You Are A Brick Tied to Me That's Dragging Me Down

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(Pete's POV)

"I love you too. I love you so much. Please, come back to me. Don't leave me, I need you." I heard his voice. I turned around to see him standing over me. He was breathless and looked like he just fought a war single-handed. "Don't touch me, I don't deserve it. You can do so much better.. let me die."

"You shut up right now, Peter! I love you, I will always love you, I need you." He yelled. He grabbed my arm that held the piece and slowly pulled it away. "Pete, I will never be happy without you.. Don't you see that? I don't go through all this pain and suffering just to let you leave me. I go through it so I can just have one moment of happiness with you."

Maybe he's right.. Really. What favor would I be doing Bronx and Saint to let them grow up without their daddy. And once all the news and press get this information they're going to share the extent of my pain with the world, for my kids to see. They have to know truly how much of a coward their father is.

I dropped the mirror and stood up. "I love you so much, Patrick." Just as I was leaning in for a kiss.. He was gone. He was .. Just here. He grabbed my arm and he.. I looked around to see absolutely no one. Was it all a hallucination? No.. He was here. He saved my life.

I turned around, the direction I came from to see a sad Patrick running. He yelled, I could barely make out his words. he was so far away. Maybe I did just hallucinate that entire scenario "Pete, please! Don't leave me alone! I can't live without you!" he began to sob again. I ran after him, I felt like I was running for an eternity until I reached him.

He was on the floor, he looked so pathetic. I did this to him.. but now I realize.. he's my rock. he is the only reason I'm still breathing. And he needs me just as much as I need him. "Get up, Stump." I demanded.

he stood up and choked down tears. but I could see the love in his eyes. I pulled him into my arms and felt his chest heave and the warmth of his tears on my shirt. The sound of his cries muffled by the cloth. "I love you so much. I'm not going anywhere." I stated, rubbing his head.. I guess he lost his fedora as he ran. "I l-love yo-ou too, Peter." he forced out. "Thank you for staying.." "Don't thank me. You saved my life.. thank you." he pulled his head back and kissed me passionately. I love this little man.

(Brendon's POV)

Pete shoved me off of him and chased after A crying Patrick. Sarah and Joe stopped at the door frame, Andy following. "What the hell happened?" Joe asked. Sarah looked very concerned.. how could I think I can fuck someone else while my wife was only the other room. I fell on my knees and began to sob. I thought I was going to vomit. Sarah was now in front of me.

She tried to comfort me by rubbing my back and grabbing one of my hands. "Baby, what's wrong? What happened, love?" I looked into her worried eyes. I felt awful, I thought after I kissed Pete I would feel better. Now I just feel like the biggest asshole in the world.

"I'm s-sorry, Sarah." I cried harder, jumping into her arms. "Why are you sorry? you've done nothing.. right?" she asked, brushing the hair from my red face. I looked over to Joe. He had a feeling of what was going on.. "You didn't know about Pete & Patrick, did you?" I shook my head and pulled her in closer.

"What did you do, Brendon?" Sarah said, her voice slightly shaky. "I-I-I k-kissed Pete." I stuttered out. her grip on my gradually loosened. "You did what? W-Why would you do that? Is this why you don't want to have a kid? So you can have Pete?" her voice became stern ad hurt.

"Baby, I'm sorry.. I won't hurt you again. I swear!" she let me go. she stood over me, a disgusted look on her face. "You're right. You won't hurt me again." she pulled off her wedding ring and threw it at me. The medal hit my head and fell to the floor. "No! Sarah, I'm sorry! I love you so much!" Joe and Andy stood in shock.

They didn't know what to do or say. I didn't want to chase after Sarah or Pete.. I just wanted to lay there and die. "Brendon, come on." Andy held out his hand helped me up. I sobbed into his arms and he comforted me.

My life is over..

(Joe's POV)

He really messed up.. not only with Sarah but Patrick and Pete are crazy about each other. I can't imagine the pain Patrick was feeling. I know I would feel terrible if Brendon did that to Andy.. I would be heartbroken. Andy is my life. I know, I have a wife and kid.. but Andy has been the one since the band went on hiatus. I was scared and my wife was worried about money.. but Andy was there for me the whole way. Now that Patrick & Pete are together, we know they won't judge us.

Oh, right.. Brendon. I walked over to Andy who held Brendon. "We should drive him home." Andy nodded and we walked him to the car. I took the keys and unlocked the driver's door, slipping in and unlocking the passenger side door. He placed Brendon in, he was limp and had a blank expression. It's like someone flipped a switch and he was off.

As Andy shut the back door. he nodded and smiled at me. he's so precious, I couldn't help but smile back. I turned on the car and we were off. it was about a 40 minute drive, but it felt like an eternity. Brendon looked dreadful. He was so hurt.. it wasn't his fault. He is just in love. Just like us.

As we pulled into the driveway, Brendon's car was already parked. I opened the door, and walked over to the patio. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. I know Sarah's here.. she's just ignoring us. "Sarah! please, we need to talk!" I yelled, waiting for a response.

"Please, Joe! get him away from me, I never want to see him again." She was fighting to hold down tears. "He's your husband!" I replied. "he's a bastard!" she yelled back. suddenly, I heard her open the window upstairs. "Sarah!" I tried to get her attention. She then threw clothes and suitcases out the window. I dogged them and prayed they wouldn't hit my car. I then saw her grabbing his guitar. "WAIT, SARAH, NO!" With no hesitation, she threw it out the window. a big crash as the guitar broke apart.

I scrambled to grab suitcases and a series of clothes, tossing them into the car. "Oh, shit. She's grabbing the keyboard, let's go!" I jumped in the car, and sped off. Andy looked terrified, Brendon still in shock. I wonder what's going on in his head. "Dude, is he even alive?" I asked. Andy looked at his face, his chest was clearly moving. "Yeah, just shock." I sighed and continued to drive.

"Maybe we should take him to Dallon's." I suggested. "No, he is gone. I called him the other day and he is gone visiting family." Andy replied. He tapped Brendon's shoulder. "Where do you wanna go, buddy?" he said. he's so sweet.. how can you not love him? "R-Ry-Ryan's" he stuttered out. I smirked, as did Andy. "No problem." I said. I knew he would find his way back to Ryan.

Ryden! Ryden! Ryden! YES! Ryden lives on! *claps and cries* nothing can stop true love! Not to mention Joe & Andy. Awwee! :3 Love ya, Monkeys! XO!

P.S.: .. Ryden.

Title comes from "The Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy from their album" Save Rock And Roll" (2013)

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