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"hi, how can i-" haeyoung paused. her smile faded. she glared at whoever was infront of her. choi jaejin.

"hi haeyoung!" he grinned. all she could go was roll her eyes. she absolutely hated him. what's with me meeting people ever since dongpyo came back.. she wondered, not looking at jaejin. "are you free?" he asked, smirking. "i wanna hang out!"

haeyoung scoffed. as if she would ever hang out with him. "no-"

"thanks haeyoung, your shift is over for the day," one of her co-worker said, smiling at her.

oh just great she thought. haeyoung reluctantly gave her co-worker the key before heading off to get her things. unfortunately for her, there's only one exit so she had to face jaejin whether she liked it or not.

as she expected, he was waiting by the door, leaning against it with a hand in his pocket. even though she hates to admit it, she had to admit he looked pretty good-looking. but that's in the past. she has to focus on the future.

"so, let's go?" he smiled, squatting down slightly to her level. haeyoung scoffed. she doesn't want to waste her time on jaejin. "sorry, but i don't want to-"

he grabbed her hand, holding it tightly. "great," he smirked. "let's go." he dragged her out of the cafe, still holding her hand. she tried her best to get out of his grip, believe her when she says she hates that very moment of skinship, but jaejin's grip was way too tight on her. he stopped walking, not letting go, and smiled at her. "let's eat something?" he asked, entering a convenience store. "really?" she scoffed, unamused. "a convenience store?"

"didn't you only eat only at convenience store whenever we were together?" jaejin mumbled, looking through some ramyeon, still holding haeyoung's hand.

"that's in the past, you little ass," she cursed under her breath, still trying to get out of his hand while he was focused on the ramyeon cups.

she heard jaejin scoff, but her didn't reply to whatever she said.

he picked up a ramyeon brand and smiled at her, asking her to choose something. "no-"


both she and jaejin turned to the direction of the voice, and there standing was a messy-haired dongpyo, holding a plastic bag full of food, a hand in his hoodie pocket. jaejin's eyes widen. he didn't know dongpyo was back. he thought he was still at the states.

"dongpyo.." she mumbled and looked at jaejin before looking back at him.

dongpyo's eyes landed on their hands. if looks could kill, he would have killed jaejin right then. "let go of her," he gritted his teeth. jaejin scoffed. "since when did i ever listen to you?"

dongpyo glared at him and walked up towards the both of them, and placed his hands on jaejin's, to get his grip off haeyoung.

she stared at dongpyo, confused. did he get his memory back? she wondered. dongpyo managed to get jaejin's grip off her and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him. "don't you dare touch haeyoung," he glared, before leaving the store with haeyoung, leaving jaejin dumbfounded.

when they both were out of the store, dongpyo let go of her. he stopped walking, and looked at her, before looking back to the store. "what.. what did i just do?" he asked, looking at his bare hands before looking back at her.

haeyoung kept quiet. she couldn't find the right words to say. "uh.." she mumbled. "you.. helped me?"

dongpyo supported his head with his two hands, feeling really dizzy. it felt like déjà vu, but not exactly déjà vu either. it felt like he did something similar before.

"i-i gotta go," he mumbled quickly, running away from haeyoung, leaving her just standing there, confused.

he ran for just a few seconds, half a minute at most, and stopped running. he was out of breath. it all felt so confusing to him. there was a moment he would fee that maybe whatever haeyoung said was true, that she's his girlfriend. but at the same time, he remembered minji telling him that he never had a girlfriend.

his phone vibrated just as he was starting to get lost in his thoughts. he took it out of his pocket and looked at the notification, feeling himself starting to smile.

you received a text from mine 🧸💞
mine 🧸💞: i will be in korea soon 🥺
mine 🧸💞: see you tmr night !!

fear(s) 🔪 son dongpyo Where stories live. Discover now