Chapter Thirty-One

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Luke's eyes were glued on the gates, his hand shading the early morning sun rising persistently in the sky.

    He had read the note from Jobyna and explained to their uncle the problem of the frequent fainting spells Jobyna had experienced as a child, "She used to work herself up into such a state that she would hyperventilate and faint. It puzzled Father and he called doctors who diagnosed and prophesied all kinds of maladies; one even said she would die young. Finally, a doctor told us that she did it to herself without knowing. Whenever she was afraid or upset, she'd begin breathing too fast and get lightheaded. If one of the family was there at the time she began the strange breathing, they told her to take a deep breath and hold it as long as she could and this would avert the fainting. She grew out of it some years ago." 

    Luke looked at the letter again, feeling sure as he comprehended her wit, that she was well.

    "Dearest Brother Luke, Thank you for your note; it cheered us up just to see your hand-writing, and to know you're safe. Maia and I feel safer now and I haven't fainted for several hours. I've been wishing you were here to remind me about my breathing. It's been like living through a nightmare, yet knowing it to be real. I don't think I will ever have another bad dream —I might never sleep again, either!

    "It's bad news about the gates, and we're praying that God will speed our freedom. Konrad needs a doctor. Although he seems to be improving, and has taken in some fluid, he is still unconscious.

    "I could talk on and on to you as it helps fill in the time, but the note would end up too heavy for the men to carry down the wall.

    "Uncle Dorai, I look forward to being home with you, Aunt Minette and the children. Maia's excited about seeing you today. I love you very much. Jobyna, with love to you both."


    Chezkovian red and white soldiers poured from the entrance gates, abandoning their mantelets and battering rams, forming rank, marching down the road.

    "What's going on up there?" Luke asked and Prince Dorai looked up from his discussion with a group of Frencolian knights who discussed the horrifying news received from messengers at dawn, of the murder of the Proburg princes. They turned to watch the unexpected exodus.

    Close to the entry gates, the Chezkovian army had set up tents; with emirs and constables occupying them to spearhead the operation of the taking the gates. Doctor Sleven and a team of doctors and aides were on hand, waiting for the final gates to be opened.

    A line of carriages waited, to be used to transport all the freed prisoners back to the Palace at Jydanski where their royal relatives had been escorted, to wait.

    Prince Gustovas and family would return to Landmari Castle; companies of Proburg troops stood by to escort them. The capital was currently in a state of 'operation mop-up'.

    It depended on the doctors' decisions as to whether Konrad would be moved from Baltic Castle and how far. Jydanski was the closest capital to the Baltic Castle. The released hostages would obviously need to be given sanctuary as quickly as possible, away from the emotional torment of the Baltic fortress and its traumatic memories.

    Luke and Dorai watched, intrigued, as Chezkovian leaders exited from a tent and walked towards the entrance gates. A large group of emirs and constables waited while one man entered, alone.

    After a time, five emirs slowly followed.


    Jobyna slouched back against the battlement with her eyes closed.

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