopped, waiting for Patrick to come behind me. I turned around, pulling him into my embrace.
He kissed back with insincerity. I felt like I was forcing this on him, like he just wanted it to end.. is this what Meagan was feeling? His arms just lazily swung beside him and he didn't kiss back. It's like.. kissing a dead person. I put my hands on his shoulders and parted lips. I looked at his dead eyes staring at the ground. A single tear ran down his cheek. He dropped his head and ran his fingers through his dirty-blonde hair. "I-I'm sorry, Pete.. All I can think about is.. Elisa's betray--" his face cringed as he said her name, but I stopped him. "Patrick, that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that you're happy with me. Right here, right now. What matters is that you know I will always be here for you, as a friend and as your boyfriend." I wiped the tear from his pale cheek. We've never officially stated we were boyfriend & boyfriend, but I guess I just did. He turned a bright red, and a genuinely warm smile spread upon his porcelain face. "I want you to know that I will-- I need you to know that I will never, ever, ever, betray you." He smiled widely enough, showing his beautiful teeth. "I love you, so much." He said in the sweetest voice possible. "And I love you." He grabbed my hands and pulled me toward into his kiss. Suddenly, he was in charge.
(Patrick's POV)
Did he call me his boyfriend. I got butterflies and my heart beat sped up. Pete makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world. I couldn't help but smile. I love him so much, it physically hurts me.. am I crazy? "I love you, so much." And I mean it, I love him, too much. "And I love you." He responded, his deep brown eyes made me feel like I was gonna fight right there and then. I know he just wants to make me feel better, but I'm gonna make him feel better. I took his hands, pulling him into a deep kiss. He ran his right hand through my hair, slightly tugging it, and ran the other tickled my jaw-line. I ran my left hand past the waist of his skinny jeans. He forcefully gripped my bulge, and my right hand residing in his back pocket. "Teach me a lesson in the worst kind of way, Patrick." He whispered. I pulled back and laughed hysterically, "You did not just use a s-song reference. That was so lame!" "I thought it'd be sexy! You love my lameness." He said bringing me closer, kissing my jaw-line. "That's not all I love." I said pushing him against the wall, rubbing his chest under his shirt. "God, you're so beautiful." He moaned, kissing me deeper.
I can't take this anymore, I want him. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, only breaking the kiss for a second. He put his hands against the wall as I took control.
My kiss traveled to his chest, my fingers to the waist of his skinny jeans and began to tug them down. My hands snaked back up, gripping his chest, my lips sloppily pecking from his abdomen to his v-line. I could feel his body tremble and a light moan escape his lips. I smiled against his skin and my teeth nipped at his boxers.
"No." He forced out, with slight regret. "What do you mean, 'no'?" I questioned. He placed his index finger on my chin, pulling me up to his eye level. "I owe you." He said, gently kissing my lips. "You don't owe m--" "Shh, Patty Cakes. Let me show you how grateful I am." He whispered against my lips. I smirked against his lips and intertwined my fingers with his. He walked me to the bed, laying me on my back and kissing my neck, I let out a moan as my fingers explored his nude body.
Just like that, he was in controlling again. I suddenly felt him tugging my pants down with excessive force. "Woah, slow down." I chuckled, I unbuttoned it for him and let him finish. He pulled them down to my ankles, he used his feet to pull them off of me and continued to kiss me. He didn't bother to take my black button-up off one button at a time, he tore it open and began sucking on my chest. I knew he'd leave an obvious mark, but it felt so damn good. I bit my lip and slightly arched my back. "That's what I like to see." He mumbled, nibbling my chest. I gasped and ran my fingers across his short, blonde hair. It wasn't long enough to tug anymore, but it was so fun to run my fingers along. His kiss moved from my chest to below my naval, making me squeal with every touch of his hot breath on my pale skin.
His fingers slipped into my boxers tracing the skin around my member. I let out a few moans and groans here and there, but he didn't stop teasing me. Finally, he slipped them down, exposing myself to him. He brought his lips back to mine, missing me passionately. The kind of kiss that reminds me how much I love him.
