.. So Only Say My Name .. (Part 2)

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(Pete's POV)

Oh, God. My erection so obvious through my skin-tight jeans. I know I'm torturing myself, but it's gonna be so worth later on. I bit my lip at the thought of what I'm going to do to him later. My length beginning to twitch at the thought. Not just yet, Pete! Hold out for a little longer.. I stepped into the bus, guess the guys are still in the dressing room. Weird.

I pulled my sleeveless black t-shirt from the back & over my head. I dropped it onto my bunk & kicked off my black converse. I easily pulled off my belt. Patrick had gotten eager and already unbuckled it for me. I slid down my jeans and tossed them on my bunk as well.

I laid on Patrick's bed and waited for him to come in. I lightly rubbed beside my junk, exhaling deeply and shut my eyes. I can't give in just yet.. where the hell is he? Suddenly, I heard the latch being played with. I turned toward the wall, as if I were sleeping.

I heard the door open and then shut. I felt a warm hand down my arm. I smirked a little, but didn't open my eyes. Why isn't he talking? I thought he'd be a little more forward and desperate. Maybe he's trying to make me beg. Silly boy. I felt the hand travel around my body and stop at my stomach. His body laying beside mine and warming my back.. I put my hand on his and slid it up his arm.

I met back down with his hand and pulled him closer. I don't exactly remember Patrick.. having such long nails. Or his arm being so skinny. Have I not been paying as close attention to his body as I thought? I opened one and peeked at the hand around me.

I immediately shot up and turned around to see Meagan laying there. "W-what the fuck, Meagan?" I shouted. Her defined face confused. "What do you mean? I came to see you! I thought you'd be.. happy." Shit, I-- Patrick.. PATRICK!! "Uh, of course, baby. I'm just so surprised." I faked a smile and leaned in to kiss her, lightly pecking her lips. I could taste her lipstick and it felt .. empty. But with Patrick I could feel pure lust.

I smirked weakly as she looked down to my bulge. Shit. "Oh, looks like someone really missed me." She said biting her lip and crawling on my lap like a spider monkey. "Uh, yeah. All for you, baby." I lied through my teeth. I can only think of Patrick. "B-baby, what if someone c-comes in?" I thought of a way to get out of it.

What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking of Patrick? "I don't care, I want them to see." She whispered, pulling my face in to kiss me. I kissed back, but it was insincere. Her skinny fingers traveled down to the lining of my boxers. Her fingers slipping in and gently massaging my length. I felt uncomfortable and just wanted it to end. I faked a groan and looked to.the door, pleading that someone, anyone really, would come in.

(Patrick's POV)

I walked toward the exit when Joe stopped me. My heart was pounding. Did he see us? God, please help me. "Woah, don't think you should go out there." He said with a smirk on his face. "W-Why not?" I gulped and turned pale-- er. "Meagan's here to surprise, Pete." He said chuckling. My heart sank. Meagan, I like Meagan.. she's sweet and she loves Pete a whole lot.. but I do too. Wait, no. I don't l-love.. STOP, PATRICK! "Oh, I get it." I faked a laugh and walked into the dressing room.

I sat down, placing my fedora on my lap. Andy giggled and looked at me. "Whatcha got goin' on down there, Patty?" He said with that precious little grin of his. "Just miss Elisa." I joked, forcing a smile. They laughed and sipped from their water bottle.

They continued their conversation, but all I could focus on was my.. fucking, Pete! I stood up and walked out. Maybe if I interrupt them and play it off like I didn't know, she'd leave.. I can't do that to Pete. He loves her, and he's only with me to.get out some angst. But she's here now. I stopped at the door of the bus. I stood there for about 10 minutes before I made up my mind. I pulled the handle, the latch had already been removed, and opened the door.

Meagan shot off of Pete's lap and slipped her fingers out of his boxers. My face was red and hot. Pete just seemed.. relieved? "I'm so sorry! I didn't know-- I-I--" I began to apologize, but I don't really know what for. "It's okay, Patrick. I'm sorry you.. had to see that." She chuckled nervously, tucking her thin brunette hair behind her ear. "No, no, no I--" I stopped speaking. "I should.. go." I said. Slumping my shoulders and turning around.

"No. Patrick, stay. It's your bus too, I can't be selfish." Pete said, Practically pleading. "Pete--" Meagan tried to think of an excuse. "You're right.. come in, Patrick." She finished. "No, I couldn't. You guys haven't seen each other since we've been on tour. I couldn't." I know she really wants him to herself. And Pete must feel the same. "Thank you, Patrick." She smiled warmly at me. Why does she have to be so kind?


I smiled back and walked out. I didnt want to see Pete's face, he must be lost in her beautiful defined cheekbones and her perfectly placed brown eyes. Eh. I closed the door and walked sluggish back into the building. Now what am I gonna do with.. it?

Ooh, twist! I think Meagan is beautiful, and Pete loves her so much. But damn, is she a cock-block. Hope you enjoyed! Sorry i took so long, I had to wash my dog. I get that dogs can smell bad
.. but damn. Love you, Monkeys! XO! Expect another soon, I ain't tired yet.

Title comes from "Just One Yesterday" by Fall Out Boy, from their studio album "Save Rock And Roll" (2013)

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