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everyone take care and keep
urself safe !! wash ur hands ,,
drink lots of water ,, try not
to share saliva and all

and whoever who's born today
or any other day u r reading this,
happy bornday !!

"happy birthday haeyoung!"

"remember to make a wish first!" jaejin reminded.

haeyoung smiled and blew out the mini candles that were on a spicy pepperoni pizza, a specialty in hana's pizza. her group of friends clapped, smiling, as jisung gave them each a slice to eat. "happy birthday haeold," he teased, sticking a tongue out. haeyoung rolled her eyes at the nickname and kicked her senior's leg.

"yeah, yeah. haeold it is," she chuckled, taking a sip out of her drink. "what did you wish for?" yeseul asked, taking a huge bite out of her slice of pizza. haeyoung shook her head, not wanting to say her wish out loud. "if i say it, it won't come true."

but she wasn't sure what she wished for either. there were alot of things she could have wished for. dongpyo getting his memory back, having miyoung and minji as her friends again, and surprisingly, her mom. she's not even sure what she truly wished for.

"anyway," jisung cleared his throat. "you are treating us for this, right?"

haeyoung smirked and shook her head. "but can i get a discount?"




standing not too far away, was miyoung who was looking at the group of friends. and surprisingly, she remembered haeyoung's birthday. "where's dongpyo?" she mumbled to herself, looking away from the group of friends. she wonders whether does minji remember her birthday or not. probably not .. she thought and sighed.

she looked up and smiled, seeing dongpyo entering the store. miyoung was about to go up to him and hug him but she stopped upon seeing him go towards the group of friends. "did he get his memory back ..?" she mumbled, feeling anger raise up in her.

"happy birthday haeyoung," dongpyo smiled softly and gave the birthday girl a brown bag. haeyoung looked up at him in confusion and realised he was sweating abit. did he run here? she wondered since it was still cold out. "thanks ..?" she said, her tone in a questioning tone. she was confused on how did he even remember her birthday.

the group of friends stared at dongpyo in confusion too. "he has amnesia, right?" jisung whispered to jaejin, to which he replied with a nod.

"anyway, happy birthday. look at my present at home," dongpyo smiled, his smile directed at haeyoung, before walking off to miyoung who was in a confused and angered state.

"how do you know it's her birthday?" miyoung questioned, trying to calm herself down.

dongpyo scratched his nape, thinking of a right response, before shrugging. "just .. i just did."

"did you get your memory back?" miyoung asked, not exactly sure what answer does she want to hear anyway. a yes? or a no?


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