These are the moments that remind me that making love, and having sex are two completely different things. Sex is empty, pure lust. Making love is showing the other person just how much you care by becoming one. And that's what this is, that's what it's always been with him. Even the first time, it was showing him how much I love him, even if I-- we didn't know it.
With Elisa, it's always been sex. I thought I loved her because she made me feel better about myself by saying she loved me and that she would only love me. But it was all a ruse. I've always just been her property rather than her companion.
I felt a tear roll down the side of my cheek, the warmth building up in my face. I hadn't realized how much shit I let her put me through even when she wasn't around. "Patrick, are you okay, baby?" He said, using his calloused thumb to wipe away the tear. "Thanks to you." I said, sniffling a little. He smiled and kissed me again. This time I won't let her get to me. I grabbed the back of his neck, wrapping one leg around his waist. "There you go, Patty." He said, chuckling and licking his bottom lip. I pulled his coverage down with my other foot, I felt him place each of his hands on the bed on both sides of my head.
"Please, Pete. I want you." I whispered in his ear. "Yes, master." He said with a smirk before adjusting into a comfortable position. The bed is so small, it's a miracle we both fit on it.
He rested his head in the crook of my neck whilst his other moved toward his member, I couldn't tell what he was doing until I felt his tip enter my opening. With no warning, I was penetrated. He let out a groans he slowly pushed his entire length into me. I brought my nails to his back, digging my nails into him. I'm surprised I hadn't left any marks last time. I let out a squeaky moan that caused a breathy chuckle to push it's way out of him, his hot breath on my neck turning me on so much more.
He slowly grinned on me, his shaft loosening my opening with every long, hot thrust. I don't know how it could be so painful, yet feel so amazing. But I still want more.. "F-Fast-er" I stuttered out between moans and gasps. He picked up the pace, each movement now quicker and shorter. As were my moans and squeaks. "M-More!" I know he was going as fast as he could, but it feels good to give the orders. "I c-can't.." I could hear it in his strained voice, he was nearing his climax. So was I, But I don't have the breath left to tell him. "Almost.. almost.. almost" was all he could get out at this point. He feels so good, he smells so good. Something about his scent makes me feel alive. Whether good or bad he smells intense to me. Yeah, it doesn't make sense, but it's the only way I can describe that scent. I could feel his breath huffing on my neck even more rapidly now. I can't contain myself any longer. I grunted loudly as I released myself. I could feel the tearing in my throat. That's gonna be a pain tomorrow. My thoughts were cut off by Pete's groan of satisfaction, releasing his warm fluids in me. But I felt like an over stuffed jelly donut.
He fell on the bed next to be, facing me and we took a second to catch our breaths. I watched him the corner of my eye, he smirked and kissed cheek. I suddenly felt comfortable, every insecurity or negative thought was sucked away by the small kiss on the cheek. I turned to face him, looking him in his beautiful eyes. I love him so much. Just as I was about to tell him, "I love you, Patrick." He whispered. I could see tears begin to grow in his eyes. I leaned in, kissing his lips with every bit of love I had left in me. I felt the warmth of his tear touch my cheek. "I need you." He muttered. Before I could say anything he pulled me into his embrace, kissing me warmly before drifting off into sleep.
Shout to my friend Lexi for doing some of the very sexual sex scenes for me. I wasn't in the mood today, so.. you go girl. I'm kind of running dry, but I'm not gonna stop. I'm honestly kind of falling in love with them. I wish this were all real, so real. *Cries*
Considering it's quality, I'm kind of pissed it took so long to write. But I really hope you liked it, I thought the lovey Peterick stuff was pretty fun to write. And I've rewritten so much of this that it's a completely different draft. I only kept the original lovey-dovey Peterick crap.
Title comes from A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More "Touch Me" by Fall Out Boy, from their studio album "From Under the Cork Tree" (2005)

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