Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Let me alone please!" Jobyna tried, unsuccessfully, to shake the soldiers' grips from her arms. "I'm unarmed; surely you don't think I can escape?" 

The sound of the next gate being opened gave movement to her captors' boots. The road stretched out portentously between two high walls to the next tower.

Through the open gates, beyond the second tower, Jobyna saw Elliad step out from the shadow of the archway. The men released her and she turned involuntarily but four soldiers stood stalwartly behind her and there was nowhere to go but towards him.

Thoughts of Elliad and Berg filled her mind each step she took; traumatic memories of torture in Frencolia and of the brand given her in captivity caused her to become breathless.

Where is God now? Her mind flew to Daniel, the captive, who was thrown into a den of lions. When she was a child, the thought of a lion's den caused her to have nightmares. She used to dream of lions tearing her body apart. Her father was horrified when she told him her nightmares and he taught her about the God of love who would protect her in such dreams. God had rescued her from the nightmares; but here was the real thing! 

Elliad the lion waited for her and she wondered if God could save her from such an adversary? Suddenly she felt very weak and weary as though all strength had drained from her body.

Elliad strode confidently toward his captive. Encircling her with his strong arms, he kissed her passionately. She suddenly became limp.

"She's so pleased to see me, she faints!" he exclaimed to his men, who laughed loudly at their champion's words. 

Smiling broadly, Elliad lifted her into his arms, carrying her the rest of the distance along the causeway, through the many open gates, under the last gatehouse and into the stables courtyard. He lay her down on a grassy verge atop a small wall. 

Panting from the heat of the piercing sun, he sat close beside her, drinking from a flask offered him by an attendant. Jobyna roused, looking up at her captor through terrified eyes.

"You've grown from a feather into a healthy morsel, haven't you." He grinned at her as he spoke.

The sight of him so very near, made her recoil and she turned away, but he grasped her hands and pulled her closer until she was forced to face him again.

Elliad's voice was menacing as he asked, "Now, my treasure, think hard. How many soldiers did you see along the way, and what uniforms were they wearing?"

Jobyna tried to sit, but he held her. "Let me sit up, please."

He complied, slowly pulling her around to face him, his blue eyes feasting upon her hair and her eyes; looking in disdain at the plain brown dress she wore. 

Hating his scrutiny, she composed herself somewhat to answer his question. "I... I didn't see any soldiers, just the ones from Frencolia that Uncle Dorai has with him."

"You saw no soldiers? Not one?" She shook her head and he asked, "All the way from Reideaux? You saw no soldiers but the ones you rode with?"


"How many were in Dorai's company?" His blue eyes pierced into hers.

"Three hundred."

"Even at the Proburg border, you didn't see any other soldiers? Jobyna, are you telling me the truth?" His voice held that threatening tone she remembered. He was looking through her now, not at her. It was as if he viewed her as an enemy...

"I couldn't see past them, there were several hundred, and you know that I always tell the truth." Jobyna looked into his eyes, "We both know I can't fool you, John."

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