336 20 18

dang it's been rlly a month
since like i updated :((
i'm so sorry yall 🥺🥺😭😭
i rlly have no idea for
subplots so i just rlly
hope if u guys do have
ideas, do comment uwu
i love reading ur comments
somehow heheh
for now uh i will be just writing
texting chaps :)

quick question tho :: shld haeyoung forgive minji ?? 🤔🤔

hae 🌈🥺:
but i just wonder
why u suddenly ok with me being with dongpyo lol

jae 🌮👍:
hmm 🤔
i wonder too
i guess i just did lmao
i just wan u to be with pyo
y did u forgive me anyway ??

hae 🌈🥺:
didn't me say u changed hehhe
so i'm asking why did u suddenly
change ??

jae 🌮👍:
hmmm 🤨
idk why
yeah idk 🤭

hae 🌈🥺:
i just rlly wonder tho
u used to harassed me

jae 🌮👍:
dammit u rlly used harassed
u just had to pull that card

hae 🌈🥺:
yes i had to
u have to admit
u did tho
u literally asked minji to b come my frend again and kiss dongpyo like—
don't do tat to my heart

jae 🌮👍:
okk foine i have to admit that
i'm sorry okk
i hate that me
and let's not bring up the past yeah
let's live the present and hope for future

hae 🌈🥺:
wise words from a not so wise man
and and the damn question

jae 🌮👍:
wats the question

hae 🌈🥺:
why did u changed

jae 🌮👍:
cuz i still like you okkk
i still like you
love even but we r not talking abt tat
i like you a lot still
but i want you to be with dongpyo
cause rlly miyoung doesn't look gud with dongpyo ffs

hae 🌈🥺:
.. oh wow
thank you
i'm sorry for not returning the feelings
thank you still

jae 🌮👍:
it's fine
i shldnt have cheated on you with minji anyway
what was wrong with me then

hae 🌈🥺:
let's not talk abt that anymore yeah ??

jae 🌮👍:

minji 👹 bitch:
i will probably delete this and all
i just feel so bad for doing all typos to you
i feel bad so much
i'm rlly sorry
like really really sorry
i kinda miss being your best friend you know ??
i don't know why i suddenly started um..
hating you??
i just don't know wat got to me and all
i just really liked jaejin too
and jaejin cheated on you and i got happy and guilty
but i still ignores you you know
but him suddenly getting back to his senses just made me soo angry that i hate you
him wanting you back ..
god i hated tat
i don't hate you
i think
yeah i don't hate you
i miss talking to you a lot
sorry for everything  | deleted

haeyoung ah is typing . . .

haeyoung ah:
what were u typing for the past idk
if it's cursing at me go ahead

min 👹 bitch:
i hate you and fuck you
i wanted to curse more but i'm gonna spare u

haeyoung ah:
childish but okay

min 👹 bitch:
i miss you a lot and i wanna talk to you like we used to | deleted

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