Chapter Thirty-Two

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Twitching and shaking, the simple Frewin was becoming uncontrollably jittery. His very breathing vibrated with spasms of nervousness.

    Bodmin savagely bit at his fingernails and on some fingertips he had begun chewing off skin, drawing blood.

    Hagen waved his sword, stomping around impatiently.

    The soldiers lined the tower battlements, some watching behind, the others looking towards the empty, open archway, grinding their teeth, waiting, waiting...

    Kenrik slouched over the parapet with his back to Hagen's coming and going sword.

    Jobyna sat on the cobblestones, praying and thinking of Konrad. If you save us out of this, Lord, I'd like to go home, for a while, to Frencolia, then I'll marry Konrad, she determined. As queen, I should be safe for the rest of my life... but then, what is safety—and where can it be found? Father said that there is no safety anywhere... anything can happen at any time. We've had so much turmoil, the plague, then Elliad... but this is the worst predicament so far, and Elliad's dead already...but still, enemies rise...

    Ulmar's voice finally came to them, "The way is clear! Tell us which way you will go after leaving the Baltic Road, and we'll see you have a free passage."

    "South!" Bodmin called back before anyone else could make a squeak. He turned and muttered, "Well, here goes nothing!" Pointing at Kenrik, Bodmin ordered, "Tie him up again and we'll move out." 

    The men had not imagined they could escape, so had no ideas for the future now they were being released. The rope that had bound Kenrik lay in pieces on the stone floor and the soldiers scavenged desperately to gather enough pieces to bind him successfully.

    Removing his rings, one by one, they tied his hands behind his back with the knotted rope, ordering him to lie on the floor of the carriage. Bodmin bound his feet. Kenrik felt the other length of rope under his body as he wriggled himself across the carpet towards the other side of the carriage and he was thankful they had not discovered it. He tested the ropes on his wrists. They were a work of art; many tight knots and would prove difficult to untie but he made an inconspicuous start.

    Jobyna, also trussed up tightly, was bundled on the floor at Kenrik's feet. Frewin climbed in, this time sporting a dagger.

    Kenrik knew Frewin would be far more proficient with his dagger than with any sword; the glint in his darting, beady eyes gave him away as a petty thief. The small, simple man sat, twisting and turning the gold ring he had been allotted, blowing on it and polishing it on the velvet.

    The carriage began to move. Jobyna expelled a sigh of relief, concealing a smile at the crashing sound of a lowered drawbridge.

    The sound of gates opening came to their ears. Finally, the portcullis was raised. The carriage wheels sank momentarily into the ditch that was being dug to free the portcullis. The whining chains lowering the portcullis once more echoed as did the clatter of the horses' hooves.

    Jobyna frowned, knowing that time would be lost in opening the portals again but she was glad no lives would be lost.

    The only lives at risk now, were Kenrik's... and hers. Jobyna wondered, Will the escapees really leave Chezkovia alive—as free men?—but then, they might think they are free but they are not... and I am. She smiled.

    One man controlled the reigns and guided the horses, which pulled the carriage. Six soldiers rode their horses in front. Hagen and the six others brought the extra horses behind. The entrance gates had been irreparably smashed.

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