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"yes i'm dongpyo but who are you? i don't know a haeyoung. i don't even remember a haeyoung. and i don't have a girlfriend."

haeyoung hands started to shiver as she heard that. she was definitely hurt alright. how can he act like this after leaving?

"y-yah son d-dongpyo. it's m-me, park h-haeyoung.." her voice started shaky as she said that. tears trickled down her cheeks. how can he be so cruel? she badly wishes that he was joking with her. she hates it so much. why did he have to leave? as selfish as she sounds right now, she hates that dongpyo is acting like he doesn't know her. she hopes it's acting and not actually he forgot about her. it's been just three days. how could he forget about her already?

"look, i don't know who you are and i will appreciate it if you don't call me anymore."

"wait! what's my contact on your phone?"

"something liked my little hae with some hearts. and i don't remember you so whatever. bye."

haeyoung wanted to speak to him more. she wanted to hear his voice more. but he hung up before she could even say anything. she put her phone down beside her and started crying. what happened to dongpyo and why was he like this? why did he have to do that? she stared at the stuffed bear on her bed.

that was the last thing he gave her before he left. and somehow, it reminds her of him. she wiped her tears away as she got up to lay on her bed and hugged it as tears dripped down more, dampening her blue bed sheet.

why did you have to leave?

years have passed since then. right now, haeyoung has graduated out of high school and she's now an adult, 20 years old. she thankfully got accepted at the university she wanted to go, along with yeseul, both majoring in writing. and even though years have passed since dongpyo has left, he never left haeyoung's mind. even though she wanted to stop thinking about him, he never really did and his existence always lingers in her mind continuously, always wondering about him and how is he doing in the states.

she did try to call him and ask why but he never really told her and ended up changing his phone number and plus blocking her.

and ever since dongpyo left, life had been tough for haeyoung. she never really met her mom again which she was thankful for but she was always bullied by minji and bothered by jaejin.

thank heavens that haeyoung is in a different university as them.

and once in awhile, just when she walks back home from her lessons, she will past by the restaurant that dongpyo's uncle owned. and of course, it's always empty. she's actually surprised the sign is still up there though no one is really at the place.

"yeseul.. do you think dongpyo will ever come back?" she ask one particular evening as she ate a piece of meat at a barbecue place. her friend shrugged as she slurped on some pieces of cold buckwheat noodle from her naengmyeon. "i mean, he did promise, didn't he?"

"but he forgot about who i am in just three fucking days.." haeyoung adds softly.

yeseul stayed quiet. it was one of those days where her friend's mind lingers off to her last love. she got used to it, of course. she had to be a supportive friend, right? considering the fact that her last friend, song minji, betrayed her or something.

"i'm sure he has his reasons. he chased after you without you even knowing," yeseul chuckled, remembering the times where she will see dongpyo looking at haeyoung with jealousy whenever she's with jaejin. and how oblivious haeyoung was to the fact that dongpyo's crush is her.

haeyoung chuckled bitterly. that was true at least. "yeah.. but it's been years since he left. i guess his uncle should have recovered by now and back in korea?" she wondered out loud as she brushed her hair aside which was being blown to her face by the gigantic and powerful fan stand near the entrance, not that far from their table.

"yeah i guess so." then there was silence and yeseul took the chance to change the topic. "have you heard that lee kimoon likes you?" she asked excitedly as she picked up a piece of meat before wrapping noodles around it, eating it all in one big bite.

haeyoung rolled her eyes at that. here we go again. she has heard about it too and she had to admit that he was actually a little obvious about it. but she never really say anything about it and just pretended she didn't know anything. not that she doesn't like kimoon but she rather be loyal to dongpyo than go off with some other guy. and besides, haeyoung barely knows him since they hadn't been talking that much to each other.

"i know. but i rather be loyal to dongpyo," she mumbles softly, picking around her food. yeseul pouted at her friend's sad expression. she somehow wants to kill dongpyo for leaving her friend and making her like this. "don't worry. you will meet him again. i know you will."

haeyoung shot a small smile at her. she's glad she has a supportive friend, unlike some people she knew.

then yeseul's phone vibrated. she picked it up and widen her eyes before hinting her head. "i forgot that i must babysit my little brother."

haeyoung chuckled. yeseul's parents always works so there were days where they wouldn't even be home till the next day or so. "you go ahead," haeyoung said. "i will pay for this."

her friend grinned and nodded. she got up before waving off, leaving haeyoung for the bill.

and just like any other days, she was left alone. she sighed as her mind lingers off to dongpyo once more. she waited for the traffic light to turn green and she crossed the road, her eyes making way to the alley the restaurant dongpyo's uncle owned.

"i guess i should go there.. just for a glance.." she mumbled to herself as she finds herself making way to it. she didn't know why she's going there. somehow seeing it just gives her false hope.

as she walks closer, she frowned.

why is there light..?

she quickly jogged towards the restaurant and she was right.

it was open. she looked in the place. people were eating the food, a waiter going around to collect the dishes, serve dishes, to collect money and to collect orders.

she took a step backwards as she stared at the particular waiter in shock. her mind was in a mess. should she be happy or mad?


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