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wow this book might end soon

haeyoung groaned as she plopped on her sofa, after hanging out with her friends for her birthday. she smiled at the thought of her friends taking out the time to hang out with her. her eyes then shifted to the brown bag dongpyo gave her earlier. she tilted her head, curious to see what's inside.

she peered open and furrowed her eyebrows, seeing some sort of teddy bear inside.

haeyoung was confused and took what seemed like a teddy bear out and realised it's the same as the one dongpyo had given her before he left for the states. except this bear had 'you' written on a bow which was tied around it's neck. the other one, however, had 'i' written on the bow.

"there's no way, he remembers .. right?" haeyoung wondered out loud, peering into the bag to see if there's anything more. there was a small card and she took it out. it was a blue card with some words on it. it read, "

happy birthday haeyoung ! i remember okay, haha. did you think i would forget? ok you might have thought i would but oh well. happy birthday! i know you have another bear exactly like this. so yeah, happy birthday!

-sdp  "

haeyoung woden her eyes and looked at the bear. "does that mean he remember ..?" she wondered, soon shaking the thought out of her head. "there's definitely no way. yep, no way."

she reached for her phone to text dongpyo, wanting to ask about it. she called him, and on the second ring, he answered.

"hello?" dongpyo said on the other line.

"hey, thanks for the bear," haeyoung chuckled.

"oh, your welcome. happy birthday though," he replied, smiling.

"thanks. and say, how do you know it's my birthday today?"

"well, i guess, i did."

"but i didn't told you? right?"

"well, i heard miyoung talking about it."

"oh .." that doesn't explain the remembering part though. "thanks though. good night!"

"you too, and happy birthday!"

fear(s) 🔪 son dongpyo Where stories live. Discover now