Wishing to Be the Friction in Your Jeans

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(Brendon's POV)

I stirred my straw around and around in my soda, my head rested in my palm as I waited for Ryan to come back from the restroom. The whole ride we just talked about how much we miss each other. Nothing more than "as a friend".. I let out a huff, I felt the table shake as I looked up to see Ryan. He adjusted his position and looked up at me, little breathless and his face was red. A single drop of sweat ran down the side of his face. Did he go for a run? I don't want to know what he did in that bathroom.

"You okay?" I asked, smirking as I grabbed my nuggets. "Uh, yeah. W-Why?" he asked frantically. "Nothing, you just look a bit.. shitty." I said, taking a bite. "Oh, it was pretty hot in the bathroom.." I simply nodded, my focus back on my food. "So, you guys working on a new album?" he asked, shoveling fries into his mouth. "Well, we've written a few songs, nothing official though. I don't think anyone should expect anything soon.. but definitely in the works. How about you? How's the music thing going?" I brushed my poof back and swallowed my food.

"Uh, not much going on. I haven't really been too focused in it though.. I've been pretty enveloped and devoted to.. Elizabeth." he cleared his throat and began I slow down. "Oh, yeah. What-Who-What are you guys? Like, what is your relationship status exactly?" I asked, a little crushed. "She's my girlfriend .. that's it." he looked up at me, those beautiful eyes stalling me. "Oh, she seems great. Good for you guys.." I said, it made me think about Sarah. Now.. Pete. I still really like Pete, I still care for Sarah so much. But no one.. no one can replace Ryan.

He's so beautiful. Those big beautiful eyes, that smooth pale skin, his muscles obvious through his tight gray t-shirt. I could take him right now.. that is until I heard children running around and laughing. Now that doesn't sound like a very fun idea. "Yeah, she's really great." there was a moment of silence before one of us actually spoke up again. "Brendon, do you ever think about .. us? You know-- nevermind. Forget it." Scratched his head and took a sip of his soda.

"Always." I mumbled. He looked up at me, a spark of hope and fear fused together to make whatever emotion he held. "Are they.. good thoughts?" he said nervously. I chuckled a bit, chewing on my thumb-nail. "Always." I said, placing my hand on the table and inhaling deeply. The corners of his
mouth twitched as he attempted to hold down a smile. "You-You know I still care about you, right Bren? A lot.. maybe too much for the time we've been apart." he looked down at the table, his hand rested only inches away from mine.. but I think it was on purpose.

"Of course, I-I feel the same way.. I probably shouldn't even be saying anything, but if we're being honest .." My voice trailed off as my hand casually moved a little closer, out fingertips touching just for a second. His face turned a dangerous red, and his long fingers slipped between mine. They teased as they just rested between mine, maybe he'd slide his finger down the side of mine. "Ryan, stop." I said, pulling my hand back. I want to so bad.. But cheating really isn't my thing at the moment.

"You're right, I'm sorry. You just-Sarah, and Elizabeth. And you don't .. feel the .. same. I'm sorry." He said, slipping his hands into his hair, his fingers buried under a sea of light-brown strands. "No, Ryan.. I still feel the same- nothing's changed- but at the same time.. everything has changed." I said, looking back up at him, he was on the brink of tears and I could feel his heart beat because mine was beating just as fast. "Are you done eating? I don't want to worry Liz." he said, completely changing the subject. I had lost my appetite, I just want to go lay down in a warm bed and sleep until this whole thing is over.

Great job keeping it under wraps, Bren.

(Ryan's POV)

"I'll be right back." I said, setting the tray of food down on the small table. I exited the booth and walked off to the bathroom. I closed the door and checked under the stalls. There's someone in here.. just don't freak out. I washed my hands and stalled until he was done. He flushed the toilet and stepped out, I moved from the sink-flashing him a smile- and dried my hands. As soon as he walked out of the door I locked it. I sat in the ground and tugged my hair. I can't have these feelings. He's married, I have Liz..

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