Chapter Twenty-Two

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Prince Dorai raised his hand to halt his company when he saw the gates closing. Soldiers on the battlements had crossbows at the ready and he did not want to risk his men by going within range. He was amazed and thankful that they had not fired at Luke.

The horses drawing the carriage had left the road and were hurtling across the uneven ground towards the cliff edge.

Soldiers left Dorai's company, hoping to head them off, but this served only to urge them on. Luke's eyes grew wider as he realized where they headed. The horses were panic-stricken but Luke knew it was possible for them to pull away before reaching the cliff edge. Horses have a strong sense of danger but Luke was worried about the two creatures behind which could not see where they were going. He imagined them rushing straight over the cliffs, taking him and the carriage.

Not me, Luke told himself as he leaned forward, swinging his leg over the back of the horse, contorting his body with all his might. His hands behind his back, he landed heavily, winding himself, rolling helplessly down the incline.

Just in the nick of time, the two leading horses turned from their head-on course towards the cliff edge, swinging the carriage around at a dangerous pace, almost causing it to roll. One of the Frencolian riders gained pace with the horses. Leaping on one of the front horses, the man grabbed the reigns and coaxed the horses to a standstill.

Prince Dorai flung himself off his horse, helping Luke up from the ground. Mattheus was there as fast, cutting the ropes and the gag, checking to see that his king wasn't badly hurt. Luke doubled up, trying to regain his wind. He coughed and spluttered and wheezed. Mattheus rubbed his back, slapping it when Luke coughed.

Prince Dorai looked over to the carriage. Soldiers had the doors open and it appeared to be empty. "Maia?" Dorai's voice betrayed his anguish.

Luke sat heavily on the ground, rubbing the back of his neck.

While panting, he managed to say, "The... swine... he... kept her." Closing his eyes, still gasping for air, he demanded, "Why... Jobyna?"

Commanding the knights to bring the company back to order, Prince Dorai sat on the tussocky grass beside his nephew. He waited a few moments, trying to think where to begin. So much had happened that Luke did not know about. Prince Dorai kept talking while Luke recovered. When he spoke of the exchange, Luke asked the same questions, and made the same statements, Dorai himself had used in arguing with Konrad.

"War is not, for women! Why should, Jobyna be brought in, to bargain, with our enemy?" Luke spoke with anger and deep hurt in his shaky voice.

Prince Dorai offered the answers that Konrad had given him, "It might be a men's war, but there are women involved, Son. Maia, Konrad's mother, his sisters-in-law, nieces, and the czar's daughter, Cynara, and others. We had to lure Elliad away from Jydanski. We wanted to trap him in Baltic Castle and this was the only way. Now we have him!"

The uncle asked Luke about Maia and Elliad's other prisoners. He was relieved to know they were being treated humanely and allowed to be together; that Kedar had not been executed. Luke was mortified to learn that Kedar had lost his hand. He had hoped that the boy's injury had been a minor accident, not more than a broken wrist. The thick mass of bandages had made close observation impossible.

Luke felt a wave of nausea pass through his empty stomach at the thought of Elliad's cruelty. The bloodthirsty despot was answerable for Kedar's deliberately inflicted amputation.

"Konrad's plan is to enter Baltic Castle," the uncle said, "it should be in progress right now, as I speak. Konrad wants to make the entry while the focus of attention is on the other side of the castle with the exchange taking place. It's hoped that Elliad will be close at hand to meet Jobyna when she arrives."

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