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Bang! Clash! Thud!

My eyes shot open and I sat up straight on the bed. I was still in my jeans without a shirt on after getting home and sitting around waiting for Bethan to call to be picked up. I'd been lounging on top of the duvet waiting and had obviously drifted off.

'Shit!' I hissed, reaching for my phone and checking the time. 5am!

'Fuck!' I cried out loud, annoyed that I'd fallen asleep and even more annoyed that there wasn't a single missed call or text from her.

My attention was suddenly brought back to a shuffling sound in the lounge as I realised the noises that woke me up weren't part of a dream.

'What the fuck?' I whispered to myself.

The bedroom door was practically kicked open and I was greeted by an extremely drunk and extremely messy looking Bethan.

'Morning!' she sung before letting out a half-hearted chuckle.

'What the fuck?' I cried. 'It's 5am!'

'Really?' she asked in a high-pitched tone. 'Shit!'

She burst into laughter again and proceeded to kick off her shoes, tumbling to her ass in the process.

'Bethan, why didn't you call me?' I asked her, sternly.

'I didn't want to wake you up,' she whined, responding in her childlike innocent tone. It wasn't about to work on me.

'How the fuck did you get home?' I demanded to know. 'Don't you dare tell me one of those guys drove you here drunk.'

She turned around slowly to look at me, her face a pouty puppy-dog stare as she moved back to her feet.

'Well, he wasn't that drunk,' she said, slowly.

'You're fucking kidding me!' I spat. 'Are you stupid?! You could have been in a fucking accident!'

'I'm alive aren't I?' she said with an eye roll. 'Geez, get off my back, Dad.'

I watched as she pulled off her jacket and threw it to the floor.

'You won't be coming at me with that smart mouth when I actually do tell your dad,' I threatened.

'Okay!' she scoffed, sarcastically, before letting out an amused laugh. 'Now that is not a very nice thing to say to me! Don't try and threaten me and shit on my great night!'

She was swaying and pointing at me as she spoke and suddenly tripped over her own ankle and dropped back to the floor.

'Whoops!' she squealed, before bursting into giggles again.

'You're a fucking mess,' I sighed.

'You're so sweet to me,' she replied, sarcastically. 'I'm so lucky!'

'I'm pissed at you for being so fucking god damn stupid,' I said, trying to keep my cool. I was very fucking mad but I still didn't want to be a downer on her night which she had clearly enjoyed. 'Let's just go to bed.'

'I'm hungry,' she whined.

'It's 5am,' I told her. 'Have breakfast when the fucking sun comes up but for now get to bed.'

I turned back to our bed and sat on the edge, wiping my face and exhaling deeply. My eyes flickered up and peered through the gaps in my fingers as I was suddenly aware of her standing right in front of me.

'I'm not sleepy,' she whined in her cute tone again.

'Bethan...' I groaned. I knew where it was heading.

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