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"'...and he and her were like melted candy in a wrapper. they were stuck with each other, but they liked it. but when he left, if felt like the wrapper being thorn apart from the melted candy, bits of it being left in the candy, just like how there were bits of memories of him still in your life.

"' and the candy is you.'"

haeyoung yawned. she finally wrote something decent enough. she had some terrible writer's block lately. she glanced over at the clock. 1:01am. "that's too early to sleep," she chuckled to herself as she saved her work into her laptop before switching it off.

she got up from her desk and stretched her arms and leg after her butt was stuck on the chair for a good two to three hours.

she walked down the stairs, her stomach's grumbling breaking the quiet atmosphere. as haeyoung looked around for a midnight snack to eat, her thoughts went to dongpyo when her eyes landed on the same ramyeon brand she had with him. she smiled bitterly to herself as she recall the memory, missing him.

"i guess you are happy now," haeyoung chuckled bitterly as she looked at the ramyeon packaging. "having a girlfriend that you love.. though i used to be the one you loved."

she broke the uncooked noodles into half before placing it in the boiling water in a pot, adding the seasoning and the soup powder. "but.. i trust you," haeyoung mumbled, smiling at the noodles being cooked as if it is dongpyo. "i trust that you will come back soon, right?"

she stared at the boiling ramyeon before feeling a tear sneakily coming out of her eyes. she smiled bitterly before wiping it away, feeling stupid to be crying over some ramyeon.

as she transfer the ramyeon to a bowl, she heard someone knocking the door repeatedly. she frowned and quickly pour the soup base into the bowl before answering the door, wiping her hands as she went to answer it.

haeyoung found it odd that someone was knocking on the door at such an odd timing. she was worried for a second that it will be her mother, it's been years since she showed up.

haeyoung peeped through the peephole in the hole and her breathing hitched, suddenly scared. curious. why is dongpyo here? and how does he- the continuous knocks on the door interrupted her thoughts. she took in a deep breath before reaching out to the doorknob, hesitant to twist it. she sighed and twisted it, opening the door to have dongpyo standing there.

"dongpyo? w-what are you doing here?" she asked, trying to smile.

he just looked at her, not saying anything. he blinked his eyes a few times before trying to look behind her, into her house.

"and how do you know i'm her-"

dongpyo pushed passed her, letting himself into the house. haeyoung frowned at him, clearly confused at why he's at her house and how he knew about it anyway.

dongpyo looked around the living room and saw the picture of haeyoung and her dad, with the torn edges at the side too. he walked over to it and picked it up, looking at it. haeyoung frowned. it was exactly what happened when he first came to her house.

she walked over to him and snatched the picture frame out of his hands, wondering does he remember.

"don't you know it's rude to be touching other people's things," she tried to recite from the first time, hoping that it's as close as it is. dongpyo scoffed and looked around, before looking back at her.

"what are you doing here and how-"

"who are you."

haeyoung looked at him and didn't reply. she really wants to tell him that she's his girlfriend, but now that he has someone else, what will turn out of him remembering?

dongpyo took a step closer to him and placed his arms on her shoulder, looking sternly straight into her eyes.

"tell me why do i keep getting dreams of you!" he screamed out, making haeyoung flinched. she has never seen this side of dongpyo, the angry type. and even if he was, he never screamed or shouted at her that loud before.

"if i tell you, would you even believe me?"

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