... I Know I'm Bad News ... (Bonus Part)

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(Patrick's POV)

How long have I been walking? It feels like it's been a mere minute, but I know it's been much longer. I should get a watch.. I inhaled deeply and exhaled with a light tremble. It's freezing out here, but this walk has been really settling. I have thought about everything from: Who thought of the weird spelling of the word: "xylophone" ? to Why can't people just walk around naked & not feel like they're being judged every second? I stopped, looking around at a bare street. There was nothing, except a 711 across the street. It looks open, but no one's around. I could go for a donut or five.. I crossed the street not bothering to look both ways. I checked my pockets for any money. I only had $15 because I left my wallet on my bunk. Well, I can still get a couple of donuts. I walked in, looking around. The light toward the back was flickering and the rest seemed to slightly sway. I looked to the half-asleep cashier who didn't look up from her magazine. She couldn't be more than 20. She read the newest edition of Alternative Press. Good choice. I walked down the magazine aisle seeing an older magazine with Brendon & Pete on the cover. I smirked at Brendon.. and I stared at Pete. I didn't even know I was starring until I heard a faint Buzz from the flickering light. I continued walking until I got to the coffee & donuts. I prepared myself a coffee to wake myself up a bit. But I just felt sluggish from the crying, not the fact that it was 1:00 AM. I took a small sip and set it down, taking a pink sprinkled donut. I grabbed my coffee and donut and put them within the view of the young girl. She had a Monroe piercing and her firey red covered her eyes. She had a small heart shaped tattoo her wrist, it's cute. She slowly looked up, revealing her green-hazel eyes. They were obvious because her eyes were wide in shock. "A-Are you okay?" I stuttered. She looked like she was gonna pass out. "Holy shit, you're Patrick Stump." She said, her mouth slightly ajar. Her deep red lipstick defining her curved lips. I smirked and nodded. "Yeah, that's me." At least she didn't say ".. from Fall Out Boy" "I love Fall Out Boy." Yeah.. "Thanks, always great to meet a fan." I said, a little out of it. She seemed so excited, and I felt like I was letting her down by not giving her the real me. "I was gonna go to your concert tonight, but I work the graveyard shift at 711 so.." her voice trailed off as she giggles a little, I chuckled along. "That's too bad, I'm sure I would've remembered you, if you did come." She blushed, as did I. What am I doing? She's too young, Patrick. And your married, and you've already fucked up with Pete multiple times. She continued to punch in buttons on the register, then looked up at me. "$7.53" (I dunno how much coffee and a donut cost, I just know it be expensive at 711. Shut up.) She smiled and dropped her head to the side. I pulled out the $10 bill and held it toward her. She took it, slightly stroking my palm. "Uh, just keep the change." I said, taking my coffee & donut, turning around and  rushing out. I stopped in my tracks, why do I feel compelled to go back? Do I want my change or something? I shook it off and continued walking. "Patrick!" I heard a female's call. I turned around, seeing her slender figure in the faint light, and her long pale arm waving at me. I walked toward her. She held a piece of paper, slipping it between my fingers. "You forgot your receipt." She smiled and turned around walking back into the store. It's just.. a receipt. I continued to walk back, shoving the receipt in my pocket. By the time I got back I had finished my donut and my coffee was only two.sips away from the trash. I stopped in front of the bus. I contemplated knocking, but I don't think Meagan wants to see my face. And I don't think I want to see hers either, to be honest. But I do want to see Pete's. Am I horrible for that? I sighed, just as I was about to knock, when Meagan brusted out almost naked. "Faggots." She said as she shoved me, almost knocking on my ass. I peeked in, seeing Pete hugging his knees in the nude. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I locked the door and sat beside him. "Pete, what happened?" I murmered. "I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. How could I be so dumb?" He began to sob. "Pete, what did you do?" He looked up at me, his eyes pink and his cheeks red. "You did this." He whispered. I backed away a little. "Pete.." faggots. That disgusting word still racking my brain. But why did she say it?

(Pete's POV)

This is his fault. I know I had feeling before him, but I could've buried them until they were gone. He had to kiss me. He did this, he ruined the best thing I've ever had. My family is destroyed because of this horny-asshole. Fuck you, Patrick. You ruined my life. He attempted to touch me again. I smacked his hand away. "Get away from me, you piece of shit." Yeah, it was harsh. But not harsh enough, for what he has done is far worse than any insult I can think of. "Pete, what is wrong with y--?" "What's wrong with you? You just come and kiss me. Then you just--" "You kissed me back! And today, you started with your little tease before Meagan--" "don't you dare say her name." I spat at him with pure hatred. "Get out. Get out, fatass!" The look in his eyes was indescribable. Pain is the closest I can get, but it doesn't begin to say what I've done. I hit him in a soft spot. He stood up and began marching out. "Patrick, I didn't mean--" "You know what, fuck you! I don't need you, I don't want you. I can't believe I survived another album with you. And now I remember just how much of a fucking twat you are.. Fuck you, Wentz." He walked out, never looking me in the eye and left to God knows where.. Joe & Andy stood in shock outside the bus.  I know I messed up. "What the hell did you do to him?" I've never seen Patrick like this. It wasn't his fault, in fact, I regret every thought I had against him. I realize.. I need this man. And I destroyed him. I just called him a fat piece of shit. I'm so twisted. How could I be so insensitive, Meagan and I have been falling apart for a while, I just wanted someone to blame. "Why are you naked? " Andy asked me. Not the time.. but maybe some coverage would do me well. I draped Patrick's blanket around my body and began to sob. I love him so much. Yeah, I love this man. I love you, Patrick Stump.

I am a terrible person. I am so depressed now. I originally wrote an alternative to this, where Pete confessed it all and Meagan told Elisa. Then Patrick had a bitch-fit and broke the door. Then he left Pete there and.. Well I just stopped there because I didn't like where it was going.. Awwee, poor Patrick. I love him too, Pete. I love him too. *Brings out the tissue* Welp, I love you, Monkeys. XO!

Title comes from" Just One Yesterday" by Fall Out Boy, from their studio album "Save Rock And Roll" (2013)

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